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 Mar 2015 Stephen Huff
 Mar 2015 Stephen Huff
Many of us intellectual poets
Mock the idea of people not reading
Why, just lately, I read novels about hiking the Appalachian Trail
And several books about cycling across America
Even some fiction about gun slingers in the Wild West
And, of course, pastoral poems, sonnets, and HP's best

While many people are out experiencing life
Not reading
We are improving our vocabulary and intellect
That will prove extremely valid
Wile reading our next book
I feel sorry for the people who can't find the time to read
Because they are too busy living
How obtuse?
Oranges & reds
crack the eastern skies
to greet the red-tailed hawk,
coffee brewing.

O those dogwoods thrill!

A fawn frolics with her doe
& every shade of jade
drops dew
as cottontails hop
amongst the deserted
moonshine still
in love.

I am
in Appalachia.
I am not a machine with a full tank of gas
I am a human being with limits, and food is not just fuel.
I need nourishment of all sorts to be fully alive.

Sometimes all I see are empty eyes in this urban jungle
that I call home, even though my heart belongs in Appalachia.
I am a mountain boy away from my true home.

I long to feel the morning fog roll in,
and hear the songs of the cicadas.
I love seeing fireflies in the summer time,
and the feel of a summer rain coolin' my skin.

I am not a machine,
a thing to be valued merely based on
production and function.

I have value, because I have life coursing through me,
and I sing the song of the Creator in my soul.

— The End —