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Stu Harley Nov 2023
When I fall down on my knees to pray,
In the quiet of the night or the bright of day,
I find a refuge for my soul, a sacred space,
Where I seek guidance, solace, and grace.

With hands clasped and a humble heart,
I offer my thanks for every precious part,
Of this life's journey, both its highs and lows,
In moments of gratitude, my spirit glows.

In times of need, I make my plea,
For strength and courage to set me free,
From life's burdens, and in those pleas,
I find the hope to put my heart at ease.

When I fall down on my knees to pray,
I'm connected to a higher power, come what may,
A communion with the divine, a blessed release,
In those sacred moments, my soul finds peace.

I lay down my worries, my hopes, my fears,
In the silence, I shed my heartfelt tears,
In the stillness, a connection deepens and grows,
As I offer my soul in prayer, the love in me flows.

For on my knees, I find a way,
To navigate life's twists and sway,
To find clarity and strength to seize,
When I fall down on my knees.
Stu Harley Nov 2023
To seek thy heavenly place, we journey forth,
With faith as our guide, from south to north,
In quest of solace, grace, and endless light,
A path to the divine, both day and night.

Through rugged trails, across the rolling seas,
With whispered prayers upon the gentle breeze,
We traverse mountains, valleys, and wide-open space,
To seek thy heavenly place, we find our grace.

With hearts attuned to the sacred call,
In our devotion, we surrender all,
To touch the realms where angels sing,
To seek thy heavenly place, a sacred offering.

In the cathedral of nature, we find our shrine,
Beneath the stars, in the moon's soft sign,
To reach that sacred space, we set our pace,
To seek thy heavenly place, our souls embrace.

With each step taken, our spirits rise,
In the vast expanse, beneath the open skies,
We find thy presence, in every living face,
To seek thy heavenly place, we find our grace.

The journey may be long, the way unclear,
But we're drawn closer, with each passing year,
For in the quest, our souls find their trace,
To seek thy heavenly place, our eternal embrace.

In this sacred journey, we shall find,
Thy heavenly place, the presence divine,
And as we seek with love, in every space,
We'll find thy heavenly place, in endless grace.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Our love, still riding on the Ferris wheel,
A timeless journey, an enduring zeal,
As we ascend to heights, emotions twirl,
In each revolution, our love takes a swirl.

Round and round, we rise and we fall,
Moments of thrill, love embraces all,
In the whirl of life, a magical dance,
Our love on the Ferris wheel, in sweet romance.

At the peak, we touch the open sky,
Our hearts are entwined, as the world goes by,
With every spin, we hold each other near,
Our love remains strong, devoid of fear.

Through the twists and turns, both high and low,
In the carnival of life, our love continues to grow,
Our laughter, our tears, the joy that we feel,
Our love, forever riding on the Ferris wheel.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Lord, I am holding on to this day,
With faith that guides me along the way,
Through every trial and every stride,
In Your presence, I find strength to abide.

In the morning's light and evening's shade,
In the choices I make, in the plans I've laid,
I seek Your wisdom, Your comforting grace,
In this journey of life, in this boundless space.

Though challenges may rise, and storms may brew,
With Your guidance, I'll see them through,
In every step, in each word I say,
Lord, I am holding on to this day.

The moments pass like grains of sand,
In the hourglass of time, life's grand,
But in Your love, I find my stay,
Lord, I am holding on to this day.

For in the present, Your blessings I see,
In the beauty of life, in the trials set free,
With each sunrise, with each sun's decay,
I'm grateful, Lord, for this day.

As the stars emerge in the evening's sky,
I'll lift my voice, I'll testify,
That in Your love, I find my way,
Lord, I am holding on to this day.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
sky blueberry sky
with your blow beechnut breeze
where the bluebirds fly
through cotton candy clouds
beside the deep blue mountains
with her whipped cream smile
thus her sugarcane eyes
Stu Harley Oct 2023
When your love is an illusion, a fleeting dream,
A shimmering mirage in the desert's gleam,
In the depth of night, where shadows loom,
You find your heart wrapped in a mystic gloom.

In the realm of make-believe, you're ensnared,
By a love that once seemed so real, so cared,
But like a wisp of smoke in the night's confusion,
You realize you've been caught in an illusion.

The heartache is like a mirage's cruel game,
It's hard to accept that it's not quite the same,
Yet as the illusion fades into the morn,
From its grasp, a new strength is born.

For in the shadowed depths of what's unreal,
You learn to discern what's false from what's real,
You gather the pieces, your heart's reconstruction,
And find a love that's not an illusion.

In the process of healing, you'll find your way,
To love that's enduring, where shadows don't sway,
In time, your heart finds a brighter conclusion,
A love that's substantial, not just an illusion.

So let the illusion teach, and let it reveal,
That love can be true and remarkably real,
With each lesson learned, your heart's evolution,
Takes you beyond mere love's fleeting illusion.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
We shall pray to the same God, hand in hand,
In unity, we'll tread on this sacred land,
For under the vast sky, beneath the sun's rod,
We find our common faith in the same God.

Though our paths may differ, our hearts aligned,
In our prayers, our hopes and dreams combined,
With reverence in our souls, love to applaud,
We'll come together, praying to the same God.

In different tongues, our praises may rise,
Yet our beliefs connect us, to our surprise,
In the tapestry of humanity, we'll applaud,
Our shared devotion to the same God.

With humility and grace, we bow our heads,
Seeking guidance from the One who spreads,
Compassion and love, on this earthly sod,
In our prayers to the same God.

Religious threads woven through our story,
We'll honor the divine in all its glory,
In this unity, we'll find a common nod,
As together, we pray to the same God.

So let our faiths bring us close, not apart,
For we're all threads in the tapestry of heart,
In this world, beneath the same celestial awed,
Together, we pray to the same God.
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