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Stu Harley Mar 27
Lord, give me these wings I yearn to unfurl,
Not feathers and bone, but a spirit that's world-
Encompassing, soaring on currents unseen,
Beyond earthly burdens, a vibrant green scene.

Grant me the strength to rise above doubt's heavy hold,
To embrace challenges, brave and bold.
Let kindness and hope be the wind in my wings,
Carrying me onward, where joy truly sings.

With faith as my compass, I'll chart a new course,
Through valleys of sorrow, or skies filled with force.
Lord, give me these wings, a spirit to fly,
To touch the heavens, where dreams never die.
Stu Harley Mar 27
Your heart, a locket, a mystery held tight,
Secured by a key, unseen to the light.
Whispers of secrets it keeps safe within,
Stories untold, a treasure unseen.

Do memories echo, in chambers so deeply?
Loves loss and laughter, where emotions do sleep?
Is there a space, yet unclaimed and unknown,
Awaiting a key, to make it its own?

Perhaps I can offer, a key forged with care,
Honesty, trust, and a love we can share.
If your heart's locket finds a fit in its hold,
Love's melody plays, a story untold.
When your heart possesses a key and locket
Stu Harley Mar 27
If her heart almost cherry red, a fiery spark,
Not quite love's crimson, but leaving its mark,
A flicker of interest, a blush on her face,
A hint of desire in this secret space.

Is it a friendship that edges on more?
A yearning unspoken, a question to explore?
Does her laughter hold a teasing delight?
A dance on the borderline, bathed in soft light.

Perhaps time will tell, what the color may be,
If cherry red blossoms, or fades silently.
But for now, the almost, sweet, tender ache,
A heart almost cherry red, for love's sweet sake.
Stu Harley Mar 27
Sun-dappled leaves, a secret space,
Laughter and whispers, a stolen embrace.
A blush on your cheeks, a question in your eyes,
A moment suspended, beneath endless skies.

But courage then faltered, a word left unsaid,
The silence stretched onward, a feeling unfed.
Did your heart yearn too, with a silent decree?
A forever unknown, a missed possibility.

Now only the memory, a bittersweet sting,
What song would we sing if I had kissed you in the garden?
And did you hear them say?
Stu Harley Mar 26
Cracked voice, static whispers, a love incomplete,
A screen shows your smile, but the touch feels like defeat.
Miles stretch like oceans, a lonely expanse,
Words hang in the silence, a love-given chance.

Laughter, once vibrant, sounds thin in the air,
Eyes that once sparkled, a distant, dimmed pair.
Jokes fall flat, stories a hollow refrain,
Love's language is distorted, lost in the digital strain.

Is this all there is, to this love we hold dear?
A pixelated echo, a connection unclear?
Yearning for closeness, a hand to hold tight,
Love hurts on the other side of the phone, in the pale screen's light.
Hello...who is calling?
Stu Harley Mar 26
If thy heart is made of sand, a shifting terrain,
Promises whispered, then scattered like rain.
Would I build on its shores, with castles of dreams?
Knowing the tide rises, erasing love's beams.

Tempting whispers of change, a restless desire,
A yearning for something that sets the soul on fire.
But love built on sand, a foundation so frail,
May crumble to dust, in a love's sudden gale.

Perhaps there's a fortress, with walls strong and true,
Where loyalty echoes, forever and new.
For a heart made of sand, though tempting it seems,
May leave me adrift, lost in love's shattered dreams.
When love reflects an oasis in thy heart
Yet, thy heart made of sand
Stu Harley Mar 26
Love, a sculptor's hand, on my spirit, descends,
Cracking the shell, where my true self transcends.
Hidden colors emerge, a vibrant display,
Where once muted tones held all feelings at bay.

Vulnerability blooms, a rose in the light,
Petals unfurl, fears banished from sight.
Strength I never knew, in me now resides,
A wellspring of courage, love gently confides.

Empathy's touch, a language I speak,
Compassion's embrace, the hurting I seek.
Love's symphony plays, on a grand, open stage,
Unveiling the beauty, of life's vibrant page.
Oh, love, we shall see it in the stars
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