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Stu Harley Apr 5
Like a willow, love bends with each breeze,
Swaying and yielding, yet planted with ease.
Strong roots hold firm, though branches may roam,
Forever entwined, a love finds its home.

Wind whispers secrets, a language untold,
Love dances and listens, brave, patient, and bold.
Through sunshine and storm, it gracefully yields,
A love that endures in life's open fields.
I am sure and still are
Yes, love is a willow in the wind
Stu Harley Apr 1
Neither one of us shall bleed, love's not a cruel knife,
A dance where we wound not, a shared, gentle life.
Honesty's compass, a path clear and true,
Respect is the shield, protecting me and you.

Kindness, a language, in actions it speaks,
Understanding whispers, where silence oft squeaks.
Compromise bridges, where differences meet,
A tapestry woven, a love warm and sweet.

For love's tender touch, soothes and heals all scars,
No weapons or battles, beneath love's gentle stars.
We'll face life together, a united front,
Neither one of us shall bleed, love's a safe, sacred hunt.
Stu Harley Apr 1
Love shall let the light back in, where shadows reside,
A gentle persuasion, a warmth to confide.
Hearts once closed tightly, in fear's icy hold,
Will soften and open, a story unfolds.

Like sunlight in winter, love melts the despair,
Melting the frost, with a love beyond compare.
Tears that once lingered, like crystals so cold,
It will transform into laughter, a story untold.

For love's gentle presence, a beacon so bright,
It chases away the darkness and brings back the light.
In the space, it creates, a haven so kind,
Love lets the light back in, healing the mind.
Stu Harley Apr 1
When love opens the heart, a fortress once strong,
Cracks in the armor, where vulnerability throngs.
No longer a castle, so stoic and cold,
But a welcoming haven, a story untold.

Sunlight streams inward, dispelling the gloom,
Nurturing seeds of kindness, where passion may bloom.
Empathy blossoms, a garden so bright,
Compassion the rain, that makes love take flight.

Vulnerability's strength, a newfound courage,
Connection established, on sacred ground.
For when love opens the heart, a beautiful thing,
It lets the world in and allows itself to sing.
Stu Harley Apr 1
my heart feels
yearning of the pines
calling of
Shepard blue sky
at the crack of dawn
Stu Harley Apr 1
One light in my bedroom, a soft, gentle hum,
Cast a warm, honeyed glow, chasing shadows dumb.
Not harsh overhead, but a pool at my side,
Inviting a book, or a thought to confide.

The night holds its vastness, a canvas so deep,
But this little beacon, my solace to keep.
It flickers and dances, a friend in the dark,
Guiding my dreams as they rise like a spark.

In this quiet haven, bathed in golden light,
I find inspiration, to hold me through the night.
One light in my bedroom, a sanctuary made,
Where comfort and wonder, in gentle light, pervade.
Just one light in my bedroom
Stu Harley Apr 1
Love, listen closely, not just to the spoken,
But the silent whispers, the feelings unspoken.
The sigh in the evening, a tear on the cheek,
The space held between words, the things we can't speak.

Hear the rhythm of hearts, in a hand gently placed,
The comfort of silence, a fear gently erased.
In the space between breaths, a love undenied,
A language of glances, where spirits confide.

For love's truest message, transcends spoken sound,
In the depths of emotions, a connection is found.
So listen intently, with openness vast,
Love's whispers are precious, a treasure to last.
Love listen closely
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