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Stu Harley Mar 31
the soul is all alone
death creeps in
like an angry stork
Stu Harley Mar 31
Don't rush love's unfolding, a story untold,
Let feelings take root, 'neath patience of gold.
Like seeds in the darkness, for sunlight, they wait,
Love's blossom unfolds, in its perfect state.

Embrace the first tendrils, a shy, sweet hello,
Gentle discoveries, as emotions all grow.
Shared laughter and secrets, in whispers, confide,
A tapestry woven, where two souls reside.

For love's journey is precious, each step to explore,
The laughter and tears are what hearts yearn for.
So cherish the moments, let passion ignite,
Don't hurry the journey, in love's gentle light.
Stu Harley Mar 31
Love rushed from his heart, a relentless tide,
Swept him off balance, nowhere to hide.
A hurricane force, a drumming in his chest,
A yearning he couldn't suppress or arrest.

Was it her laughter, a melody bright?
Or a glance that ignited his spirit's light?
The world seemed to shimmer, bathed in a new sheen,
Love's wildfire blazed, a passionate scene.

Fear whispered caution, a voice ever shrewd,
But love's relentless current carried him through.
For in that wild rush, a truth came to view,
Love's a force to embrace, daring, and true.
Stu Harley Mar 31
Love brings me shield and sword, a curious blend,
A haven of comfort, a fierce, loyal friend.
The shield, a warm bulwark, from worries that creep,
Your arms wrapped around me, a solace to keep.

The sword, a defender, from shadows that loom,
A strength I find in you, dispelling the gloom.
For love isn't weakness, though gentle it seems,
But a courage that roars, in passionate dreams.

Together we stand, against life's cruel tide,
Your shield by my side, my sword at your side.
Love's armor protects us, a fortress so strong,
Where tenderness thrives, and battles belong.
Stu Harley Mar 31
In hushed tones, beneath the moon's soft gleam,
We whispered the canons, love's whispered theme.
No laws etched in stone, but a vow from the heart,
A promise unspoken, a brand new start.

Respect, a foundation, where trust can reside,
Honesty's pillar, where secrets can hide.
Laughter, the music, that chases away strife,
Kindness, is the compass, guiding our life.

Patience, a blanket, for when storms may blow,
Forgiveness, is the balm, for when spirits run low.
Freedom to blossom, to soar, and to fly,
Yet tethered by love, beneath a shared sky.

These canons we whispered, not etched or confined,
A love self-defined, a beautiful mind.
For love's truest language, in silence is heard,
We whispered the canons, each loving word.
Stu Harley Mar 31
Love walked out in the clearing, bathed in morning's gleam,
No harsh words were spoken, just a silent, fading dream.
A path once well-trodden, now overgrown with weeds,
Memories linger, like wildflowers, where passion once feeds.

Did the sunrise too quickly, or did the chill settle in?
Did whispers turn distant, a love growing thin?
Perhaps a shared silence spoke volumes untold,
A story unfinished, left out in the cold.

The clearing stands empty, a canvas so bare,
Aching with absence, a love beyond repair.
But nature persists, with the strength to renew,
Love may walk onward, but new blooms wait for you.
Then, I spotted a redtail deer
Stu Harley Mar 31
Love is the wind outside the soul, a restless refrain,
A yearning for something, beyond sun and rain.
It whispers of freedom, of wild, open skies,
Of chasing horizons, with love as your prize.

But winds can be gentle, a soft, calming sigh,
Nurturing embers, where dreams learn to fly.
It carries the fragrance, of faraway lands,
Of adventures unfolding, in love's gentle hands.

Though sometimes it howls, with a fury so deep,
Leaving hearts shaken, where emotions can't sleep.
Yet love is the wind, ever-changing and strong,
In its whispers and roars, where we truly belong.
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