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Stu Harley Dec 2023
All the light in this room
Comes from the stars in your eyes
They sparkle and shine like jewels
And fill me with wonder and surprise

All the light in this room
Comes from the smile on your lips
They curve and curl like petals
And makes me want to steal a kiss

All the light in this room
Comes from the warmth of your heart
It beats and throbs like a drum
And makes me feel we'll never part

All the light in this room
Comes from the love that we share
It grows and glows like a flame
And makes me know you'll always care
Stu Harley Nov 2023
We are the broken pieces of the stars,
Scattered fragments from celestial memoirs.
In the cosmic dance, we were once whole,
Now stardust scattered, an eternal stroll.

From galaxies far away, we found our way,
To this earthly abode, where mortals stray.
Each atom within us, a shimmering light,
A cosmic legacy, an astronomical flight.

The universe within, a celestial choir,
Our essence echoes, reaching higher and higher.
We carry within us the cosmos' embrace,
In our brokenness, an intricate grace.

The supernovas' remnants in our soul's decree,
Whispers of cosmos in you and me.
Each fracture a story, each scar a spark,
A cosmic connection within the dark.

Though shattered, we're luminescent art,
A canvas of constellations in every heart.
From galaxies torn, we found our place,
We are the broken pieces of cosmic grace.

So let us embrace our celestial scars,
For we are the remnants of the stars.
In our fragmented beauty, we shall find,
A universe within, infinitely designed.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
In the whispers of Arriana's Windsong's grace, a melody dances through time and space, A symphony carried on the breath of the breeze, in nature's embrace, where harmony flees.

Arriana's Windsong, a gentle refrain, echoes through valleys and over the plain, softly sung by zephyrs that freely roam, a serenade echoing, finding its home.

Through rustling leaves and swaying trees, it tells tales of the land, the mountains, and seas, and a ballad of whispers, in every gust, In Arriana's Windsong, a melody of trust.

The wind's tender touch, a delicate kiss, carries the essence of nature's pure bliss, In the cadence of waves and the bird's joyful flight, Ariana's Windsong whispers, through the day and night.

In the rustling grasses and the river's flow, in the lullabies sung soft and slow, Ariana's Windsong, a comforting friend, a melody guiding from beginning to end.

So, listen closely to the breeze's soft plea, and hear Arriana's Windsong, wild and free, for in its gentle hum, a story prolongs Arriana's Windsong, where nature belongs.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
Love is a ghost again, a haunting refrain,
A spirit that wanders in joy and in pain.
It lingers like mist, elusive and fleet,
In whispers of longing, in moments bittersweet.

A spectral presence felt in the heart's beat,
Love's apparition is so tender and sweet.
It vanishes and returns, an ethereal sight,
A phantom that dances in the shadows of night.

Love, a ghost, in memories it thrives,
In the echoes of laughter, in tender archives.
It haunts the corridors of cherished past,
A spirit that endures, destined to last.

Fleeting yet potent, an elusive guide,
Love appears and vanishes like the tide.
A ghostly echo of emotions untamed,
In the soul's vast mansion, it's gently claimed.

Though intangible, it's an essence, a spark,
Love's spectral form in the moments dark.
A phantom that whispers, a ghostly refrain,
Love, eternal, returns again and again.

So let it roam, this ghostly friend,
Love is a specter that will never end.
In its ethereal form, it transcends the plain,
For love, as a ghost, forever will remain.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
Cracks in their souls, a subtle fracture,
Invisible lines, where emotions capture.
A tender rift in the heart's deep core,
Where pains and sorrows tend to be stored.

Each fracture is a story, silently told,
In the echoes of moments, both young and old.
The cracks, like veins of a fragile art,
Reveal the battles fought within the heart.

Some cracks from losses, some from fears,
Etched by the weight of countless tears.
Yet, in each fracture, there lies a strength,
A testament to resilience, of remarkable length.

They don't diminish the soul's inner glow,
But render it more human, as stories grow.
The cracks allow the light to seep,
Where healing begins, from the scars so deep.

In those fractures, empathy finds its space,
Understanding others, their struggles, and their grace.
Cracks in their souls, though they might be,
Show beauty in imperfection, for all to see.

From these fractures, lessons bloom,
A wisdom that transcends the gloom.
Cracks in their souls, a mosaic of life,
Embracing both joy and strife.

So let these cracks in souls be told,
A testament to the stories they hold.
For in their fractures, there's resilience untold,
A testament to the strength of the human soul.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
They say that love is a little bit more painful during the most tender moments, where emotions stray. Love has a bittersweet flavor that resides in the heart, blending joy and pain in a single episode.

Love is the ache that comes with longing and the pang of saying goodbye, the tears that fall and the echoed sigh. It is a delicate balance on a fragile shore, a little more painful, but still worth it.

It is the tender scars from battles fought in the labyrinth of emotions, both cold and hot. It is the touch of sorrow in the sweetness found in the symphony of feelings, both lost and found.

Love's pain is a testament, a chapter untold, in the stories of hearts where emotions unfold. It is a poignant reminder that love's folklore is a little more painful, and yet, we adore.

In the depth of pain, resilience thrives. Love's pain is a testament to what truly survives. It is the beauty in vulnerability's lure, a little more painful, yet love remains pure.

So let love's hurt be a part of its lore, in the tapestry of emotions that hearts explore. For in love's trials, we find what's in store, a little more pain, yet love forevermore.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
Love comes out of a dream, so it seems,
Born from the whims of midnight streams.
In the realms of slumber, where fantasies roam,
Love blossoms freely, finding its home.

In the haze of dreams, where desires take flight,
Love emerges, a beacon of light.
From the depths of the subconscious mind,
It surfaces, genuine and kind.

From whispered wishes in the night's embrace,
Love arises, adorned with grace.
In the landscapes of dreams, where reality bends,
Love weaves its tale, a message it sends.

It paints a picture with hues so bright,
Love's palette in the realm of the night.
From dreamscapes to reality's gleam,
Love transcends, more than it may seem.

For love comes out of a dream's allure,
An ethereal essence, gentle and pure.
In the waking hours, its presence beams,
For love indeed arises from cherished dreams.
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