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Stu Harley Dec 2023
We said hello to the man in the moon,
In a world where dreams find their tune.
Beneath the sky's vast and endless sprawl,
We greeted the moon, standing so tall.

With wonder in our hearts, we looked above,
To the man in the moon, a symbol of love.
In the silent night, where stars align,
We exchanged greetings in a language divine.

His serene face, a comforting sight,
In the velvety dark of the tranquil night.
We whispered our secrets to his gentle grace,
Knowing he listens in his celestial space.

In the moon's soft glow, a mystical dance,
We said hello, with a stolen glance.
His presence above, a constant friend,
Guiding us through, till the night's end.

We shared our hopes, our fears, our mirth,
With the man in the moon, who watches Earth.
Under his gaze, so serene and bright,
We found solace in the tranquil night.

As we bid adieu to the moon on high,
We knew in our hearts, our spirits fly.
For in the whispers of night's soft croon,
We said hello to the man in the moon.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Lord, I ain't done, my path unfolds,
In life's journey, its tales untold.
With each sunrise, a new chapter starts,
I'll brave the unknown, with all my heart.

In the ebb and flow of time's grand sea,
Lord, I'll seek what's meant to be.
In the face of challenges, I'll find my way,
I'll rise with the dawn, come what may.

For every stumble, every fall I endure,
Lord, grant me strength to rise once more.
In the tapestry of fate, I'll play my part,
With faith in my soul, a steadfast heart.

Lord, I ain't done, there's much to see,
The world awaits, full of possibility.
In every setback, in every test,
I'll strive for more, I'll do my best.

In the symphony of life, its highs and lows,
I'll embrace the journey, wherever it goes.
With hope as my guide, I'll carry on,
For Lord, I ain't done, my story's not gone.

So, with courage ablaze, I'll face the sun,
In each new chapter, my race I'll run.
For in this life, until my race is run,
Lord, I ain't done, I've just begun.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
I shall be your silver and your gold,
A treasure trove, a love to behold.
In shades of silver, in hues so bright,
I'll shimmer beside you, in the darkest night.

Like silver, I'll be a calming stream,
Reflecting your hopes, your every dream.
In moments of joy, in times forlorn,
I'll be your comfort, from dusk to morn.

And like gold, I'll shine with radiant gleam,
A treasure trove in the love's grand scheme.
I'll hold your worth, your spirit's fire,
A priceless gem in life's grand desire.

In times of need, I'll be your strength,
A guiding light, no matter the length.
I'll be your warmth, when the world feels cold,
Both silver and gold, a love untold.

Together we'll gleam, a blend divine,
Your silver lining, your gold, that's mine.
In the tapestry of love, our story will unfold,
For I shall be your silver and your gold.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
When love heard not a word, yet felt so clear,
In silence profound, its whispers appear.
A language beyond words, a heartfelt touch,
Love speaks in silence, it's never too much.

Through unspoken moments, emotions unfurled,
Love's symphony played, in silence it swirled.
Not in spoken verses or phrases heard,
But in the quiet spaces, where hearts were stirred.

When love heard not a word, but a soul's yearning,
In silence, it ignited, softly burning.
Eyes met, conveying what words cannot say,
Love's essence lingering, refusing to fray.

In the hush of a gaze, in a soft caress,
Love conveyed its depth, a wordless address.
For sometimes in silence, love finds its voice,
A language of the heart, the ultimate choice.

When love heard not a word, it felt the beat,
In the silence, emotions found their seat.
For love transcends language, it knows no bounds,
It thrives in silence, where true connection resounds.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Oh Lord, where the magnolias bloom,
In nature's sanctuary, where beauty finds room.
Amidst verdant meadows, their fragrance sways,
A tranquil haven, where peace portrays.

In the garden of grace, where blossoms thrive,
Magnolias whisper tales, keeping memories alive.
Their petals, like whispers of divine delight,
Underneath the sun's golden light.

Oh Lord, in this haven, serenity prevails,
Where magnolias dance on the wind's gentle trails.
Their blossoms, a canvas of purity and grace,
In this sacred abode, a heavenly space.

Their fragrance, a hymn in the whispering breeze,
Underneath the magnolia's sheltering trees.
In this haven, prayers find their way,
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Love shall straighten her crown, oh so fair,
In the moments when life seems to ensnare.
With tender hands and a gentle touch,
Love brings solace, oh, so much.

In times of doubt, when skies are gray,
Love whispers courage, showing the way.
It lifts her spirit, helps her stand tall,
As she faces the world, through it all.

When chaos reigns and troubles brew,
Love steadies her, strong and true.
Straightening her crown with tender care,
Love reminds her she's beyond compare.

Through trials and storms that come her way,
Love's support ensures she won't sway.
Her crown may tilt, but love's embrace,
Restores its glory, its rightful place.

With grace and kindness, love adorns,
Her spirit, where confidence is born.
Love's touch, a blessing, soft and profound,
As it straightens her crown, with love unbound.

So let love be her guide, her steadying hand,
As it straightens her crown, so grand.
For in the warmth of love's pure sound,
Her strength and beauty are steadfastly crowned.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
In a realm of dreams where time suspends,
A thousand kisses, each one transcends.
Soft whispers woven in the night's serene,
A tapestry of love, an enchanting scene.

Upon the slumbering mind's soft drift,
A thousand kisses, a tender gift.
Each one a story, a gentle stream,
In the realm of dreams where hearts redeem.

With every touch, a whispered sigh,
A thousand kisses, each a lullaby.
In dreamscape's embrace, where lovers gleam,
A thousand kisses, a cherished theme.

Through moonlit paths and starry skies,
A thousand kisses, where passion flies.
In the land of dreams, where fantasies teem,
A thousand kisses paint love's sweet esteem.

So in the quietude of night's soft gleam,
A thousand kisses, a cherished dream.
In the silent whispers, love's eternal beam,
A thousand kisses, a celestial scheme.
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