She could see Earth through the window
It had become as if it was almost not at all
Now only distant to that divided folk community;
she had become all of whom heaven would
know and it’s next port of call
Though the rules didn't allow green on stone,
she thought how could I be judged so harshly,
when he never told me I would be the one?
They would play God without permission, but
they would also deny him before the sun rose
But she knew the truth of its orbit
And it was no longer her enemy who stole the light
she lovingly raised in a garden where hope grows
She tired of investing in social gatherings
Now it seemed so much a relief
to be the one who thinks only of nothings
She thought of skipping off of atmospheres
and the life of dread that floated on air,
yet she never laughed so much
But it was the fear that made her delirious
while the deniers of mortality could only stare
She never wanted for her next meal
There was always a home, but was it
about something she once thought to steal?
The plans had changed though time only
looked at the watch it carried for chances
It wasn’t sadness but instead a blessing
Nobody else could relate but she knew that
warnings were not related to circumstances
Without thinking anymore of why it happened
or why somebody would choose life without dignity,
she could only wait for miracles to be as imagined