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Stu Harley Mar 26
Yes, she is my beacon of light,
A radiant sun, chasing back the endless night.
Her laughter, a melody, joyous and clear,
Banishes shadows, and casts out all fear.

Her eyes, like twin stars, in the vastness they gleam,
Guiding my course, a celestial dream.
Her touch, a warm fire, that sets my soul free,
Inspiring the best, the truest part of me.

With her by my side, I can conquer the climb,
Her spirit, a compass, marking the right time.
Yes, she is my beacon, my guiding star bright,
Forever my sunshine, forever my light.
Unfold the endless nights
Stu Harley Mar 26
sail beyond
ocean waves
weave across
Breckenridge sky
Stu Harley Mar 26
Take my hand and hold it tight,
Through sunshine's warmth and moonlit night.
A silent language, skin-to-skin,
A bond unspoken, let us begin.

Worries may whisper, doubts may arise,
But with you beside me, fear slowly dies.
Strength in your touch, a steady hold,
Together we'll face, what stories unfold.

For in your hand, a promise I see,
A journey of two meant eternally.
So take my hand, and hold it near,
A love everlasting conquers all fear.
Hold on...hold on...hold on
That is all that I ask...then life goes on
Stu Harley Mar 25
When death washes over us, a tide so serene,
No longer will burdens or worries convene.
The laughter, the tears, all memories blend,
A tapestry woven, that finds its end.

The body, a vessel, released from its hold,
Like leaves on the wind, a story untold.
But the essence, the spirit, a luminous spark,
Returns to the starlight, a radiant ark.

No longer confined, by this world's earthly ties,
Ascending to realms, where forever resides.
Not an end, but a shift, a celestial dance,
When death washes over, a glorious trance.
Stu Harley Mar 25
Oh Love, look what we have done,
A tangled mess, beneath the setting sun.
Words flung like stones, a hurtful display,
Leaving scars etched, where laughter once played.

But wait, love whispers, a chance to rebuild,
With gentle forgiveness, on fertile ground tilled.
Let's mend what is broken, with hearts open wide,
Brick by loving brick set hurt aside.

For love's patient hand can mend and restore,
Together we'll rise, stronger than before.
Though shadows may linger, a lesson we've learned
Oh love, look what we have done, while we hurt again
Stu Harley Mar 25
The raindrops keep falling, a curtain of gray,
Drumming a rhythm on rooftops all day.
Puddles like mirrors reflect the dim sky,
A world washed anew, with a tearful sigh.

But listen beyond, to the whisper they bring,
A song of the earth, as the flowers take wing.
Dust settles gently, the air cleansed and pure,
A promise of sunshine, forever endure.

For raindrops hold stories, both joyous and sad,
A lullaby whispered, though sometimes quite bad.
But hope always lingers, in each falling tear,
The raindrops keep falling, the world to endear.
Stu Harley Mar 25
Not a drum in the chest, a dull, muffled thump,
But a rhythm that quickens a butterfly's jump.
A hand-held so close, a tremor that starts,
Mirroring mine, beating two kindred hearts.

Eyes locked in a gaze, a silent decree,
A language unspoken, for all the world to see.
A shared breath, a sigh, a current that flows,
Two souls intertwined, where passion softly grows.

This feeling, a secret, a treasure untold,
The whisper of forever, more precious than gold.
To feel the heart's echo, a love that takes flight,
A symphony silent, yet pulsing with light
Just to feel the heartbeat of someone
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