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Stu Harley Mar 25
the stillness of a hummingbird
giveth them wing
to fly
master the sky
Stu Harley Mar 24
Tears, not of sorrow, but a salty tide,
To loosen the mortar, where dreams reside.
Walls stand so stoic, cold, and confined,
But salty drops whisper a truth they can't find.

A heart overflows, with yearnings untold,
Cracks in the fortress, waiting to unfold.
Emotions well up, a relentless plea,
To break free from burdens, and finally be.

Crying to loosen, the grip of the past,
To wash away shadows, that forever hold fast.
A cleansing rain, for the spirit to rise,
Crying to lift the walls, and open the skies.
Thus, we shall cry to lift the walls
Stu Harley Mar 24
Love, a weaver, with threads of light,
It binds us together, ever so tight.
From familiar strands, a comfort we glean,
But love's tapestry, ever unseen,

Holds surprises, in colors so bright,
Unforeseen wonders, born in the night.
Adventures unfurl, on wings we take flight,
Hand in hand, bathed in love's gentle light.

New passions ignite, a vibrant display,
Dreams take on wings and soar far away.
Love's tender touch, a symphony rings,
How love shall bring us new things.
Stu Harley Mar 24
Veiled prophets of the sands of time,
Whispers echo in a cryptic rhyme.
Oracles whisper, secrets untold,
Of futures unfolding, both brave and bold.

Eyes pierce the veil, through ages they see,
Triumphs and trials are yet to happen.
Mortals seek guidance, a whispered plea,
To chart a course on life's stormy sea.

But riddles confound, a tapestry spun,
Of cryptic warnings, battles yet won.
Free will is a compass, a path to define,
The Oracles murmur, the choice will be thine.
Only through the oracles of time
Stu Harley Mar 24
If I imagine what you say,
A world unfolds in shades of gray.
Is it truth, or fancy's flight,
Are these whispers dancing in the night?

Do you yearn, or do you doubt?
Hopeful whispers, or a mournful shout?
My mind was a canvas, vast and white,
Painted by what I think you might.

But true connection, heart-to-heart,
It needs spoken words to play its part.
So let your voice, clear and true,
Replace the whispers, me and you.
Towards another dream, if I Imagine what you say
Stu Harley Mar 24
A frosty halo, a crown so pale,
Circles the moon, a whispered tale.
Ice crystals dance, in layers unseen,
A giant's lens, on the heavens keen.

Light bends and fractures, in the frosty embrace,
A spectral ring, in the moonlit space.
Folklore whispers, of storms on their way,
But science explains the light's gentle sway.

A fleeting display, a winter's delight,
The moon's pearly glow, in an ethereal light.
The rings softly gleam, a celestial rhyme,
A touch of magic, in the vastness of time.
With sweeping rings around the moon
Stu Harley Mar 24
Life, the best teacher, a harsh decree,
No textbooks are offered, just lessons set free.
Through stumbles and triumphs, the wisdom unfolds,
Scars etched in memory, stories untold.

Victories whisper, of battles well fought,
Defeats a harsh lesson, dearly bought.
Joy's fleeting embrace, a reminder so bright,
That sorrow's dark cloak gives way to the light.

With each passing season, the spirit refines,
Empathy blooms, where once judgment binds.
Life's greatest lessons, not written in rhyme,
Are learned in the living, one precious moment at a time.
Until we get down on our knees to pray, because life is the best teacher
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