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 Jul 2015 Strawberry Aster
I found you again
Siting at the park
With discarded roses
At your feet,
Looking for a way to get back to me,
To hold me like you used to.
I'm glad I found you-
You would've never found me,
I was lost too.
You're always on my mind, onii-chan! :) Je t'aime.

Tired of Singing the Blues
By Lana Del Rey
 Jul 2015 Strawberry Aster
The crackle of fireworks
Bloomed in the air
Wafting tendrils of smoke
Into our delicate faces.
He watched me as I stared up into the sky
My face alight with reds and blues and golds,
Smiling with twinkling eyes filled with wonder.
I glanced at him as he looked at me,
And he came closer,
Cupping my cheek and then
Pressing his soft tender lips to mine
Just as the fireworks burst in the sky
Sending sparks everywhere,
Sizzling the way we were.
We looked up,
Hands held,
And stared at our romance in the sky,
All power,
All passion,
All pure
With heat, smoke, and fire.
The fire that held us
Was burning through the cool night air
Warming us,
Letring us
And as we stood there,
We began to realize that nothing really mattered.
It was just us all along.
Just us,
Idk xc I know this ***** I can't write >~<
Happy late fourth though ^^" sorry didn't post this yesterday- I was busy.

By the script
 Jul 2015 Strawberry Aster
We were suppossed to be there
For each other

But you've always been
Quite forgetful
Or maybe
I just bore you
And now
You're gone
Amongst new friends
Better friends
And I'm happy for you
I can't help but miss
Our childish antics
Our senseless conversation
Our bickering
Our us.
Just some thoughts. Missing my friends.

Count on me
By bruno mars
(How bittersweet)
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