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 Jan 2013 Subucni
Olga Valerevna
nothing here is mended, it's underneath my skin
hidden by the layers of my flesh-colored chagrin
newness i've not welcomed, or not the way i should
for i could not compel myself to move from where i stood
and so the clock has started, it's turned itself anew
keeping time despite the fact that i can't follow suit
i'm parallel to minutes, for seconds pass too quick
but i believe eventually my hands will lose their grip
it's telling of my nature, symbolic to the core
the way i want to hold onto the things that fuel the war
soon i'll be surrounded by all that i have made
the demons that i've kept inside will go out on parade
see, someone had been searching my lonely wounded heart
and piecing it together every time i fell apart
but i have reached my limit, my seeker left me be
in body - yes - in spirit - no - i'm circling this tree
its roots are the foundation, personified divine
nurtured by the fluids that are leaking from my spine
i'm mindful of the secrets stored within this source
filtered through perceptive thoughts and carried as a force
everything i'm made of are things that can't be seen
and that is why the seeker lives - to disengage the screen
You'll come with me
Won't you?
You'll stay by me
Won't you?
Here have my heart
Keep it safe for me,
Won't you?
Can I have yours too?
Oh, I see;
You don't have it
Well, you can still
Keep mine;
That way you'll
Always remember me,
Wont you?
I'll just go on ahead
And keep climbing
Heading into
The unknown
All alone;
With only
Your memories
To keep me
Call me
When you get
Your heart back;
Wont you?
My hollowed chest
Won't hold
Any other heart
But yours...
© okpoet
 Jan 2013 Subucni
Zach Gordon
I've seen, I'm blind
I've tried, I fail
I've heard, I'm deaf
I've laughed, I cried

I've jumped, I fall
I've tripped, I crawl
I'm starting to think
you don't care at all.
 Jan 2013 Subucni
Cameron Marsh
You have always been my little bird,
my quiet song,
my twinkling bell.

You have always been my first,
my silent whisper,
my lovely solace.

You have always been my underdog,
my ticking clock,
my oxygen mask.

I wish you were my last,
my golden band,
my blooming tree.

But you have always been my unrequited,
my ignorant rose,
my rugged boulder,
my shoulder,
my hand,
 Jan 2013 Subucni
Lily Mayfield
We found her note
This was unexpected
It had just one quote

She thought life was worthwhile
Or so it seemed
With a smile
She always beamed

Never we thought her
We just couldn't believe
The clues we didn't infer
We should've lifted her sleeve

It's hard to say good-bye
Why didn't she just talk
We could've held her high
But instead she chose to walk

We found her note
"This isn't worth it."
That's all she wrote
Written on May 6, 2012
Shields and shields of ice,

On every inch of your skin,

Hiding sin after sin,

Combining two losses for every single win,

Such shame to hold vice,

And to not renounce virtue,

Naively walk in to the lies you unconsiously pursue

Give in to what we all do,

Sense of happiness and control,

Over time your little charade depletes and gets old,

Presenting those smiles covered in gilded gold,

Only fools them,

But the face in the mirror always knows,

And I can always tell

That the look on your faces never cease to echo,

In the part of me that's less dark and less shallow,

You and I,

We  aren't so different,

We both wish you'd break and be yourself,

Prove to everyone that you are capable,

Let all that ice melt into the  cracked pavement,

Finally free you and I from this self-enslavement.
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Dec 2012 Subucni
Diego Bolanos
I’m in a garden surrounded by roses;
There is a special rose which I have named Mary.
A red rose that reminds me of your lips.
Every detail, each petal touching one another.
The texture and softness, the fragrance and natural freshness.
Its illogical but understandable form of developing petals simply amazes me.
Its beauty, its nature, its everything reminds me of you.
My red rose, the reason of my smile, the axis of my universe.
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