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Stu Harley Dec 2023
Upon the dark wine sea is thy passion,
A tempestuous hue in eternal fashion.
In waves that whisper, in crimson deep,
A tale of desires, secrets they keep.

The wine-dark sea, a canvas of fire,
Where passions ignite, reaching higher.
In its depths, a stormy affair,
Where hearts collide, in fervent dare.

Amidst the tempestuous, mysterious night,
Passions unfurl, in their wild flight.
The sea aglow in its fiery dance,
Revealing tales of impassioned romance.

With every crest, with every swell,
Thy passion rides, a tale to tell.
In the dark wine sea's impassioned plea,
Emotions churn, wild and free.

Upon its waves, desires unfurled,
A saga of love in its tumultuous world.
In the dark wine sea, where passions ignite,
Thy fervor burns in the depth of night.Upon The Dark Wine
Stu Harley Dec 2023
All through the Lord, in His divine grace,
Guiding us through life's intricate maze.
In every breath, in each sunrise's hue,
His presence shines, steadfast and true.

In the whispers of winds, in oceans' roar,
In mountains high and valleys' floor,
His love prevails, a boundless sea,
Embracing all, both you and me.

Through trials faced and victories won,
In the rising and setting of the sun,
In moments of joy and moments of pain,
The Lord's embrace, a constant refrain.

In every smile shared, in every tear shed,
The Lord's compassion, an unbroken thread.
His mercy flows in rivers wide,
All through the Lord, love does abide.

In prayers whispered in the silent night,
In the stars' dance, so pure and bright,
In life's symphony, its highs and lows,
The Lord's presence, an unwavering prose.

In the symphony of life's rich chords,
In His guidance, we find our reward.
All through the Lord, His grace we find,
A sanctuary for the heart and mind.

So, in each chapter, in every accord,
We find solace, all through the Lord.
In His embrace, we stand tall and free,
For His love endures eternally.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Lord, grant me safe passage along the way,
As I journey through each passing day.
Guide my steps on paths unknown,
Keep me sheltered, not left alone.

Through trials and storms that may appear,
Grant me strength to persevere.
In the darkest nights or under the sun's ray,
Lord, be my guide along the way.

When doubts and fears cast their might,
Illuminate my path with your guiding light.
Grant me wisdom, a steadfast mind,
To face each challenge that I find.

In moments of joy or moments of sorrow,
Grant me hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Lord, amidst life's uncertain sway,
Grant me safe passage each step of the way.

With every hurdle that I face,
Grant me courage and abundant grace.
Hold my hand through the night and day,
Lord, grant me safe passage, I pray.

Through valleys low and mountains tall,
In each moment, be my all in all.
Guide my journey, night and day,
Grant me safe passage, come what may.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
When I kissed today goodbye, in twilight's fading gleam,
Embracing the night, bidding adieu to day's dream.
In that fleeting moment, a whisper in the sky,
A tender farewell to moments passing by.

As the sun dipped low, painting the horizon's hue,
I kissed today goodbye, as stars emerged anew.
The moments lived, in laughter and in tears,
In every joyous triumph and conquered fears.

I kissed today goodbye, with gratitude in my heart,
For lessons learned, each one a precious part.
With each fleeting second, time slips away,
A gentle reminder, in the evening's sway.

The memories made, they shimmer and they fade,
In the embrace of twilight, in the evening's shade.
When I kissed today goodbye, in the evening's embrace,
I welcomed the night with quiet grace.

For as today departs, tomorrow draws near,
With promises untold, with dreams to adhere.
So, in the twilight's hush, as today bids adieu,
I embrace the night, to start anew.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
We are burning candles at both ends,
In life's relentless race, where time transcends.
Each end aglow with a fervent flame,
Bearing witness to life's passionate game.

One end aglitter with morning's rise,
A new beginning, a fresh sunrise.
With dreams alight and hopes so bold,
We chase ambitions, breaking the mold.

The other end flickers in twilight's grace,
As day surrenders to the night's embrace.
A quiet glow in the dimming light,
Reflections cast in the fading sight.

Burning candles at both ends we find,
Life's dualities, intertwined.
In fervent pursuits and moments serene,
In the balance, a life's unseen sheen.

Yet in this fervor, a caution's plea,
To cherish moments, to let hearts be free.
For burning too bright, too fast, too true,
May dim the light, leaving shadows askew.

So let us burn with a steady glow,
In balance and rhythm, a tranquil flow.
Burning candles at both ends, we learn,
To savor life's journey, at every turn.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Where is the laughter that you bring me,
That melody of joy, so carefree?
In memories cherished, moments past,
Your laughter echoed, unsurpassed.

It danced like sunlight on a summer's day,
Chasing the shadows, driving them away.
In the echoes of mirth, pure and bright,
Your laughter soared to joyous height.

Where is the laughter that once rang clear,
Dispelling worries, calming every fear?
Its resonance lingered in the air,
A symphony of happiness, beyond compare.

In shared moments, your laughter's chime,
Brought solace, like a soothing rhyme.
Where has it wandered, that cheerful sound,
A treasure lost, yet to be found?

Through life's trials, its twists and bends,
Your laughter brought warmth, like dear old friends.
Oh, where is that laughter, I implore,
To fill the silence, to live once more?

Let it echo through the halls of time,
Resounding joy, so pure, so prime.
For in your laughter, love took wing,
A melody that made my heart sing.

Though it may wander, momentarily unseen,
Your laughter's memory, forever serene.
Where is the laughter that you bring me?
In my heart's core, eternally carefree.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
The sky with her baby blue eyes,
Gazes upon us with endless skies.
Her hue so soft, a tranquil sight,
In her embrace, all troubles take flight.

Those eyes reflect the morning sun,
As each new day has just begun.
With whispers of clouds in gentle embrace,
Her serene gaze, a boundless space.

She paints the day in hues so clear,
A canvas of blue, without a fear.
Her eyes watch over both land and sea,
In her tranquil gaze, we feel free.

At dusk, her eyes turn to twilight's hue,
The stars emerge in their cosmic view.
Her eyes, a lullaby to the night,
Guiding the stars, shining so bright.

In storms, her eyes reflect the grey,
A tumultuous dance in skies at play.
Yet even in tempests, her eyes hold grace,
The sky with her baby blue embrace.

So vast and endless, her tender gaze,
The sky with her eyes, in myriad ways.
A sight to cherish, beneath her skies,
The sky with her baby blue eyes.
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