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Stu Harley Oct 2023
Where does glory live, in the hearts of the brave,
In the stories of heroes, who dared to save,
In the moments of triumph, the battles they gave,
In the souls of those striving, their honor to pave.

Glory resides in the deeds that inspire,
In the hearts of the selfless, who never tire,
In the quest for justice, in the eyes that aspire,
In the unyielding spirit that rises higher.

It dwells in the courage to stand against tide,
In the sacrifices made, with nothing to hide,
In the strength of character, where values abide,
In the unwavering truth, never denied.

It's found in the love for a cause that's just,
In the bonds of kinship, in the faith and trust,
In the moments of kindness, in the hearts that adjust,
In the pursuit of dreams, in the hope and the gust.

Glory lives where humanity shows its best,
In compassion, in love, in the strength to invest,
In the face of adversity, a rigorous test,
In the hearts of the noble, forever blessed.

So, where does glory live? It's in you and me,
In the choices we make, in the world we decree,
In the love we impart, in the moments of glee,
In the legacy we leave, for all eternity.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
I found the ghost inside of me, a haunting presence near,
A shadowed part of my soul, a specter held so dear.
In the labyrinth of my being, it wandered long and wide,
A silent echo of the past, where secrets tend to hide.

With every step, it whispered tales of moments left behind,
A story of resilience, a journey through the mind.
The ghost, a part of me, I thought I'd never know,
But in its haunting visage, my own reflection would glow.

In the quiet of my thoughts, it shared a mournful song,
A melody of memories, both right and wrong.
I embraced this spectral essence, for it was part of who I am,
The keeper of my history, the guide to where I stand.

The ghost inside of me, a mirror to my soul,
Revealing hidden truths, making me feel whole.
In its presence, I found strength, a path to self-discovery,
For the ghost within myself was the essence of me.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
The light from our swords, a gleaming blaze,
In the darkest of nights, in the fiercest of frays,
A beacon of valor, our courage on display,
As we face the shadows and hold the way.

Forged in the fires of honor and might,
Our blades shine forth in the heart of the fight,
Defenders of justice, with strength in our cords,
We wield our weapons, the light from our swords.

In battles of old, or those yet to be,
The glint of our steel sets the oppressed free,
With each noble strike, with every parry,
We fend off the darkness, we're warriors unwary.

The light from our swords, a symbol of might,
In the face of adversity, we stand for what's right,
With valor and honor, our spirits in accord,
We'll defend the weak with the light from our sword.

Through history's pages, our stories will unfold,
A testament to courage, to warriors bold,
In the annals of time, our legends are stored,
For we are the bearers of the light from our swords.

So as long as we stand, as long as we fight,
The darkness shall wane, and we'll conquer the night,
With bravery and strength, we'll never be floored,
As long as we carry the light from our swords.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Fear and doubt, let go of me,
I'm ready to set myself free.
I've held on to you for too long,
But now I see, you're doing me wrong.

You whisper in my ear,
Telling me I'm not good enough,
You paralyze my fear,
And keep me stuck in the same old rut.

But I'm tired of being held back,
I'm ready to spread my wings and fly.
I'm ready to take a leap of faith,
And see what life has in store for me.

So fear and doubt, I bid you adieu,
I'm done with your toxic games.
I'm stepping into the unknown,
With courage and determination.

I know it won't be easy,
But I'm ready for the challenge.
I'm ready to live my life to the fullest,
And achieve my wildest dreams.

So fear and doubt, let go of me,
I'm ready to set myself free.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Oh, gentle rain, I let you go,
Your cleansing touch, I no longer know.
But in my heart, your memory remains,
A symphony of sorrows and gains.

And tears, I bid you farewell too,
Your salty streams, I no longer pursue.
But in my soul, your echoes reside,
A testament to the life I've survived.

No longer will I weep for the past,
Nor dwell on the shadows that overcast.
Instead, I'll embrace the present day,
And let my spirit dance and play.

So goodbye, rain and tears so dear,
I'm grateful for the lessons you brought, so clear.
But now, I'm ready to let go,
And let my heart and soul grow.

With open arms, I welcome the sun,
And all the joys that life has begun.
I'm letting go of the rain and the tears,
And embracing the laughter and the cheers.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Look inside this heart,
And see the world within,
A tapestry of love and light,
Where all things begin.

See the dreams that dance and play,
The hopes that soar so high,
The passions that burn so bright,
Beneath the bluest sky.

See the compassion that flows free,
The empathy that binds,
The strength that sees us through the storm,
The courage that never minds.

Look inside this heart,
And find a kindred soul,
A friend who's always there for you,
To make you whole.

For in this heart, there's room for all,
No matter who you are,
A place where love is always found,
And light shines from afar.

So look inside this heart, dear friend,
And let your spirit soar,
For in this heart, you'll find a home,
Where love will evermore.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Oh Lord, tonight the angels receive their wings,
A celestial choir, their voices take to sing.
With hearts ablaze, their souls ascend,
To join the heavens, where all love shall never end.

In realms of light, where dreams unfurl,
Their spirits soar, beyond the earthly swirl.
Their wings outstretched, they dance with glee,
Embraced by love, forever free.

Oh Lord, we watch with awe and grace,
As angels take their rightful place.
Their radiant light, a beacon bright,
Guiding us through the darkest night.

Tonight, we celebrate their birth,
As angels soar, from earth to earth.
Their wings are a symbol of hope and cheer,
A reminder that love is always near.

Oh Lord, we thank you for this gift,
The angels' wings, a heavenly lift.
May their sweet song forever ring,
And their love for us forever sings.
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