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Stu Harley Nov 2023
When love plays for keeps, it's a timeless game,
A commitment not swayed by fortune or fame.
In the dance of hearts, where promises are sworn,
Love plays for keeps, from dusk till dawn.

Through the ebb and flow, in life's shifting tide,
Love remains steadfast, forever by your side.
In the symphony of emotions, where passion leaps,
Eternal vows are whispered when love plays for keeps.

Not a fleeting spark, but a steady flame,
In the heart's sanctuary, love stakes its claim.
Through joys and sorrows, in valleys and peaks,
A resilient bond forms when love plays for keeps.

In the quiet moments and laughter's peals,
In shared dreams and the touch that heals,
Love writes its story in memories deep,
A lasting legacy when love plays for keeps.

It's not just a game of chance or fate,
But a deliberate choice, a conscious state.
In the commitment to cherish, the devotion runs deep,
A sacred promise when love plays for keeps.

So, let the heart be a keeper of this flame,
In love's enduring quest, both tender and tame.
For in the sacred union where affection seeps,
True bliss is found when love plays for keeps.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
Through the enchanted green hills of Mercedes,
Where the whispers of nature tell tales at ease,
A magical landscape, where dreams unfold,
In the embrace of beauty, a story yet untold.

Meadows of emerald, kissed by the sun,
Where wildflowers dance, their ballet begins,
A symphony of colors, a painter's delight,
In the enchanted green hills, nature takes flight.

The breeze, a gentle caress through the trees,
Carries secrets of the hills on the playful tease.
In the rustle of leaves and the babbling rills,
Nature unveils its wonders in Mercedes' green hills.

A canopy of trees, like guardians tall,
Casting dappled shadows, a coverlet's fall.
Through the winding trails, where adventure spills,
Exploring the mysteries of Mercedes' green hills.

Birds sing sonnets in the soft morning light,
As the hills awake from the tranquil night.
The sun paints a canvas with its golden frills,
A masterpiece unveiled in Mercedes' green hills.

In this enchanted realm, time slows its pace,
And the heart finds a haven, a serene embrace.
Through valleys and peaks, where nature fulfills,
The soul finds solace in Mercedes' green hills.

So let us wander through this magical domain,
Where the enchantment of nature will forever reign,
In the tapestry of green, where serenity distills,
A timeless beauty in Mercedes' enchanted green hills.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
When love has jealous eyes, a storm may brew,
A tempest of emotions, both dark and true.
In the gaze that once held only tender ties,
Now flickers a flame with jealous eyes.

In the shadows of doubt, mistrust may play,
Casting its shadows on a once sunny day.
Yet, in the heart's chamber where love lies,
Conflicting emotions spark in jealous eyes.

A whisper of fear, a pang of concern,
A love once steady now takes a turn.
But in this tempest, where the confusion lies,
Love seeks understanding in jealous eyes.

For jealousy, a mirror to one's own fear,
Reflects insecurities that often draw near.
Yet, in the storm's center, where truth defies,
There's potential for growth in jealous eyes.

So, let love be a balm to soothe the ache,
Communication is the bridge, the bond to remake.
In the tumultuous sea where emotion ties,
Find calm and understanding in jealous eyes.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
Oh love, give me thy portion, rich and sweet,
A taste of bliss, where hearts and spirits meet.
Pour into my cup the wine of thy grace,
Let our love be a melody, a harmonious embrace.

In the banquet of affection, let joy unfold,
As we share the stories, both young and old.
May our bond be a feast, a banquet divine,
Where the flavors of love forever entwine.

Oh love, give me thy portion, pure and true,
In the garden of passion, where emotions grew.
Let the fruits of our togetherness be ripe,
A symphony of emotions, a passionate hype.

With every kiss, a sip from love's cup,
Let our connection be the sweetest sup.
In the banquet of life, as we break the bread,
May our love be the feast where we're both fed.

Oh love, give me thy portion, a timeless delight,
A blend of emotions, a magical flight.
In the dance of devotion, let our souls unite,
Oh love, give me thy portion, forever bright.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
War shall take her pound of flesh, a toll,
In the crimson fields where battles roll,
A heavy price paid by both young and old,
In stories of courage and tales untold.

The cost of conflict, a burden profound,
In the deafening silence, on blood-soaked ground,
Families torn asunder, dreams laid to rest,
In the wake of war, humanity's test.

With each conflict, a piece of humanity's heart,
Is lost to the chaos, torn apart,
But even in darkness, a glimmer of hope,
As nations seek peace, find a way to cope.

War may take her pound of flesh, it's true,
But the resolve for peace is ever anew,
For in unity, in love, we may find,
A way to heal, and leave war behind.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
Where the light shines from the cracks inside the soul,
A radiant beacon, making brokenness whole,
In the wounded heart, it finds its way,
To guide the lost, to brighter day.

Through life's trials and the darkest night,
This inner light is a source of might,
From the depths of despair, it'll make you whole,
Where the light shines from the cracks inside the soul.

It's not in perfection that its brilliance gleams,
But in our imperfections, in our shattered dreams,
In our moments of vulnerability, when we're less than whole,
Is where the light shines from the cracks inside the soul.

It's a reminder that we can heal and mend,
That even in brokenness, love can transcend,
The scars that we carry, the wounds that take their toll,
Where the light shines from the cracks inside the soul.

So don't fear your fractures, your inner scars,
For in those very cracks, you'll reach for the stars,
And from the depths of your being, a story will unroll,
Where the light shines from the crack inside the soul.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
To seek thy heavenly place, we journey forth,
With faith as our guide, from south to north,
In quest of solace, grace, and endless light,
A path to the divine, both day and night.

Through rugged trails, across the rolling seas,
With whispered prayers upon the gentle breeze,
We traverse mountains, valleys, and wide open space,
To seek thy heavenly place, we find our grace.

With hearts attuned to the sacred call,
In our devotion, we surrender all,
To touch the realms where angels sing,
To seek thy heavenly place, a sacred offering.

In the cathedral of nature, we find our shrine,
Beneath the stars, in the moon's soft sign,
To reach that sacred space, we set our pace,
To seek thy heavenly place, our souls embrace.

With each step taken, our spirits rise,
In the vast expanse, beneath the open skies,
We find thy presence, in every living face,
To seek thy heavenly place, we find our grace.

The journey may be long, the way unclear,
But we're drawn closer, with each passing year,
For in the quest, our souls find their trace,
To seek thy heavenly place, our eternal embrace.

In this sacred journey, we shall find,
Thy heavenly place, the presence divine,
And as we seek with love, in every space,
We'll find thy heavenly place, in endless grace.
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