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stranger Jan 2022
I wish to be bones
Undoused by this vinegar scented shirt
Alone, a spring in this bed, a splinter in the headboard.
Writing love poems is so facile
Easily infatuated, I fall in love so heavy
Detailed manuscriptic, I'm pulling.
A love that isn't mine to be keeping.
A love that only I'm loving.
Like always cursed being.
The snow underneath me won't be melting,
Anytime soon.
Martyrdom crinkles and still I'm the one suffering.
What's not to be working I do it to myself lately.
Eyelashes catching ice, sleeping is my demise.
Snowflakes to be kept on the tips of my black gloves, I'm fighting for myself or at least I try.
Should've known desperation was no love, not worth it but my
Heart is lingering in stomach acid, cuz I've buried myself so deep, I'm crawling.
Out of bed every morning sickly to the kitchen table promising that I'll be cleaning up
Myself off the floor and sheets and never feel like this
Ever again.
stranger Jan 2022
if I drink enough beer with my dad it'll compensate for all the years he wasn't here,
if I bake enough cakes with my mom i'll forget I'd never forgive her.
Just like if I had 9000$ no-one would ever see my face again.
Fugees echo in my bathroom, they smell of anger when the song ends.
And now I'm brand new.
Water sits on me like a disease,
And now that I shaved I can see how that bike bit me.
The scars on my legs laugh bitterly,
How could I not see?
That I'm the flu within me.
I'm guilty.
For the insomnia, the tears
For the kid in me with no freedom, for the fears.
I've made and broken my own dreams,
Just how things are meant to be.
Timeline healthy.
Life will eat me,
Whole and leave no crumbs.
Wipe the table too, you eat well when you behave well.
And so I'll die at my own hands.
Forgiving yet so ravaged,
Desperate to touch
Some other version of me.
I'll die how I always wanted it to be,
by my own means
wrapped in the smears of superficiality,
I've clung to, solely, to survive being me.
Hollowed out but never empty
The only thing left to caress,
Is the shell I'll become to protect what remains of myself
Salted smile scented happiness.
stranger Jan 2022
clouds have been shaded,
split and shaken.
for my skin sizzling and my words unpoken.
faded wanna clasp my mouth shut.
can't walk, can't burden.
wanting to be a child of tommorow and count my days until 27.
lover's worried and I can't figure out who to hate.
the conviction to be fitted for disaster, it's already too late.
lover's screaming in my dreams, sounds like matching fate.
sky whispers,the scale tingles, I'm 57 kilograms of feeble.
a leech so loyal,impatient parasite...a crawler.
enamored enough to follow.
stranger Jan 2022
Mercy shouldn't warm me up
The way it does sometimes
The way it disgusts me.
Shredding the skin on the chords unknowingly
To feel something.
Showering these calloused tips hoping,
My touch to be satin, my voice unbreaking
Mercy shouldn't taste so sweet as it's realising its toxin.
Loom over me, tell me I'm suffering, tell me you agree occasionally.
Hollow out my eye sockets burn my gums they're all aching.
The laced up corset of my ribs is breaking.
All these playful discussions feel like my family's selling me, all this misplaced care, this sporadic goodwill.
Maximise my lifespan make sure I don't die until
I fulfill the system of profanity while grinning.
I am produce I am porcelain I am me.
To be sold, to be passed on, inherited.
What a great joke I'm gatekeeping.
stranger Jan 2022
the stories of how we fell in love
the countless trains, the willful strangers and their cars
the made-up midnight meals,
the need to escape, to lie to parents, to discard patience
it is indeed a story to make me fuller,
some filler in place for the food I haven't eaten in years.
how is it that it's always the disrupted marriages that have the greatest adventures?
"we were kids in love, no money, never dreaming of fortunes"
young forever in all the terminals
stranger Jan 2022
Îmi deschid gura și e fum
De parcă winston m-ar fi luat și câștigat
Ca pe un trofeu.
Cancer deraiat de eu.
Ciuda zbiară.
Înghite ca o termită toată camera asta din lemn răstignită în casă-goală
Roade păr, unghii, gânduri, șoapte
Împletite în părul unei alte eu.
Una ce nu e răzbunătoare.
Una rămasă copil stingher pe o strada de București mai puțin tulburătoare.
Dumbrava Nouă portal spre Strada Bîrca numărul 15,
O mișcare, 7 fețe.
Ilinca minte, Ilinca doare, Ilinca crește, Ilinca ucigătoare.
Ce mârşav gând, să scap de mine.
Mă holbez la oameni poate uit și revine
Viața într-un moment maniacal al zilei.
Un spate îndoit, un umăr întins pentru tine
Să-l mângâi, să-l fărâmi în palme
*** dorești.
Eu ard dar am răbdare.
Să pier ca cerul dimineții în favoarea verii.
Rupt din soare.
stranger Jan 2022
Six months at best
I counted them myself
Nothing that this doe gaze can manufacture
Nothing this sunlit glaze can save
6 months to indent...
into some love before it gets taken away
Spring in ******* January;
Flutter my lashes see what you can do for me.
These honeypot eyes can't soften my demise
when you're gone.
I don't want to leave you roaming
in a song.
I know my eyes will be the ones to take me away,
when I'm alone.
To confine me, solitaire,to ensure you're not there
Fragranced lullaby that puts me to is that another place will build another me so I can understand how to love and how to breathe.
House is playing games on me,
Pipes keep on popping, blood won't flow coherently.
I think life might be cheating on me.
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