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May 2016 · 447
summer May 2016
she wears t-shirts 3 sizes too big,
she wears jackets and jumpers,
she wears jean and pants,
she is just a normal girl,
or so you thought,

she wears t-shirts 3 sizes too big,
to cover her body,
the bones sticking out,
the insecurities of being fat.

she wears jackets and jumpers,
to cover the scars,
to hide them away,
so no one can question her.

she wears jeans and pants,
to cover the there scars,
the bigger ones,
the more noticeable ones.

she is just a normal girl,
or so you thought.
May 2016 · 446
another day
summer May 2016
feeling the pain,
feeling the same,
feeling like ****,
feeling like this is it,
feeling alone,
feeling heavy as a stone,
feeling cold,
feeling old,
feeling bad,
feeling mad,
feeling the darkness,
feeling heartless,
feeling undeserving,
feeling like my world is curving,
feeling the pain,
feeling the same,
it's just
another day
May 2016 · 569
today is a bad day
summer May 2016
today, i woke up,
with my demons,
who are in a good mood today,
soo good,
they decided to make my day hell,
to make me feel like ****,
good morning,
they yelled,
i woke up,
with a sick feeling,
i did my hair,
while feeling like vomiting,
i almost did,
today is a bad day,
and i knew it when i woke up,
when i forced myself to eat something,
because i was on the verge of collapsing,
today is a bad day,
i saw him,
i smiled and he turned away,
today is a bad day,
because i almost ****** up everything,
and i didn't mean to,
today is a bad day,
and all my insecurities suddenly became visible,
and i tried to hide them,
today is a bad day.
May 2016 · 248
Never Before
summer May 2016
have i needed someone, as much as i need you,

Never before
have i ever wanted soo badly, as much as i want your arms around me,

Never before
have i thought that this could happen to me, because i don't deserve it.
May 2016 · 404
fuck anxiety
summer May 2016
the constant shaking,
and over thinking,
and the insecurities,
mixed with the feeling of always being alone,

**** anxiety,
and the attacks,
the crying,
and the sobbing,
the pain,

stupid anxiety,
for putting me through this this,
for making me hate the people i love,
for causing me to thin **** about them,
when really they are good people,

**** anxiety,
and what i have to do to hide it,
every single day of my life,
i have to stay strong,
and put on a smile to be 'normal',

**** anxiety,
and the stupid emotions it gives me,
the butterflies everyday,
the shaking,
just **** it.

**** anxiety.
May 2016 · 292
almost forgotten
summer May 2016
almost forgotten,
until you check your pockets,
until you feel the paper's edges against your finger tips,
almost forgotten,
until you remember the feeling it gave you,
until you think about the tingling sensation it left,
almost forgotten,
until you touch your lips with a memory of her touch,
until you wake up craving her words and touch.
May 2016 · 195
Out (9 word story)
summer May 2016
May 2016 · 202
someone's eyes
summer May 2016
could hold a million and one stories,
could hold all the pain in the world,
could fall in love again,
could see the heartbreak,
could see the lies,

someone's eyes
could see through mine,
see my pain,
and see my blame,

someone's eyes
could be someone else's world
May 2016 · 605
There, But Not Gone
summer May 2016
she can't say this is happening again,
for it to happen again,
it would mean it would have had to stop,
then started again,
but it never ended,
only faded,
to a soft thud,
still there,
but never,
she can't say it stopped,
because it didn't,
it has always been there,
but just when you were around,
it started to faded,
away slowly,
it was almost gone,
soo close,
if you gave it a bit more time,
she would have been okay,
for once,
but you didn't giver her more time,
you gave her heartbreak,
mixed with heartache,
and the fear of never being good enough,
and not ever being loved,
she can't say she is fine,
and mean it,
because that would be a lie.
May 2016 · 313
Gotta Get Out
summer May 2016
He gave her a choice,
take his hand and go,
she wanted to listen to his voice,
but she also wanted to stay though,

She hated it here,
nights spent alone in a crowd,
mixed with sweat and beer,
suddenly it became too loud,

She needed to get out,
leave this place,
but she was anxious with soo much doubt,
she dreamt too much of what it would be like in outer space,

He was there for her,
more than she deserved really,
and she life was going by in a blur,
she wanted to be okay freely,

She was always sad,
feeling like baggage and not good enough,
always feeling mad,
but she's gotta stay tough,

She wants to feel alive,
and not have to worry about it all,
she wants to turn up the music and go for a drive,
and dance in the dark to the rhythm of the rainfall.
May 2016 · 390
summer May 2016
she stands there,
in her room,
the only light coming from a dimly lit lamp,
sitting in the corner of the room,

she stands there,
thinking about it,
about you,
and everything in-between,

she stands there,
with a knife in her hands,
and words in her mind,
that will always be there,

she stands there,
with tears running down her cheeks,
not bothering to wipe them away,
because nothing matters now,

she stands there,
with her arms out,
looking down at it,
thinking about what this means,

she stands there,
knife to skin,
silence in the air,
someone yelling at her inside her head,

she stands there,
listening to the voice,
just do it already it says,
you don't even matter it says,

she stands there,
a memory came to here,
you and her smiling and laughing ,
it was all her fault,

she stands there,
looks over at the clock,
red numbers flick over as time passes by,
3:12am it says,

she lays there,
in her room,
the only light coming from a dimly lit lamp,
sitting in the corner of the room,
May 2016 · 238
summer May 2016
maybe this will be it,
when i finally have the guts to do it,
to admit to myself,
that this is what i really want,
what i really need,
maybe this will solve it all,
solve the rumours,
solve the drama's,
solve the lies,
maybe it would make some people happy,
to see a girl like me,
to know that,
she doesn't exist anymore,
so they can finally say,
thank **** for that,
maybe it's the right thing to do,
i'm sick of seeing the scars and the blood,
because really,
what does it all come down to?
whether or not i can do it,
because maybe this time,
i will,
because i am sick of the stares,
the rumours,
the lies,
and their liars,
i'm sick of the fake people,
because what did i do,
to deserve this,
just another girl,
trying to make her mark of the world,
trying to be normal,
fit in,
be happy even,
just another girl,
that no one cares about,
because i don't show my scars,
because i don't make them visible,
because i don't talk about death,
and the craving it has on me,
and the dark nights spent alone,
wondering if someone actually gives a **** about me,
just maybe,
i was wrong for once,
no one cares about me,
no one will,
how can they,
when i don't even care myself,
maybe this is it,
my last goodbye,
and i wrote it to you,
because maybe,
you care,
but i could be wrong.
May 2016 · 226
All I Need Is You
summer May 2016
we lay beneath the white sheets,
bodies close,
cars and people talk on the street,
but we will forget about those,

our hands exploring bare skin,
our eyes on each others lips,
we'll lay here for another min,
your body pressed against my hips,

we can lay here for forever,
wake up next to each other every day,
and we will never have to worry ever,
with clouds and skies too grey,

waking up next to you is what i want,
what i need the most
we don't need anything too fancy like an expensive restaurant,
because i just need you close.
summer May 2016
take my hand,
kiss my cheek,
and watch
it all
May 2016 · 292
Perfect Impostor
summer May 2016
what happened?
one day,
you were here,
then things changed,
you were physically here,
but somehow distant,
you came home,
distant an- and different,
i just want to know,
was it me,
did i do something,
say something,
i could have almost missed the signs,
the way your eyes stared off into no space,
the way your words lost all meaning,
the way your touch didn't feel the same,
almost the same,
but soo different,
you're a perfect impostor,
looks the same,
sounds the same,
but soo ******* different.
May 2016 · 250
summer May 2016
i thought i deleted them all,
the pictures of you and me,
our memories,
i thought i erased them,
forgot them,
but there they are,
in front of me,
causing me more pain each second i look at them,
our smiles,
the way you look at me,
now gone,
i thought i deleted them all,
the pictures that make me cry,
that pictures that make me feel alone,
1 year after,
and you still have the same affect you had on me from the start,
1 year,
and i still feel the same,
and what hurts the most,
is that you don't feel the same,
and i have to move on,
i gotta move on,
for myself,
to be happy again,
because holding on,
is doing nothing,
nothing but pain,
and loneliness,
and the dark nights,
and the bad days,
which happen way too often to tell apart from my good ones,
i thought i deleted them all,
i wish i never took them in the first place.
May 2016 · 246
summer May 2016
I saw you.
And it wasn't
like before.
Before is over,
before cannot ever
come back.
We're in the
present now, where
we pretend
had never even

May 2016 · 303
Let's Forget.
summer May 2016
Take my hand,
i promise you,
everything will be okay.

Let's go,
leave it all behind,
because none of it matter's now.

Don't be scared,
you have me,
and i have you and that all we need.

Take my hand,
and get ready for the adventure,
because there's no looking back now.

Let's go,
grab your passport,
and forget about them.

Don't be scared,
the nightmares will stop,
i promise.

Take my hand,
and never let go,
because i need you as much as you need me.

Let's go,
pack your suitcase,
our planes leaves in an hour.

Don't be scared,
look at me,
i promise you, everything will be fine, i swear.
May 2016 · 174
This (You)
summer May 2016
i want this to be the end,
of my pain and sorrow,
i want this to be the start,
of something good,

you are the one,
to make me loose it all,
you are the one,
to make me feel happy,

and i'll throw it all away,
and watch you fall down,
and i'll throw it all away,
so you can fall into my arms again,

you are the one,
to make me loose it all,
you are the one,
to make me feel happy,

and i'll throw it all away,
and watched you fall into her arms again,
and i'll throw it all away,
and watched you fall,

take me back,
take me home,
watch me fall,
down to earth,

this is the start,
of something beautiful,
you are the one,
to make me loose it all.
May 2016 · 169
Welcome To Reality
summer May 2016
She walked into a room,
with walls painted white,
too bright for all her gloom,
but being here might be right.

On the walls are painted words,
Welcome To Reality, it reads,
her heart had been broken into thirds,
but being here is what she needs.

She sat down in a plain, green chair,
next to a taller boy who looked sad,
with dark brown hair,
but being here might not be too bad.

He smiled at her,
but only a little,
she thought of her past and all the "were's",
but being here won't make her soo brittle.

She is broken on the inside,
never happy and always alone,
she wears a smile to say i'm fine,
but being here is better and she has always known.

She wants to feel again,
something other that the endless pit of numbness,
to be happy truly and to forget all the stupid thoughts in her brain,
but being here isn't really the dumbest.

She looks around the room once more,
her eyes flickering from face to face,
and then to the door,
and she knows that by being here, it is the right place.
May 2016 · 403
I Almost...
summer May 2016
I almost
gave up,
on you.

I almost
let you go,
because i thought...

I almost
stopped talking to you,
isn't that what you wanted?

I almost
said sorry,
but it wasn't my fault.

I almost
left you,
but then i thought...

I almost
told you,
that i needed you.

But then you
came home,
and held me.

But then you
never let me go,
till we woke up.

But then you
said sorry,
for the words you said.

But then you
with me.

But then you
told me,
you loved me more than the moon it's-self.
May 2016 · 190
summer May 2016
summer May 2016
i feel good,

i feel worthless,
May 2016 · 227
summer May 2016
i want to forget it all,
your smile,

i wish i could erase it all,
your words,

i don't want it all,
your touch,

i didn't deserve it all,
your attention,

i need to forget it all,
your lies,
May 2016 · 169
The Biggest Lie.
summer May 2016
it's fine,
i'm fine,
after everything,
i am fine.

after the fights,
and the lonely nights,

after looking at my scars,
and looking to the stars,

after seeing the blood,
and playing in the mud,

after breaking the mirror,
and still nothing seems clearer,

after hating myself,
and breaking the shelf,

after cutting my skin,
and wanting to be thin,

after all the starving,
and the harming,

after all the pain,
and no gain,

it's fine,
i am fine,
after everything,
i am fine,
i promise.
May 2016 · 832
She is Trying.
summer May 2016
she hides
her tears
in the

she walks
around with
her heart
on her

she talks
about all
the things
everyone else
is too
afraid to

she thinks
about way
too many
things but
can still
force a

she knows
that in
order to
be loved,
you gotta
love yourself

And that's
what she
is trying
to do.
May 2016 · 321
My Pain Is Worthless To You
summer May 2016
break my heart,
it's not like it would be painful,

make me cry,
it's not like i am stronger enough not to,

walk away,
it's not like i need you,

hit me,
it's not like i could feel it anyway,

bruise me,
it's not like anyone is going to see,

hate me,
it's not like i loved you anyway.
May 2016 · 198
summer May 2016

May 2016 · 131
So do you.
summer May 2016
i get it,
i understand,
we all have our issues,
insecurities with ourselves,
but i don't get you,
you are fake,
you want it all,
you want the attention to feel something other than the pain,
you need to feel something more,
so do i,
but i don't need the attention,
i don't need to flash my body,
or make up lies,
i just need someone,
who is nice and will be there for me,
and i think,
so do you.
May 2016 · 396
summer May 2016
take a selfie,
show some ****,
give 'em some dimple,
with hair in face.

act all sad,
and maybe even vulnerable,
because you know,
that's how to get the boys.

i met you last year,
and i thought maybe you were okay,
but nah,
your not.

take a selfie,
wear practically no clothes,
show some ****,
because you get all the boys.

take a selfie,
maybe someone will love you then,
but they won't,
not when your showing them everyhting.

take a selfie,
post it,
you look cute,
nah you say i am ugly you say.
May 2016 · 144
Not Like The Other's
summer May 2016
you didn't lie to me,
you were pretty nice to me,
and you made me smile,
happy even.

i thought that maybe,
you would be different,
not talk to every girl that gave you the time and day,
i thought i was maybe enough.

but nah,
i thought that maybe,
just maybe you were different,
not like the other boys,
not leave me for her.

but i got my hopes up once again,
to have them shattered into the same million pieces,
i got my hopes up,
because i thought that you liked me,
liked me enough to stay.
May 2016 · 195
You Thought She Was Fragile
summer May 2016
oh, she flinched when you went to touch her,
she didn't want you to touch her,
so don't touch her,

oh, she built her walls to get away from you,
she didn't want to know you,
leave her alone,

oh, she distracts herself when it is just you two,
she doesn't want to be near you,
get away from here,

oh, she doesn't say much when you're around,
she doesn't feel comfortable,
stop talking,

og, she walked away from you today and every other day,
she didn't want to stay there next to you,
go away,

oh, she is happy and she smile and laughs,
she is with her friends,
don't you see,

oh, she is more beautiful than ever when she is happy,
she says what she wants and looks nice,
it was you,

oh, you thought she was fragile,
you were wrong,
because look
at her.
May 2016 · 268
Hold Me.
summer May 2016
Hold my hand
as we walk
down the
road or
between the
trees of the

Hold my gaze
as we stand
faraway from
prying eyes and
gossiping mimes
without faces
and sound.

Hold me,
as we watch
the stars,
in the middle
of nowhere
with nowhere
to be and
nowhere to go.

Hold my heart,
as i give you
my all,
in the shadows
of the innocent
and in-between
the sheets made of
May 2016 · 181
summer May 2016
i wake up,
look at myself in the mirror,
i don't like what i see,
but i

i go somewhere,
see people,
all i do is,

i hear the rumours,
about me,
their all lies,
but i gotta

the same,
the pain,
never ending and constant,
but i still
and will always

i gotta just smile the pain away
May 2016 · 384
summer May 2016
maybe i could just,
walk away,
pack up,

maybe it would be easier,
for you,
if i wasn't here,
and for me,
if i didn't have to see you,
happy everyday.

maybe i could just,
vanish like i was never here,
go away,
and leave you be,
because you never truly loved me.
May 2016 · 235
I Fear
summer May 2016
you will
leave me,
lose me,
hate me,
want me,
need me.

I fear
you will
not love me,
not need me,
not want to stay,
not try hard enough.

I fear
you will
leave me
love me.
May 2016 · 220
LoVe YoU cRaZy
summer May 2016
Everybody's sayin' seize the day,
All I hear when they say seize the day is your name,

So alone with the love so tragic,
One taste, I'm a full blown addict,

Now I keep comin' back, gotta have it,
Gotta have it,

In jail or devil or neither,
And you got me sweatin', that fever,
And when the heat is gone you make me a believer.
May 2016 · 243
Blurred Vision
summer May 2016
She couldn't see because it's foggy,
Her hair damp and heart all groggy,
She can barely see in in front of her,
All the memories becoming just one blur,
Her vision tainted by the insecurities of tears,
His voice rings clear in her ears,
She knows the town she is in,
But all her chances are wearing thin,
Walking around at midnight,
But it's still too bright,
Her body numb with the pain,
She has nothing to gain,
Her sneakers painted blue to match her heart,
She was doomed from the very start,
She need to find her way,
But the skies are grey,
The rain is heavy against her skin,
Tears meet up and join at her chin,
She can't find home,
She is all alone,
These streets were once familiar,
Once were clearer,
But now everything is gone,
She tore up the maps she'd drawn,
She will never find her way home again,
And only she is to blame,
Because she got lost,
She risked everything for the cost,
Because now she will always and forever be,
May 2016 · 197
Let's Get Lost:
summer May 2016
We can hide in a forest somewhere on the east coast,
Using our hearts to lead us somewhere new,
A place without gossip and post,
We will hide and not leave a clue,
We can skip it all and go to New York,
Recreate ourselves with new identities,
We can hide out become dorks,
We can create our own destinies,
We could even visit Switzerland too,
Sit around all day and watch 'How I Met Your Mother',
Maybe then i wouldn't feel that blue,
And there is nothing i would rather,
Just me and you,
We could get lost for an eternity,
I could even get a tattoo,
This is what i want, most certainly.
May 2016 · 119
summer May 2016

May 2016 · 209
Let's Runaway!
summer May 2016
take my hand,
trust me,
we will be fine,
let go of it all,
passports in hand,
pick a place,
any place,
just choose one,
i will go where you want to go,
just choose.
summer May 2016
when you take everything away from,
when you punch me in the gut,
when you stab me in the back,
when you call me ***** or **** or *****,
when you push me to the ground,
when you slap me,
when you beat me,
when you lie to me,
when you hide form me,
when you ignore me,
when you hurt me time after time,
when you tell me you love me,
when you tell me you hate me,
when you tell me you wish i was dead,
when you do this to me everyday,
when you break me to the point of no recovery,
when you think you own me,
when you think i am weak,
when you underestimate me,
when you think i am stupid,
when you treat me this everyday.
May 2016 · 171
summer May 2016
me & you,
in my bed,
on a Sunday,
our bodies warm,
we lay next to each other,
staring into your eyes,
our hands in-twined,
our bodies underneath the sheets,
we laugh and smile and give our all,
show each other our truth's,
tell each other our pasts,
i listen to the melodies your voice creates,
i just want to be,
to feel,
close to you.
May 2016 · 220
My Plead
summer May 2016
i stood on her front lawn,
at 12:57am,
i had a few pebbles in my hand,
it was freezing cold,
i need to get her back,
i walked round to her window,
somewhere in the dark,
my memories take me there,
i stand there for a minute,
contemplating either yes or no,
i need to show her i care,
i stand there,
slowly chucking the pebbles up at her window,
each hitting the window with a soft but there tap,



the sound,
a plead,
i want her to come to the window,
she doesn't.
May 2016 · 336
I Give Up
summer May 2016
i can't sleep,
not after everything,
i roll over and check the time,
not even 2 hours,
it's gonna be a long night,
i roll over,
and toss and turn,
trying to get back to sleep then i hear it,
the tap,
i wait,
maybe it was just something outside,
nope there it goes again,


i roll over,
he is out there,
i know he is,
s much as i want him back,
i can't,
i can't do it anymore,
i almost go to the window,
but then i don't.
summer May 2016
want to
think about
what i have to
say to you for the
time being because
that means having to
think back to everything
and all the emotions rise up
again and i don't know if i can
handle that right now in the midst
of all things complicated coated heavily
with all your lies and all the things you hide
because that means having to let go of it all, and
having to let go of you and to be honest, i don't know
if i am completely ready to do that, to lose you for more
than a lifetime, to lose you forever, for infinity, and to say goodbye
May 2016 · 764
I Don't Deserve You.
summer May 2016
i blame you for my mistakes,
because i can't become face to face,
with the realities of the issues,
on the ground are tear crumple tissues,

your soo good to me,
it's almost hard to believe,
i yell at you when i'm angry,
almost want you to let me leave,

but i'm glad you don't,
and i know you won't,
you love me and that's it,
like a puzzle piece, we fit,

i hate how i treat you some times,
i feel guilty like their crimes,
and i am sooo terribly sorry,
and i know you worry,

i don't deserve you,
and i always knew,
you would be here forever,
and you won't leave me, never.
May 2016 · 669
A Poem (10w)
summer May 2016
With his touch,

i wasn't lost,

but really only found.
May 2016 · 193
What Happened
summer May 2016
we used to talk everyday


now we don't.
May 2016 · 285
summer May 2016
you do not know how angry i am at the moment,
maybe i don't look angry,
or sound angry,
but i am,
i'm am furious.

you ask
what happened?
you plead
did someone do something to you?
i answer.

it's too complicated for me.

i am not a high maintenance girlfriend,
you didn't have to do much,
all you had to do was be there,
and be honest,
and not ignore me when i find out the truth,
we could have just talked it through.

let's start this:
it's not you,
it's me,
it's defiantly you,
i didn't do anything wrong.

you do not know how angry i am at the moment,
maybe i don't look angry,
or sound angry,
but i am,
i'm am furious.

you ask
what happened?
you plead
did someone do something to you?
i answer.

it's too complicated for me.

i am not a high maintenance girlfriend,
you didn't have to do much,
all you had to do was be there,
and be honest,
and not ignore me when i find out the truth,
we could have just talked it through.

let's start this:
it's not you,
it's me,
it's defiantly you,
i didn't do anything wrong.

i'm over your ****,
i'm done with you,
yeah i still like you,
but your not worth my time
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