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Sep 2014 · 279
lonely with you
pluie d'été Sep 2014
kiss my wrist
the way you're used

and tell me the secrets
all the girls

watch my
the beautiful ones
you say
watching you

and smile
when they melt
into rain
as our fingers

slip through
to the cold air
and make it all grey
instead of
the undefineable
i was drowning in

but first
kiss me again
before you go
I love
to feel

with you
Sep 2014 · 627
pluie d'été Sep 2014
your song
saved me

just after

thank you
for not losing me

thank you
for not letting me
lose myself
Aug 2014 · 250
pluie d'été Aug 2014
when you say
my name
and imprint
the mark
of your lips

on my shoulder
i feel the force
of gravity
release me

please stay
long enough
to save me
from spinning out

to your favourite place

Aug 2014 · 1.6k
pluie d'été Aug 2014
you have left
a crime scene
inside of my head

stain the glance
from my eyes
with gray
and give me a kiss
whenever i say
saving me
with a tragedy
that makes me so happy

steal my heart
with your brown eyes
the way we so carelessly
throw away
the dreams we could be having
(i prefer your words

won't you
become my anchor
and pull me close to you
whenever we need to
float away

Aug 2014 · 281
the same current
pluie d'été Aug 2014
the wind moves
into me
the way the sun once did

and fierce silver
in place of gold

i get goosebumps
from its

and i close my eyes
and wonder

if the same invisible current
touched you
in just the same
secret way
Aug 2014 · 231
pluie d'été Aug 2014
this is what it takes

late nights
with no sleep

being able to
want it with you

unable to have it
without you
Aug 2014 · 295
pluie d'été Aug 2014
don't let me become the girl
you ponder upon
Aug 2014 · 601
pluie d'été Aug 2014
we're so determined
about everything
that we forget
to remember
that gravity
is still
holding us down
Aug 2014 · 312
If I Were To
pluie d'été Aug 2014
If I were to
Write about you
Every night
For one hundred and thirty three
Dark stained

Would all the stars align
(we can pretend
that we're fatalists
when the moon
reaches our fingertips)
and our eyes
To each others'

If I were to write about you
And your eyes and the way
Your smile forms
Would it stay that way

If I were to write
And Tomorrow
About the pattern
The sound of your voice
In my heart
Would I be able to stay alive

And if I were to write about you
Again and again
Until my fingertips
Were laden
And saturated
Black and blue
From bruises
And ink
Would you still
Want to kiss them?
Aug 2014 · 388
pluie d'été Aug 2014
You used to be
Like a bruise
That I would keep

Just to make it stay
Aug 2014 · 254
pluie d'été Aug 2014

i miss you

(i wish
i could tell you.)
Aug 2014 · 358
pluie d'été Aug 2014
we keep
searching for words
that sound
like flowers

in autumn
before they fall

but all we ever find
with tired
hopeless eyes
are the words
that sound

like crumbling
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
pluie d'été Aug 2014
there are two paths
to take

when society
begins to destroy itself

I. stay and make it slightly better


II. run away.
Aug 2014 · 537
i am waiting for you
pluie d'été Aug 2014
i am waiting for you
and the cracks
between your fingers

at night
when i fall asleep
and dream
about anyone
but you

i feel your absence
and i feel my mind
moving to the space
you hold
over and over

i am waiting
for you
Aug 2014 · 460
pluie d'été Aug 2014
I love you

and sometimes
I am too afraid

does that mean
that I don't?
Jul 2014 · 330
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i hope the wind
is as never ending
as your fragile
Jul 2014 · 805
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i keep getting lost
on the trail
that winds
through the forest

green leaves

rough trunks
in neat rows


like a stuck record

i keep
without going around
Jul 2014 · 396
when you were awake
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i didn't dream of you
last night
and i don't know
if it was because my subconscious
wasn't missing you
or if you weren't thinking of me

when you were awake
Jul 2014 · 347
pluie d'été Jul 2014
Daisy Buchanan
Once said
That there was nothing better
A girl could be in this world
Than a beautiful

When I smile
With flowers in my hair
And innocence
Pooled with naivety
In my eyes

I hate myself
Jul 2014 · 339
pluie d'été Jul 2014
if rain was yours
i would be yours

but you have the thunderclouds
and the lightening

and the earth
is screaming for me
Jul 2014 · 770
pluie d'été Jul 2014
if i could choose to be guilty
of one thing
it would be
that i will love you

but i'm innocent
and so sorry

unless forever
ended now
Jul 2014 · 276
pluie d'été Jul 2014
once upon a time
there was an I
who believed

that writers
wrote poems
and that words
were poetry

the I
would write
and write
and the words would drop
from the I's pen
onto crumbling paper
that was torn
for effect

and create lines
and lines
of empty poetry
that the I
would snort
when the I
was alone

one day
before the moon left
and the sun rose
and the I's eyes closed

the I discovered
that the real poem
was the person
the room
Jul 2014 · 391
except for Sunday
pluie d'été Jul 2014
the paleness
of my skin
makes me
want to cry
on Tuesdays

lie with me
in the sunlight
and stain me
with your gaze
on every other day

except for Sunday

on Sunday
hold me
under crumpled covers

and listen to the rain
Jul 2014 · 205
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i always wondered
what it would be like

to forget
how to
Jul 2014 · 500
i don't want a dozen poems
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i don't know
if i should keep writing
about you

i don't want
blue poems
and yellow poems

to being with you

or white poems
and grey poems

falling for you
and recording
every arguement

and i don't want to write
a red poem
or a black poem

for when i fall
in love
and when you
my heart

i don't want
a dozen poems

the only poem i want

is you
Jul 2014 · 375
pluie d'été Jul 2014
I am too tired
To count the words
I meant
On my fingers

I will lean across the bed
To you
Where you are staring
At the white wall

And you will cup my chin
As you light the cigarette
From my
Red lips

Your grey eyes
Will stay there
Like the smoke
I breathe into the sky

And it won't be enough
To write
Or sleep
Or make your version
Of love

But it will be okay
Like you say

Because having enough
Is never enough

Jul 2014 · 237
pluie d'été Jul 2014
a writer
is a sum
of their experiences
and feelings

the man said

his eyes hidden
and burnt

by the sun

how can i write
if i feel

Jul 2014 · 288
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i fell in love
one night

in April
i think

with the illusion
your words painted

on the skin
of my closed eyes
Jul 2014 · 210
pluie d'été Jul 2014
isn't the eternity

we were brought up
to believe


it ends
for the butterfly
and for the blossoms
that land in your hair
Jul 2014 · 340
How Wise and How Kind
pluie d'été Jul 2014
how wise
and how kind

is never something
anyone wishes
to be

if they know
what happens
to stain you
that way
Jul 2014 · 567
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i lie still
in the morning
and watch the sunrise
creep up
my wall
to the white
of my ceiling

bathed in grey light
by unfallen rain

i wish the rays
of sun
were your eyes
over me
Jul 2014 · 389
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i don't think
my words
could have created

the beautiful mind
that you have
Jul 2014 · 852
pluie d'été Jul 2014
you forgot the ***
of daffodils
that i gave you
in autumn

and by winter
their soul
had gone
next year

their flowers
hung yellow
like tissue paper
and when the breeze
stirred them
they were dragged
by wilted stems

and drew lines
in the dust
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i turn out all the lights
and stumble
in the dark

because all i see
with the lights on
is electricity
and certainty

sometimes it's better
to almost
stumble down
the stairs
and be saved by shadows
of paleness
Jul 2014 · 304
pluie d'été Jul 2014
let me hold your hand
and caress your wrist
with my fingertips

look me in the eyes
and look away

i wish it was guilt
but guilt
isn't the synonym
for shame
and shame
is beige
and unrelenting
it's never halting
it's only
your conscience
you know

so move your hand
and palestine

it seems to be so easy
to press
the red button

why then,
is the aftermath
so ******* hard
Jul 2014 · 566
pluie d'été Jul 2014
the pale moths
silver and egg-shell blue
fall lilac
across the dusty
wooden floors
in the abandoned buildings
7th avenue

they all fall
every night
just before
the scattered pages
that drift across
the room
like sail boats
in summer
on the waves
of the spring breeze

their eyes
the ones that long for the sun
but are open
at the wrong hour
always see
the black swirls
that run into each other

just before
their wings
stop to fly

and their souls
in the heart of the crickets
hiding in the lawn
ignited by the fireflies

they just want to know
what those letters mean
Jul 2014 · 429
they throw
pluie d'été Jul 2014
the door
won't stop swinging
in the breeze

the water
in the kettle
while the blue
like the indians
in Peter Pan

the sky leaks
a lilac bruise
that taints
my eyes
and darkens
this empty

the chinese lanterns
double as long
in the reflection
of the window
to the trees

and i wonder
if your hand
feels like the warm patterns
of light
that they throw
Jul 2014 · 332
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i used to wish
that the sun
would stop wrestling
with the moon
and be up
at the same time

and then i realized
that they always were
Jul 2014 · 269
pluie d'été Jul 2014
you won't understand
everything i am
about to tell you

and i won't listen
when you talk
about the things
that don't make sense to me

you will frown
and i will scowl

and kiss away
the lines
the way you kiss
my swollen eyes
and make my cheeks

you will go
for long drives
into the night
and i will wake up early
and go for long walks
and try be back
to kiss you
before the sun
reaches your eyes

i will turn down the music
and you will
turn it up

and i won't change the song
the way you will
or hide the remote behind my back
with a teasing smile
the way you do

but i will appear clueless
when you look for your watch
(it will be around my wrist)

and you will pretend
that time doesn't matter to you
(although it does)
and i will pretend
that time does matter to me
(although it doesn't)
and drink tea
inhaling cigarette smoke
while you drink coffee
and exhale
into me
Jul 2014 · 271
At The End
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i wish
the plucked
falling petals
of the daisies
in a pile
on my lap

were honest

'he loves you
he loves you not'

i would count them
each time

and start with the one
that would let
'he loves you'
come at the end
Jul 2014 · 257
pluie d'été Jul 2014
"hold up
some fingers.
any number."

i hold  up 3

and his heart breaks  

that's the number
of times
i ought to be in love

and he knows
he can't be
the third

only the fourth
Jul 2014 · 288
pluie d'été Jul 2014
keep at it. please. laughing and crying
always gets the best
of me.
Jul 2014 · 210
pluie d'été Jul 2014
are all humans
with blood
like thunder
and words

(at least
that's what we
should be)

but we keep forgetting
and we move
our sites
over to someone else
and we press the red
we were told
never to
or pull the trigger
without seeing where the bullet
is about to go

and then we can smile
and laugh
and forget

the ruined buildings
and shattered skulls
Jul 2014 · 258
All I Feel
pluie d'été Jul 2014
I waited
For the longest time
For a hero
To come save the day
(not even me)

But the end
The way it never

And now I can't get the sound
Of a gun cracking
Out of my skull
Or the blood
Away from my eyes
(it keeps smearing
when i cry)

And all I feel
Is warmth
And red
And sand
Caught in my shoe

And you aren't even here
To tell
Jul 2014 · 207
pluie d'été Jul 2014
all the reasons
for our feelings
are blown away

by the wind
carried by the stars

dying leaves

but our feelings
never seem to leave
Jul 2014 · 231
pluie d'été Jul 2014
why do we laugh sometimes
when we don't mean to
and say words
that we immediately wish
hadn't spilled
from our lips?

why do we smile
when we really needn't
and why are we kind
to the people
who must be the most

why do we pretend
everything is okay
when it's not
and try to ignite
our shadows
before they consume
someone else's light
just as important
as our own

why do we agree
when our soul screams at us
to stop
and keep silent
when we should be
the loudest?

why do we keep letting
be the lie
we avoid
Jul 2014 · 351
pluie d'été Jul 2014
I think you must have
Pried open my jaw
And slipped your butterflies
Down my throat
Because when ever
I hear your voice
I feel their wings
Inside of me

Trying to get
To you
Jul 2014 · 960
pluie d'été Jul 2014
we all make the main characters
in the stories we write
have blue eyes
if ours are green
brown eyes
if ours are blue
and hazel
if they're grey

just so that
no one can tell

whose secrets
line the pages
in our favourite font
Jul 2014 · 289
i can't bring myself
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i found your voice
in a song
and you wrapped me
around your wrist

you place kisses
in the sky
and watch the ocean drown
the rest of the world
with its
salty love

rain down
on an entirety
and float away
on a cloud
and glimmer
on the dust
coating the chair
i can't bring myself
to sit on
Jul 2014 · 222
pluie d'été Jul 2014
you keep saying
that i'm like the moonlight
and expecting me
to rhyme
with the stars
when you kiss me
in the rain
in the dark
in front of a moving train
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