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 Jan 2014 Sylvana
Katlyn Orthman
I asked myself,
why am I proud of being a Human being?
For a while I didn't know
I could only think of all the wrong I'm seeing
painted in blood on the ivory snow.

I thought to myself,
humans are weak and afraid of the truth,
we hurt others to appease ourselves.
People use lies in place of solid proof,
for golden trophy's placed on their shelves.

I watched
as people laughed and hurt one another
for something as invaluable as fame.
And as I did I felt guilty
to be apart of a race put to shame.

I watched
as bravery was described as a man behind a gun
killing in the name of "peace"
I saw people hating and judging for fun
because that was what looked good at the time.

I saw death
on the news, in the papers, on the streets
and cried as the blood was spilled
I watched people fighting one another
for a position so irrelevant being filled.

I watched gangs go to war
because he's black and he's white
I saw people excluding one another
because she prefers dark while she prefers light.

But when I flipped to the next page
I saw that they held out their hand
to people in need
They gave their knowledge to those who didn't understand
and take in those that they feed.

I saw a smile in the crowd
when hope was not in sight
and I saw a warring man
put down his gun in that fight.

I watched them build a neighbor's house
when the going got tough
I saw them lend a shoulder
when the days got to rough.

I saw another man preach
when we needed a change
and I saw another one accept
when the other was strange.

We'll never be utopia
no but we can try to be
 Jan 2014 Sylvana
i am getting rid of you
and i am doing it in such a way that you think it is your idea.
this way i have not the guilt

i am so terribly relieved
but i am also becoming so terribly sad
this is what i want
this is what i need
this is what we both need
but for some reason i still don't know why i'm doing it

you are winding me down now
letting me down easy
with your last constructive words
of how good this conversation has been
for better or for worse
like we are recalling our vows
as we are breaking them
and i have nothing to say after you thank me
nothing long winded
nothing regretful
you are thanking me for making you fall out of love

i do not think that is such a thing one should be thanked for
 Jan 2014 Sylvana
Shades of Grace
I can’t decide which part is worse.*

4 am, lying restlessly awake, feeling like I’m in some sort of heart free-fall, every fiber of me reaching for you and the mirage of what I want us to be.


Sitting across from you in a room with friends, my stomach in knots, trying to keep my smile as smooth and cool as yours seems, working so hard to pry my mind off of memories of you and I.


When we’re finally alone and the strained conversation is swallowing me like a black hole inside my chest, ******* from the inside out, the gulf of sentiments we won’t venture painfully widening the creeping chasm between us.


Those songs on the radio that remind me of you, telling of what we have been, what we could be, their rhythms stirring up the strangest ripples of longing and regret and panic and isolation.


The quiet moment when I catch your eye and try to read between the lines of your words and gestures, searching your receding depths for hidden traces of this same torture, wondering with mixed hope and fear if that longing still burns deep in you.

I can’t decide which is worse.

To endure it and hope it gets better.

**Or to leave and know it never will.
 Nov 2013 Sylvana
Daniel Kenneth
A thousand moments we took for granted
In the blink of an eye a year flies past
With a yawn spanning decades until suddenly
You wake up alone, not sure why
The diaspora college brings upon us is tragic
Shattered ties and broken hearts litter the land
Forced out into a world lacking compassion
We become adults far too soon
Wandering our way through the desert
In search of life, and love
and happiness
Hoping to find meaning
Desperate for a reason to keep going
Tired and hungry, lost and alone
 Nov 2013 Sylvana
 Nov 2013 Sylvana
I refuse to continue
  silently creeping
   through this empty forest
    with the only company being my darkest demons.

      I look down and see only a pathway,
       nothing but a never-ending grey haze

        I reach a dilemma
         as the pathway concludes.
          It dawns on me that I must change direction
           into a golden meadow of many opportunities
            or a black tunnel of nothingness,
             where I would no longer feel a thing.

I remain indecisive
It's not very good as I'm quite new to the world of poetry and this is my first proper poem. Nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy. :)
 Nov 2013 Sylvana
I've grown so weary over these bland days
Of derelict caverns in the smiling youth
Engrossed within this perpetual phase
Of this disassociation from will to mouth
Its vain to be kindred with a free spirit
When you're the only person to hear it

These unending conversations with no reply
Have left me content with an arbitor silence
With my questions and answers in short supply
This depravity ridden with failing patience
I could write a fitting quote that is all my own
But,it's better to be stepped on than left all alone

I once heard those words in the presence of god
He laughed in my face with a screech in my ear
Shoved hell in my view and I gave him a nod                                                    
For the terror it shows is all that we fear
This is written on walls with blood as the ink
I saw it that day and I began to think

What will we take away from this earth?
Can memory live longer that a thought?
Could we remember our life before birth?
Or will we just blend into void and rot?
I begin to ask what is the greater release?
The pleasures of relief or to merely cease?

... And,These weeks go by without a single toil
I wake every day just as the sun will set
This world turns and waits to be spoiled
I fail to see how resistence can be met
When existence is naught but the dawn of the end
A handful of dust and our pride to defend
 Nov 2013 Sylvana
 Nov 2013 Sylvana
I have styles that go for miles, but they cause frowns and don't cause smiles
i have files of rhymes in piles written on the floors and ceiling tiles
i have thoughts and i mean lots, i connect the dots at a million watts
you take *** shots, but if that's all you got, all i can say is your rhyme's not hot
it's the same old same, same old name, just another freeze frame in the game
your aim is pretty lame, the fame that never came, now so tame, a fizzling flame

i could go on for days, in so many ways, but it isn't going to faze a mind in a haze
i hope i shined my rays on a burnt out blaze, beaming through the greys of your played out daze
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