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Stu Harley May 6
Not Jasmine's sweetness, nor the rose's pride,
Love's fragrance whispers, deep inside.
An earthy scent, of fertile, sun-warmed ground,
Where life begins, with silent, steady sound.

Moss-covered stones, and dampened forest floor,
A primal rhythm, at love's very core.
The scent of roots, that burrow strong and true,
A grounded passion, ever fresh and new.

Rich, musky notes, of nature's sweet embrace,
Love's earthy scent, a love that time won't erase.
Stu Harley May 4
Lord this boy is bright
as a ten-watt lightbulb
well, he needs some home-schooling
to properly integrate himself
into our society
Lord, don't send this boy to hell
take the gun out of his hands
please give this boy a chance
Oh Lord, don't let him drink
from the poison well
just because he wants to be a man
Stu Harley Apr 25
Oh, love, if you remember me, 'tis true,
A faded echo whispered soft and blue.
Like distant music, on the wind, it floats,
A melody of moments, shared in secret notes.

Did stolen glances, laughter light and free,
Leave any trace, within your memory?
Or have the seasons, with their changing tide,
Erased the footprints where our love did hide?

But hope persists, a flicker in the night,
Oh, love, if you remember me, ignite
Stu Harley Apr 25
In the depths of the Nile, a mystery unfolds,
Egyptian blue, a story yet untold.
Your eyes, a mirror, reflecting heavens vast,
Where love ignites, a passion meant to last.

Not sapphire's fire, nor ocean's endless hue,
But pharaoh's whispers, secrets born anew.
A timeless gaze, where galaxies reside,
In their depths, forever I confide.

A hypnotic spell, a love both fierce and true,
Lost in your eyes, Egyptian blue.
Stu Harley Apr 24
Aching emptiness, a hollow, searching beat,
Love, a lost hunter, with weary, searching feet.
Through barren lands, laughter turned to sighs,
It seeks a haven, with longing in its eyes.

Is your heart hidden, a fortress built so strong?
Do whispers echo, where no love songs belong?
But wait, a flicker, a warmth against the night,
A gentle tremor, a hesitant, shy light.

Perhaps your heart, too, is searching for its own,
Love's quest may end, where two souls become one.
Stu Harley Apr 23
Yes, if only this love you thirst for burns,
A desert wellspring, where your spirit yearns.
No parched despair, no longing unfulfilled,
This love, a chalice, patiently instilled.

A cool reprieve, a sweetness you can taste,
Banishing dryness, a love that won't be wasted.
A flowing stream, where solace finds its way,
Nourishing hope, to greet a brighter day.

So drink your fill, from depths where love resides,
This endless thirst, at last, forever satisfied.
Stu Harley Apr 23
Thorns of past hurts, a prickly, bitter crown,
Love, with a soft touch, gently tears them down.
No vengeful rage, no prideful, sharp reply,
But empathy's balm, a soothing lullaby.

Forgiveness blooms, a vine with a gentle hold,
Mending the wounds, where stories yet unfold.
Understanding whispers, soft and warm,
Dissolving anger, weathering the storm.

Transformed by love, our hearts begin to heal,
No bitter thrones remain, just love, revealed.
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