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Stu Harley Apr 9
what dwells
deep inside
ash-pink rose
dreams of the ghost rose
Stu Harley Apr 9
when we spread our wings tonight
like the hummingbird in flight
that brings the gift of light
when shining through
the tiny cracks of
your soul tonight
along the dark wine sea
shall bring the gift of light
Stu Harley Apr 9
In hushed tones, a secret it kept,
Love whispered a promise, while I gently slept.
A warmth in my slumber, a dream come alive,
Of futures entwined, where destinies thrive.

The voice, soft and sweet, like a lullaby's call,
Woke feelings unspoken, that conquered them all.
A blush on my waking, a smile on my face,
Love's whisper is a treasure, a permanent trace.

The world seems enchanted, bathed in a new light,
Love's echo still lingers, a future so bright.
With my heart open wide, I wait for the day,
When love's whispered promise, forever will stay
Yes, love has whispered unto me
Stu Harley Apr 9
the soul is a candle
hourglass of time
as we walk
the rice paper
Heaven and earth sublime
we set fire
to soul
this time
Stu Harley Apr 9
Oh, love, don't you drift on a lonely tide,
My heart's tethered anchor, by your gentle side.
Don't sail these vast oceans, without me as crew,
Together we'll weather, whatever comes true.

The wind whispers warnings, of tempests unseen,
But hand held in hand, we'll face every scene.
Don't leave me adrift, on a lonely shore,
My compass is broken, I need you the more.

Oh, love, don't go wandering, lost in the night,
My guiding star's dimmed, without your warm light.
Stay close by my vessel, let love be our sail,
Together we'll conquer, where destinies prevail.
Oh love, don't go without me
Stu Harley Apr 8
No need for a compass, no map to unfold,
Love isn't a destination, a story untold.
It blooms in the present, a warmth in my chest,
A smile in your eyes, a place I find rest.

Love whispers in laughter, in moments we share,
In gentle embraces, a comfort so rare.
It lives in the kindness, the way that you see,
The best part of me is reflected in thee.

No distance can sever, no future unknown,
Love's essence surrounds me, wherever I've flown.
For love, my dear love is the air that I breathe,
Wherever I wander, with you, it will weave.
When love is the light you bring
Stu Harley Apr 8
No need for a compass, no map to unfold,
Love isn't a destination, a story untold.
It blooms in the present, a warmth in my chest,
A smile in your eyes, a place I find rest.

Love whispers in laughter, in moments we share,
In gentle embraces, a comfort so rare.
It lives in the kindness, the way that you see,
The best part of me reflected in thee.

No distance can sever, no future unknown,
Love's essence surrounds me, wherever I've flown.
For love, my dear love is the air that I breathe,
Wherever I wander, with you, it will weave.
And love is where I am
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