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Stu Harley Dec 2023
Amazing love, with broad shoulders wide,
In its embrace, fears and sorrows subside.
A strength that carries burdens untold,
A refuge where weary hearts find a stronghold.

With shoulders broad, it bears the weight,
Of trials and challenges, both small and great.
In its embrace, it offers a place to rest,
A sanctuary where souls feel blessed.

Through tempests and storms, it stands tall,
Supporting the weary, one and all.
It carries hope and dreams so vast,
In its embrace, hearts find repast.

Amazing love, with shoulders wide,
A haven where fears and doubts collide.
It holds the broken, it mends the torn,
In its embrace, new hope is born.

With each burden lifted, each load it bears,
Amazing love shows how much it cares.
It carries the world with steadfast might,
In its broad shoulders, a guiding light.

So, in amazing love, we find our way,
A strength to endure, come what may.
For in its embrace, burdens grow lighter,
Amazing love, an eternal fighter.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
When young lovers kindly speak as one,
Their words harmonize, a duet begun.
In the language of hearts, a tender song,
Where two souls entwine and hearts belong.

Their whispers blend in perfect accord,
In a symphony of love, their voices soar.
With every phrase, their feelings entwine,
In shared expressions, their love defined.

Each word they utter, a melody's grace,
Creating a rhythm in love's embrace.
Their voices resonate, pure and true,
In a beautiful union, tried and new.

In moments shared, their thoughts align,
Speaking kindly, their bond does shine.
Their words, like petals in the sun's bright light,
Painting their love, a radiant sight.

As young lovers speak, their hearts intone,
Echoing feelings in tender tone.
In shared dreams, their desires spun,
When young lovers kindly speak as one.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Kind love on its way, in gentle flight,
Through days and nights, a beacon of light.
In whispers soft and touches mild,
It paints the world so tenderly styled.

With warmth that heals and hearts that mend,
Kind love, an embrace, it softly extends.
It nurtures spirits in its tender sway,
Bringing solace to every day.

In gentle gestures and words so true,
Kind love weaves dreams both old and new.
It seeks no praise, nor seeks to bind,
Its grace flows freely, so very kind.

In the darkest hours, it shines so bright,
Dispelling shadows with its gentle might.
It soothes the soul in moments bleak,
A gentle balm for the weary and weak.

Kind love on its way, with open arms,
Embracing all, shielding from harms.
In its essence, a divine display,
Guiding us through life's array.

So, let us cherish this love each day,
For in its kindness, our world holds sway.
May kind love on its way, forever stay,
Spreading warmth and light along the way.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Lord, our first leap unto the sky,
Where dreams take flight, up high they fly.
In that daring moment, hearts take flight,
Guided by faith, through the day and night.

With trembling steps and spirits bright,
We reach for stars in the boundless height.
In the vault of heaven, hopes unfurl,
Our aspirations, a celestial whirl.

Grant us the courage to soar above,
Embracing the skies with unwavering love.
As we leap into the unknown expanse,
Let your grace be our guiding chance.

In the sky's vast canvas, let us roam,
Making each dream our celestial home.
With your blessings upon our flight,
Lord, our journey shall be bathed in light.

May our first leap into the sky's embrace,
Be a testament to faith's enduring grace.
For in our ascent, as we aim so high,
Lord, our first leap, to you, we rely.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Young lovers feel the break of dawn,
In tender moments before day is drawn.
As darkness fades and skies turn gold,
Their love story beautifully unfolds.

In the soft embrace of morning's birth,
They find solace in each other's worth.
With whispered promises, their hearts align,
Young lovers' spirits intertwine.

They greet the day with love's embrace,
As dawn unveils its gentle face.
With stolen kisses and eyes that gleam,
Their affection paints the morning's dream.

As sunlight spreads across the land,
Young lovers walk, hand in hand.
Their laughter echoes in morning's light,
A love so pure, a glorious sight.

In the break of dawn, love finds its start,
Etching memories in their shared heart.
With every sunrise, their love reborn,
Young lovers embrace the new day born.

In the tapestry of dawn's gentle hue,
Their love story blossoms, fresh and true.
For in the break of dawn's soft kiss,
Young lovers find eternal bliss.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Sweet perfumes of the mountains still,
A fragrance carried by the breeze at will.
In the whispering pines and flowers bright,
Nature's scents weave a tranquil delight.

Amidst the peaks where eagles soar,
Where rivers rush and cascades roar,
The mountain's essence fills the air,
A symphony of scents, beyond compare.

Each bloom releases its fragrant tale,
In the highland's serenity, where perfumes prevail.
The aroma of pine, of earth and dew,
Blend in harmony, a mountainous brew.

The sweet perfume of wildflower's bloom,
Lingers in the meadows' gentle exhume.
It whispers secrets in the alpine air,
Aromatic whispers, beyond compare.

In the mountain's embrace, where tranquility thrills,
The sweet perfumes linger, as time stands still.
With every breeze, a fragrant spill,
The mountains' essence, serene and still.

So let the perfumes of mountains' grace,
Enchant our senses, in their tranquil space.
For in their scents, a beauty instills,
Sweet perfumes of the mountains, tranquil and still.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
The Gospel Wind shall tickle our feathers,
In whispers of grace, it gently tethers.
With divine breath, it sings its song,
Guiding our flight, keeping us strong.

Through skies it dances, with tender embrace,
The Gospel Wind, a guiding grace.
In currents that lift, in whispers divine,
It carries us forth, our souls align.

With each gentle gust, a hymn it sings,
In melodies that lift on seraph wings.
It whispers truths, in a language so pure,
Guiding our flight, steady and sure.

Oh, Gospel Wind, in your gentle tease,
You carry our hopes, our dreams with ease.
You brush our feathers, with whispers so mild,
Guiding our journey, just like a child.

In the harmonies sung by your gentle breath,
We find solace, we find our faith.
For the Gospel Wind, a divine tether,
Guides our flight, and brings us together.
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