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Stu Harley Mar 28
When love lay right next to your heart, a steady drum,
A silent companion, dispelling the numb.
Warmth radiating, a comfort so deep,
Like sunlight on meadows, where worries can sleep.

Each breath intertwined, a rhythm so true,
A language unspoken, hearts whispering through.
Laughter a ripple, joy spreading around,
In that space beside you, true happiness is found.

But time, like a river, can sometimes divide,
Leaving an echo, where love once resided.
Yet the memory lingers, a treasure to hold,
The warmth of love's presence is more precious than gold.
Yes, right next to your heart
Stu Harley Mar 28
Spring has arisen in thee, a vibrant sunrise,
Melting the winter that dimmed your bright eyes.
A smile, like a blossom, unfolds to the sun,
Hope's melody bursts forth, a battle well won.

The spirit awakens, from slumber so deep,
A new song is whispered, secrets to keep.
Creativity dances, with colors so bold,
A story unwritten, waiting to unfold.

This springtime within you, a beauty to share,
Infectious laughter, dispelling all care.
Let it bloom ever brighter, a radiant display,
Spring has arisen in thee, lighting the way.
Stu Harley Mar 28
Love shall give it all, a boundless well,
Not just whispered promises, but a heart that can tell.
A hand reaching out, in the dark and the storm,
A refuge, a comfort, keeping spirits warm.

Patience unending, a steady embrace,
Forgiving mistakes, with love's gentle grace.
Sacrifice offered, with no strings attached,
A tapestry woven, where two souls are matched.

Love shall give it all, a boundless decree,
Setting hearts free, for eternity.
In laughter and tears, in silence or fight,
Love's unwavering presence, a beacon so bright.
And love shall give it all
Stu Harley Mar 28
Love is my daily bread, a nourishing core,
Strengthens my spirit, always.
Not a fleeting fancy, a passionate craze,
But a steady companion, through life's winding maze.

Kindness the crust, a warmth I can share,
Compassion is the filling, a burden to bear.
Forgiveness the butter, smoothing all strife,
Laughter the sprinkle, a joyful life.

With each loving bite, my spirit takes flight,
Love's nourishment fuels me, morning, noon, and night.
A simple essential, a need to be fed,
Love is my daily bread, the best kind of bread.
Stu Harley Mar 28
When love makes you glitter, it's more than a shine,
It's a joy that spills over, a warmth so divine.
A lightness in your step, a skip and a sway,
The world seems enchanted, bathed in a new day.

Eyes bright with a secret, a smile never fades,
Humming a melody, love's sweet serenades.
Kindness flows freely, like sunshine so bright,
Inspiring all around you, with radiant light.

For love's gentle touch, polishes your soul,
Making you sparkle, a story untold.
The glitter is real, a magic within,
The magic of love, with the magic to win.
that love makes you glitter
Stu Harley Mar 28
To love her for sure, isn't just butterflies,
It's quiet mornings and shared, knowing smiles.
Respect for her voice, her dreams, and her fears,
A hand to hold steady, drying her tears.

Believing in her, when doubts cloud her way,
Celebrating her triumphs, every day.
Honest communication, a bond ever strong,
Standing beside her, where she truly belongs.

Laughter and comfort, a haven to share,
Love's a deep ember, a fire to care.
So love her for sure, not just fleeting desire,
But with all of your heart, and set her soul on fire.
Stu Harley Mar 27
The storm's fury spent, grey clouds drift away,
Sun peeks through the wreckage, a brand new day.
Bruises may linger, a reminder of strife,
But love's tender hand brings hope back to life.

Broken branches mend, with nature's art,
Withered blooms awaken, with a vibrant new start.
Debris cleared and scattered, a fresh start is made,
Love is the strongest shelter, where hearts are unafraid.

Hand in hand we stand, surveying the scene,
A love that endures, forever evergreen.
Though storms may revisit, their power subdued,
Love after the storm, a stronger love imbued.
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