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Stephen Knox Mar 14
The who that it is, that you're waiting to see.
Is living inside you, the same as in me.

The difference in how, you see what will show.
Is changing belief into something you know.

Focus your thoughts, being mindful of things.
Threading your way, throughout all that life brings.

Find the real message, not the one told.
The truth shining through, has your story unfold.

To the last that will happen, you began with the start.
Dissolving designs that have kept us apart.

Seeing how people perceive and connect.
Through thoughts and with words getting all they select.

Truth is a magnet, that strengthens and grows.
Attracting to all, that the universe knows.

Stop for a moment, do not delay.
Receiving what's needed from a feeling today.

Inspection of flow, to choose how you feel.
Opening the doors, you refused to reveal.

The lightnet gets loosened of you and of me.
Revealing the who that you're waiting to see
Stephen Knox Mar 6
When laying down sleeping and dreaming at night.
It quiets your vessel of physical might.

The other two vessels, working as you.
One comes from where, you'll go when it's through.

The last one is planted and grows in your head.
Combining with others the moment you're dead.

Body, spirit and mind are the three.
***** just one and unbalanced you'll be.

When one is diminished, the others will match.
Swirling together for darkness to hatch.

Know what you are, and what lives in you.
Balance your vessels for a life that is true.

The nature of people, soon easy to see.
As light from the Red King divides us in three.
Stephen Knox Mar 6
Time is now short, many parts now in place.
Don't let them fill you with distance and space.

Conflict and turmoil, need to unfold.
Showing your choice in the story that's told.

We each are a thought, a life of its own.
Mingling together with all that is known.

Negative acts, that need to be done.
controlled by intent, and not the outcome.

Hold an intent, throughout what you do.
Selecting those things, that are coming to you.

If it's for you, this intention will gain.
Karma will gather and strike you with pain.

Unload your karma, start giving your heart.
Opening up a new story to start.
Stephen Knox Feb 24
A top layer system, above all that we know.
With royals and bankers and popes out for show.

Wealth flowing upward, our system to theirs.
Leaving us down here playing that game with the chairs

The system's a pyramid, but built in's a stop.
just look at your money, disconnected on top.

To get to the top part, means towing their line.
You become then immune to all resembling a crime.

Hear what I say, and you'll know that it's true.
Extracting the wealth of this system from you.

the top part disconnected, that dwells way up high.
Is ours once the red king is above the cats eye.

Until then their secrets will snowball and fall.
The knowledge we gather will make them act small.

They'll give us the ones that are obvious to see.
Hoping that stops us from shaking their tree.

A lie cannot live without energy from you.
But the truth lives forever always looking brand new.

Don't let them fool you, they know what you need.
for filling their coffers and making you bleed.

The way that you stop them, soon you will see.
By forgiving yourself, you awaken the key.
Stephen Knox Jan 21
Waking up every day of my life, pushing the pain way down low.
Trying to chip out the tiniest of smiles, just enough so it will show.

Feeling hopeless, future now gone, missing the things that give joy.
Wishing that I, could find this great man, that grew from inside of this boy.

The sadness inside me and loss that I felt, jabbing and stabbing my heart.
Hoping each day, that I die in some way, that will reset all life from the start.

Blinded from seeing the tools all around, ones that could help me along.
Digging myself out of messes I made, required the need to be strong.  

Years have flown by, all those feelings now gone, no longer do I wish to be dead.
The pain and struggles that were deep inside me, have quit being stuck in my head.

Now it's ideas and people I love, to think about when I'm awake.
Since I've let go of the hurt left inside, the rest of this life is just cake.
Stephen Knox Jan 18
Looking at life, through a cracked mirror lens.
Unable to see straight, or even make sense.

Careful routines, packed with danger inside.
Just outside, all of the lines, you must ride.

Repairing the cracked lens, that you see through.
Is accepting yourself, and loving just you.

Receiving the greatest, gift in this life.
means stop all self judgements, they cut like a knife.

Honestly let go of things from your past.
Denying the lies, brings truth forth at last.

This life takes you no where, you don't want to go.
So buckle your seat belt, and enjoy the show.
Stephen Knox Jan 18
Not showing anyone, hiding what I am.
Only works so long until it puts me in a jam.

Closed off from feelings, heart locked away.
Out of touch with the love received, unable to make it stay.

Knowing that letting, my true self be seen.
Will change the way I'm looked at and awaken the machine.

Opening up myself, to help those along.
Not able to close now, I have to be strong.

Taking a chance, showing just you.
Letting you know that all things can be new.

Convergence of light, more every day.
Will show you the path, to find the middle way.
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