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Stu Harley Apr 7
If love is still evergreen, a vibrant display,
Though seasons may change, it won't fade away.
Roots run deep and steady, through winter's harsh bite,
Holding strong, a promise, a love taking flight.

Branches, though weathered, reach high to the sun,
Tenderness blossoms, a battle well won.
Memories, like leaves, whisper tales of the past,
But love's vibrant essence will last forever.

New growth emerges, defying the years,
Laughter like springtime, dispelling all fears.
If love is still evergreen, a constant, a friend,
Its beauty endures, until the journey's end.
Stu Harley Apr 7
No storm can disorient, no current can sweep,
When love is the harbor light, guiding us deep.
Waves may crash and thunder, doubts may arise,
But love's steady beacon pierces veiled skies.

A refuge from the storm, a solace so bright,
Guiding weary vessels through the darkest night.
Warmth in the distance, a promise untold,
Love's beacon forever, brave, steady, and bold.

In its shimmering welcome, a haven we find,
A love that endures, forever entwined.
When love is the harbor Light
Stu Harley Apr 7
North guides the lost, south whispers of rest,
But love, my true compass, surpasses the best.
Love shall be my sunrise, painting the dawn,
A fiery passion, a light newly born.

Love, my guiding star in the twilight's embrace,
Guiding me homeward, to a familiar space.
No map can define it, no border confines,
Love's boundless journey, forever entwined.

Eastward with hope, westward with dreams,
Love's compass directs, where my spirit beams.
My love shall be my east and west
Stu Harley Apr 7
A hand-held in darkness, a guiding light's spark,
Not to claim or control, but to leave a soft mark.
Trust is like an open door, a haven to share,
Vulnerability whispered, a love free of care.

Laughter that chases away the shadows of doubt,
Acceptance that blooms, where worries fall out.
Growth that entwines, like branches that climb,
A love that endures, through sunshine and time.

This love, a safe harbor, where dreams can set sail,
Together we'll weather, whatever may prevail.
What we want from this love
Stu Harley Apr 7
Tears, a silent language, a heart overflows,
No words can express the weight that it shows.
A tremble in shoulders, a downturned head,
A sigh that speaks volumes, a sorrow unsaid.

Glistening trails whisper tales yet untold,
Of loss and We Cry longing, a story unfolds.
Wet cheeks, a reflection of burdens unseen,
A silent acceptance, a mournful sheen.

We cry without words, for emotions run deep,
A language of feelings, where secrets can sleep.
Stu Harley Apr 7
Calloused hands softened, a warrior so bold,
Love's touch, a sculptor, a story untold.
Hearts that were hardened, are now open and free,
Love's melody weaving, a sweet harmony.

Lives once in darkness, with love's light imbued,
A garden of kindness where beauty accrued.
Wounds long unhealed, with tenderness sewn,
Love's gentle compassion, a seed that has grown.

Consider love's magic, its vast, potent sway,
The power to mend, and forever to stay.
when we consider what love has done
Stu Harley Apr 5
Hush falls on the banks, snow blankets the shore,
A river whispers secrets, unheard evermore.
Water, a ghost, beneath the icy sheen,
Gurgles and sighs, a melody unseen.

The wind whispers secrets through crystalline trees,
A lonely sonata, on the winter's cold breeze.
The river remembers, dreams of the spring's flow,
But slumbers in silence, beneath the white snow.
From the sound of a snowy river
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