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Stu Harley Oct 2023
Let men have a piece of this earth,
To till and sow, to live in mirth.
Let them plant their seeds and watch them grow,
And reap the fruits of what they sow.

Let men have a piece of this earth,
To build their homes and raise their hearts.
Let them create a place to call their own,
Where love and laughter are always known.

Let men have a piece of this earth,
To explore its wonders and find their worth.
Let them climb its mountains and sail its seas,
And discover all that nature decrees.

Let men have a piece of this earth,
To cherish and protect, for all its worth.
Let them be stewards of this precious land,
And pass it on, with a gentle hand.

For men are part of this earth's grand plan,
To tend and nurture, with a loving hand.
So let them have a piece of this earth,
To live in harmony and share its mirth.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Sweet rain, tapping on my window pane,
A gentle rhythm, like a soothing refrain.
I watch the droplets dance and swirl,
A mesmerizing, mesmerizing twirl.

The world outside is bathed in gray,
But my heart is light, come what may.
For the rain brings life, and the rain brings cheer,
And washes away all my worries and fear.

Sweet rain, I love your gentle embrace,
The way you cleanse and soothe every space.
You whisper secrets of the earth and sky,
And fill my soul with pure delight.

Oh, sweet rain, please never cease,
To tap your song of peace.
For in your presence, I find true bliss,
And a world transformed, with a gentle kiss.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
Halloween night
bright orange jack-a-lantern moon
hanging in the spooky sky
chills running
up and down
our spines
walked and whistled gently
pass the graveyard still
Stu Harley Oct 2023
When the light wraps her arms around you,
In the gentle embrace of morning's debut,
You'll find the world awash in golden hues,
A symphony of colors, a breathtaking muse.

The sunrise whispers secrets to the day,
Painting the sky in a splendid display,
With warmth and hope, it touches your soul,
And in that tender moment, you're made whole.

The world awakens with a brand-new grace,
As light and shadow interlace and chase,
Your worries away, like the fading night,
Revealing a world bathed in pure, warm light.

When the light wraps her arms around your being,
You'll find your spirit, in joy, agreeing,
To face the day with courage and delight,
Guided by the soft glow of morning's light.

In those precious moments, you'll feel the love,
From the heavens above and below and above,
For in the embrace of the dawn's first kiss,
You'll discover that there's nothing quite like this.

So cherish the dawn and the new day's start,
As light envelops you, warming your heart,
For when the light wraps her arms around you,
You'll find in her embrace, a love so true.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
the place
brick and mortar
sacred temple
soul to dwell
Stu Harley Oct 2023
The stirring of starlings shall fill the sky,
A spectacle that makes the spirit fly,
As dusk descends and daylight takes its leave,
Their wondrous dance, a sight to believe.

In countless numbers, they gather near,
A symphony of wings, a sight so clear,
With grace and precision, they come alive,
In the evening air, they freely strive.

Their movements choreographed by some unseen hand,
In perfect harmony, they take their stand,
In unity, they rise and twist and turn,
A mesmerizing sight, for which we yearn.

They weave and blend in patterns vast,
A living canvas, their flight so fast,
The stirring of starlings, a living art,
A testament to nature's boundless heart.

As day gives way to the velvet night,
Their dance continues in soft moonlight,
A reminder of the beauty that can be found,
When creatures of the sky come together, unbound.

So when you see the starlings take to flight,
Remember the magic in their graceful might,
For in the stirring of starlings, you shall see,
The wonder and the beauty of nature's decree.
Stu Harley Oct 2023
When you can tell Heaven from Hell,
In the moments when your heart does swell,
A choice unfolds, a path unveiled,
In the crossroads where destinies sailed.

Heaven's grace, a serene embrace,
A realm of love, a sacred space,
Where angels dance on clouds of white,
And all is bathed in eternal light.

But Hell, it beckons with fiery eyes,
A world of shadows, where despair lies,
With flames that scorch and demons dwell,
In the depths of darkness, it casts its spell.

When you can tell Heaven from Hell,
In the choices you make, in the stories you tell,
Remember, dear soul, your power within,
To shape your fate, to choose to win.

In life's grand tapestry, the threads you weave,
With every choice, you truly believe,
That heaven or hell, you'll find your way,
Through the choices you make, night and day.

So listen to your heart, let wisdom guide you,
As you journey through life, side by side,
For in your choices, your destiny dwells,
When you can tell Heaven from Hell.
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