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Stu Harley Mar 25
You fan the small spark, a flickering flame,
Belief in my wings, whispers my name.
Doubt's heavy cloak begins to unwind,
With each word of faith, a strength I can find.

Your trust, a gentle breeze, lifts me with grace,
Soaring above fear, to an open space.
Now dreams take on colors, vibrant and bold,
A symphony plays, a story untold.

With wings that you strengthen, I rise to the sun,
My flight takes me onward, a journey has begun.
Forever I'll carry, the gift that you give,
These wings allow me, to truly live.
Baby, you give me these wings to fly
Stu Harley Mar 25
A heavy cloak, the night holds me fast,
Stars like cold diamonds, a glittering past.
Sleep's heavy hand, a burden I bear,
Longing for sunrise, to chase away despair.

Dawn's gentle whispers, a memory's gleam,
The sun's golden touch, a vibrant dream.
But shadows still linger, clinging so tight,
Yearning for warmth, for morning's first light.

Lord, I miss the morning light's embrace,
The hope it ignites, in this weary space.
Grant me the strength, to greet the new day,
And chase the night's darkness, forever away.
Oh Lord, I miss the morning light
Stu Harley Mar 25
Let your wings carry you far, above,
Soar through the clouds, where dreams take you home.
Sun-kissed feathers, a vibrant display,
Dip and dive freely, embrace the new day.

Untamed spirit, a boundless quest,
Leave worries behind, put them to the test.
Ride thermals of hope, on currents of grace,
Explore hidden valleys, a wondrous embrace.

Stars as your compass, the moon as your guide,
Let your wings carry you, where wonder confide.
For in the vast sky, your true self takes flight,
With wings unconfined, bathed in endless light
Where heaven is waiting for us tonight.
Stu Harley Mar 25
Hollow husks where laughter thrived,
Empty sockets where dreams once connived.
Ghosts of warmth, a lingering chill,
Echoes of voices, forever grown still.

They walk among us, unseen and unheard,
Aching for connection, a forgotten word.
Eyes glazed over, a vacant stare,
Lost in a world devoid of care.

We hurry on by, with nary a glance,
Blind to the emptiness left by a chance.
A touch, a kind word, a moment to spare,
Can mend the fractured and show that we care.

For empty souls yearn for a spark to ignite,
To feel the warmth of connection, and step back into the light.
With the empty souls, we leave behind
Stu Harley Mar 25
In starlit embrace, the night holds its sway,
Shadows dance whispers, secrets at play.
Moon's silver glow, a beacon so pale,
But whispers of dawn, on the cool breeze exhale.

A hush falls, a quiet before the start,
Anticipation lingers, close to the heart.
A single bird calls, a melody bright,
A herald of sunshine, chasing away the night.

The horizon ignites, a blush in the east,
Darkness surrenders, as colors are released.
Soon it shall be morning light, chasing away fears,
Painting the world anew, washing away tears.
And soon it shall be morning light
Stu Harley Mar 25
If I had to crawl to get over that hill,
Sun-baked earth is scorching, my resolve still.
Muscles scream protest, a battle of wills,
But the summit beckons, with unseen thrills.

With each difficult inch, a victory was won,
Ignoring the whispers, the race to be done.
Sweat stings my eyes, a temporary plight,
For the vast panorama, bathed in sunlight.

Hands gripping the gravel, a desperate plea,
But the fire within whispers, "You will be free."
And finally, gasping, I crest the rise,
The world laid before me, a glorious prize.
If I had to crawl to get over that hill
Stu Harley Mar 25
While their hearts beat a frantic drum,
A nervous tremor, barely numb,
Eyes lock across the crowded room,
A silent question, blooms in gloom.

Do whispered dreams, in each soul reside?
A yearning unspoken, deep inside?
A chance encounter, a stolen glance,
A spark ignites, a fleeting chance.

Will hesitant smiles, a greeting convey?
Or will this moment, quickly fade away?
Beneath rapid pulse, a story untold,
While their hearts beat fast, a future unfolds.
With cross-star lovers from the past
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