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Stu Harley Sep 2023
Through the night, eternal light does gleam,
A beacon in the darkness, like a radiant dream.
In the shroud of night's deep embrace,
It guides us through, with gentle grace.

When shadows fall, and stars take flight,
Eternal light unveils the hidden sight.
With its tender glow, the path is clear,
Banishing doubt, alleviating fear.

Though darkness may loom, and storms may roar,
Eternal light shines evermore.
It whispers promises of a new day's birth,
Illuminating hope upon the Earth.

In the depths of despair, it's a steady hand,
A constant presence, forever planned.
Through trials and tribulations, it does lead,
An unwavering guide for all in need.

Through the night, eternal light does gleam,
A timeless source of hope, a radiant beam.
In its gentle embrace, we find our way,
Guided by its glow, we greet the day.
Stu Harley Sep 2023
The quiet eyes of a storm, they gaze,
In the midst of chaos, their tranquil phase.
Beneath dark clouds, a serene allure,
A paradox of calm, so pure.

In their stillness, a world does wait,
Before the tempest decides its fate.
A hushed anticipation, a silent plea,
For the storm's quiet eyes to set them free.

But within those eyes, a power resides,
A force of nature, where mystery hides.
The calm before, a moment of grace,
Before the storm unleashes its fierce embrace.

The quiet eyes of a storm, they hold,
A story of nature, ancient and bold.
In their depths, a world unfurls,
Where the balance of chaos and peace swirls.

So, we watch and we wait, in awe and dread,
As the quiet eyes of the storm overhead,
Reveal the secrets of earth and sky,
In the silent moment before the storm's cry.
Stu Harley Sep 2023
Until our dreams turn gold, we'll journey on,
In the light of hope, until the breaking dawn.
With hearts ablaze, and aspirations bold,
We'll chase our dreams until they're gold.

Through valleys low and mountains high,
Beneath the endless, starry sky,
With every step, our spirits hold,
The promise of dreams transformed into gold.

Though storms may rage and winds may blow,
In the face of adversity, we'll glow.
For in our souls, a fire will unfold,
Burning bright until our dreams turn gold.

With persistence as our guiding star,
No matter the distance, no matter how far,
We'll follow the path that our hearts have told us,
Never give up until our dreams turn gold.

In the tapestry of time, we'll weave,
The dreams we've cherished, never to leave.
With passion and purpose, together we'll mold,
A future where our dreams shine like gold.

So hand in hand, let's press ahead,
With determination, where dreams are fed.
In the story of our lives, the greatest tale ever told,
We'll persevere until our dreams turn gold.
Stu Harley Sep 2023
Oh, love, thy heart is cheery red,
A vibrant hue where passions tread.
In the depths of your fiery core,
Love's beauty and warmth forever soar.

Like the petals of a rose in bloom,
Love's crimson touch dispels the gloom.
In its embrace, we find our way,
Through life's tumultuous night and day.

It dances like flames in the twilight's grace,
A burning passion, an endless chase.
Oh, love, your heart is a vivid fire,
With each beat, our desires aspire.

In the quiet moments, your glow remains,
A steady beacon through life's joys and pains.
Thy heart is cheery red, a radiant art,
Igniting the flames of love in every heart.

With every glance, with every touch,
Love's red heart, it means so much.
In its fervent blaze, we find our fate,
A love so true, it's never too late.

Oh, love, thy heart is a blazing sight,
A beacon of hope in the darkest night.
In its warm embrace, we're safely led,
For in love's red heart, we're eternally fed.
Stu Harley Sep 2023
To forgive every word that we said, my dear,
In the tapestry of our love, let wounds disappear.
For in moments of conflict, our hearts may be swayed,
But love is the bridge where our souls find their aid.

Words may be sharp, like arrows they fly,
Yet forgiveness can mend, like a clear, open sky.
In the ebb and the flow of emotions so high,
To forgive every word is to let love touch the sky.

In the quiet of night, let's lay down our pride,
With understanding and grace, let love be our guide.
For the bonds that we share, let forgiveness be spread,
To forgive every word that we said.

With each sunrise, a new chance to embrace,
The healing power of love, in its warm, gentle grace.
In the chapters we write, let forgiveness be read,
To forgive every word, and find peace instead.

For in love's sweet embrace, where our hearts are led,
To forgive every word is where our love's truly spread.
In forgiveness, our love is eternally wed,
To forgive every word that we said.
Stu Harley Sep 2023
Love shall do nothing wrong, a sacred creed,
In its gentle embrace, all hearts find their need.
It knows no boundaries, no hate, no spite,
In the realm of love, all is made right.

It weaves a tapestry of kindness and grace,
In every heart, it finds its place.
Love knows only of compassion and care,
It's a force that's meant to be fair.

In the face of hatred, it stands strong and tall,
A beacon of hope, it conquers all.
It mends the wounds, it heals the pain,
In love's presence, all strife is in vain.

Love shall do nothing wrong, it always forgives,
In its boundless depths, every soul relives.
It lifts us up when we stumble and fall,
In love's tender arms, we find our all.

Through the trials of life, it's a guiding song,
In the world of love, nothing can go wrong.
For love's the answer, the eternal song,
In its pure embrace, we all belong.
Stu Harley Sep 2023
If her heart is a flower, in the morning's grace,
It opens gently, in a tender embrace.
Petals unfurl, like secrets revealed,
In the fragrant bloom, love is concealed.

With each dawn's kiss, a new day's start,
In the garden of love, she offers her heart.
In the warmth of sunlight, it begins to sway,
If her heart is a flower, it blossoms every day.

But like petals that fall when autumn arrives,
Love may face trials, where the heart survives.
Through seasons of life, in each ebb and flow,
If her heart is a flower, it will continue to grow.

So cherish this love, like a garden so fair,
Tend to its beauty, and handle it with care.
For if her heart's a flower, in love's sweet show,
It blooms with each moment and forever will glow.
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