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Stu Harley Mar 31
Love is the light from the soul, a gentle, warm glow,
It chases away shadows, wherever we go.
Not a flickering candle, but a fire's embrace,
Guiding us onward, through life's winding maze.

Kindness its fuel, compassion its flame,
It melts icy barriers and whispers a name.
Empathy's touch, a language so bright,
Connecting two spirits, bathed in love's light.

This inner luminescence forever will shine,
A beacon of hope, a divine love.
For love is the light, from the soul's deepest core,
Guiding us ever onward, to what lies in store.
Love is the light from the soul. hallelujah...hallelujah, amen
Stu Harley Mar 30
Light dwells in the cracks, where our armor gives way,
A vulnerability shared.
Imperfections gleaming, not flaws to despise,
But facets that sparkle, beneath tear-filled eyes.

In the brokenness offered, a connection we weave,
A tapestry woven, where hearts can believe.
For within the cracks, empathy finds its hold,
A solace unspoken, a story untold.

Shadows may linger, in corners unseen,
But light finds a passage, a radiant sheen.
The cracks in our souls, where true beauty resides,
Letting love's gentle light, become our guides.
Stu Harley Mar 29
Love is deeper than a rose, though petals may gleam,
A fleeting display, a fading sweet dream.
Love's roots reach far stronger, in fertile soul's ground,
Where trust intertwines, a bond ever-bound.

Storms may rage fierce, and petals may fall,
But love's sturdy branches will weather it all.
Through sunshine and shadow, its essence remains,
A fire that burns steady, defying life's strains.

For love is a tree, with wisdom and grace,
Offering shelter, a comforting space.
Where hearts find their solace, and spirits take flight,
Love's depth is a mystery, a beautiful light.
Stu Harley Mar 29
every leaf
ghost white
sycamore tree
possess a soul
seeking truth
not to perish
the earth
Stu Harley Mar 29
Love said that I would fly, on wings strong and true,
Soaring above doubts, bathed in skies of blue.
But fear holds me grounded, a weight on my chest,
Afraid of the falling, the never-ending test.

Love whispers of courage, a fire unseen,
A strength that resides, where dreams have not been.
Maybe a leap of faith is the only way up,
To trust in love's promise, and fill my cup.

With a trembling breath, I'll take to the sky,
Love's hand in mine, as I finally fly.
For love wouldn't lie, with a message so bold,
There's magic in trusting, the story untold.
Only because love said that I could
Stu Harley Mar 29
Love prepares a table, a feast for the soul,
Not with bread and wine, but a story to unfold.
Laughter the music, that fills up the air,
Kindness is the bounty, a love beyond compare.

Worries may linger, like shadows that creep,
But forgiveness is offered, a promise to keep.
Gentle acceptance, a warm, safe embrace,
A refuge from troubles, a comforting space.

Love prepares a table, with grace as its guide,
Where hearts find contentment, forever reside.
No enemies present, just spirits entwined,
Love's table is a haven, for all of mankind.
Stu Harley Mar 29
When our love feels like the stars, a distant delight,
A glimmering promise, in the vastness of night.
Beautiful, boundless, a source of awe,
Yet cold and untouchable, beyond any law.

Do we yearn to reach them, with genuine desire?
Bridge the impossible, set our hearts on fire?
Or gaze in contentment, at their celestial grace,
Knowing their beauty lights up time and space.

Perhaps love's truest essence isn't to hold,
But to cherish the wonder, a story untold.
A guiding light, even from afar,
When our love feels like the stars, forever we are.
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