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Stu Harley Apr 23
Love plants her seed, a whisper soft and frail,
In the fertile ground, where dreams and hopes prevail.
No flourish yet, no vibrant bloom to see,
Just trust and care, for what is meant to be.

With gentle rain, of tenderness and grace,
Love's seedling grows, a smile on its face.
Sunlight of joy, and patience as the dew,
Nurture the roots, where love forever grew.

Through storms, it may bend, but never break in two,
Love's planted seed, a promise strong and true.
Stu Harley Apr 23
Oh, Love, your will, a mystery unfolds,
A path we walk, with stories yet untold.
Though twists may turn, and shadows dim the way,
We trust your hand, to guide us through the day.

For in your depths, a wisdom resides,
A tapestry of choices, where fate confides.
We surrender doubts, and fears that hold us down,
With open hearts, on love's uncharted ground.

No fight, no struggle, but a gentle peace,
Oh, Love, thy will be done, our spirits released.
Stu Harley Apr 23
In lunar realms, where shadows ever creep,
A barren land, where solace seems to sleep,
Love sheds her light, a beacon soft and kind,
A gentle touch upon the heart and mind.

No scorching sun, but luminescence pure,
It was a moonlit dance, forever to endure.
Unseen it blooms, in craters stark and cold,
A fragile warmth, a story yet untold.

For even darkness craves a tender ray,
Love sheds her light, on the dark side of the day.
Stu Harley Apr 21
The world below, a canvas veiled in white,
Love is above these clouds, a soaring flight.
Storms rage unseen, where shadows twist and turn,
Yet here we fly, on wings that brightly burn.

Sunlight ignites the edges, soft and gold,
A whispered promise, never to grow old.
Hand in hand, we dance on windswept streams,
Love's laughter echoes, brighter than our dreams.

Though storms may gather, dark and full of might,
Love is above these clouds, a beacon shining bright.
Stu Harley Apr 21
The rose unfurls, a crimson heart ablaze,
Love's tender bloom, in sunlight's warm embrace.
Petals unfurl, a fragrant, vibrant show,
Passionate depths, where whispered secrets flow.

But twilight deepens, shadows softly fall,
The rose retracts, and a hush descends on all.
Love's slumber deep, a quiet, folded grace,
Gathering strength, for dawn's awakening embrace.

Fear not the closing, nor the fading light,
Love's essence lingers, ever warm and bright.
For even veiled, its fragrance fills the air,
Love opens, and closes, yet its passion is there.
Stu Harley Apr 21
Love has no start, no finish line to cross,
A boundless river, ever at a loss
For origin or end, it simply flows,
Through valleys deep and where the wild wind blows.

It whispers tales in ancient, weathered stone,
And paints the sky with hues unseen, and unknown.
A timeless dance, in every heart it weaves,
A constant hum, in falling autumn leaves.

Love's melody transcends the hands of time,
A boundless echo, forever in its prime.
Yes, love takes time
Stu Harley Apr 21
A simple vow, yet grand and true,
Love, I shall be yours, forever new.
Not just a whisper, fleeting and so frail,
But steadfast strength, that weathers every gale.

A constant flame, a burning, gentle light,
Guiding your steps, through the darkest night.
A loyal heart, a hand to hold so tight,
Love, I shall be yours, in the morning's golden light.

Through laughter's chime and sorrow's falling tears,
My love, my life, I hold you ever near.
Oh love I shall be yours
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