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May 2018 · 311
Untitled 21
A black bird emerged from the top of her chest and flew away. It carried with it all the shadows she held so dear.

A blue bird followed. Lingering for a moment then turned skyward and away it flew.

A gray bird then struggled to be set free. She clutched at it, but the bird found its strength and left her too.

A red bird emerged, crimson .
Dark, vibrant, wild.

She waited for it to take flight, like the others, but it dug it's talons into her skin and let out a long piercing cry.

It was here to stay.
May 2018 · 317
Untitled 20
If what you need is someone to pull you forward, I'm here.

If what you need is someone to catch you when you fall backward, I'm here.

If what you need is someone right next to you to hold your hand, I'm here.

If what you need is to rest, then rest darling. I'll carry you.

If what you need is to run. Then run. I'll wait right here for you if you come back.

If what you need isn't me. Then leave, but promise me that you will find happiness.
Apr 2018 · 219
Untitled 19
Surrounded by fairytales of harrowing journeys and happy endings.

Where mice turn to magnificent steeds and pumpkins into glorious carriages.

Where slippers made of glass and gowns made of stardust enchant the night.

Where the wicked falter and the pure of heart triumph.

I cant live in such a world.
I need that darkness once in a while.

Happy ever after not into the sunset but into the dark and gloomy woods.
Apr 2018 · 191
Untitled 18
There are a million reasons why
Why i want to be yours

There are a million reasons why
Why I loose myself to you

There are a million reasons why
Why I miss you

There are a million reasons why
Why my heart is built around yours

There is only one reason why
Why I love you... Because you are you. And that is enough for me.

Apr 2018 · 212
Untitled 17
Words you say etch themselves into my skin.

They devour every inch of me.

Don't stop.
Apr 2018 · 255
Untitled 16
I am your mirror my darling
You project on me your very self

I don't mind
I just hope it helps you see yourself

I'll become what you want me to be.
Your reflection

I don't care if you don't see me
But at least see yourself clearly
Apr 2018 · 225
Untitled 15
My boots are covered in mud from the trek we took down by the river.
I should really clean them, it's not proper to walk into work with them in such a state.
But I won't clean them.
I need proof.
It wasn't a dream, it really happened.
We were there, even just for a time being.
Each scratch will remind me of the steps we took
The mud caked to my heels will tell the story of how I couldn't stop laughing
The worn sole will be testament to how you fixed mine
Apr 2018 · 204
Untitled 14
I won't remember the words we spoke or why I couldn't stop laughing
I won't remember how long we stayed or how long we walked
I won't remember the reason why I ask you to come with me

But I will remember the biting cold and how we felt warm anyways
And the way things just stood still, like the very universe whispered in my ear to be calm for the moment
How I found the happiest moments in the gloomiest of weather
Apr 2018 · 245
Untitled 12
I'll follow you like the loud roar of thunder follows the bold lighting.
You the lighting, I the thunder.
There is no one without the other.
Apr 2018 · 186
Untitled 11
You refuse
But I see you

You deny
But I know

You ignore
But you can't anymore
Apr 2018 · 204
Untitled 10
Blood boiling
Teeth grinding
Fists trembling
Heart racing
Eyes understanding
Apr 2018 · 172
Untitled 9
I am your mirror my darling
You project on me your very self

I don't mind
I just hope it helps you see yourself

I'll become what you want me to be.
Your reflection

I don't care if you don't see me
But at least see yourself clearly
Apr 2018 · 154
Untitled 8
Love Hate
Love Love
Love Hate
Hate Love
Hate Hate
Hate Love
Hate Hate
Love Love
Love Hate.

Morse Code for you are my forever.
Apr 2018 · 176
Untitled 7
He was asleep 7,000 miles away. She lay awake watching him sleep through the screen, longing for nothing more than to feel him breath next to her. 7,000 miles apart.
Apr 2018 · 159
Untitled 6
Thoughts of him filled her head and seeped slowly into her heart
like a relentless poison she could not wait to feel the sting of.

It coursed through her veins and with each heart beat she lost herself to him.
Apr 2018 · 160
Untitled 5
She loved him the way the stars needed the darkness in order to shine.

He was the moon and she the traveler on a dark night. Looking to him to help find her way.
Apr 2018 · 131
Untitled 4
I saw in you the kindness I longed for, but you quickly snatched it away with a few hurtful words

I saw in you the light that burned brighter than day, but you quickly snuffed it out with your cold manner

I saw you the love I yearned for, but you quickly turned it to black with your indifference

I see in you my darkest fear, that I will never be able to leave the shell I've hidden away in

I see in you my nightmare, spinning in endless circles of misunderstood words and intents

I see in you the scars I deserve to feel. I see in you wounds I refuse to close
Apr 2018 · 145
Untitled 3
The tip of the blade she held in her trembling hands.
The edge of the roof she stood at looking down.
The silence of the water that filled her lungs.
The bitterness of the pills she swallowed
The burn of the flame she touched.
The silence of the dark.
The echo of a voice
The solace
she found.
Apr 2018 · 325
Untitled 2
Oh my, your eyes are so tantalizing. "Nice to meet you. You're so breathtaking. I mean, I'm Steph"

One secret at a time. One insecurity at a time. One dark thought at a time. Can you read my mind???

I mean, it's all good. I'm so happy for you! She seems lovely.

Just us okay? What your girlfriend will meet us there? Alright, I cant wait...

How about lunch? You're free? Great, I cant wait! I mean to eat...
Oh this is wonderful. Gosh, I want to kiss you. I really really want to.

I cant wait to see you again and see that smile spread across your handsome face.

Friends, it isn't enough for me. I've fallen for you and there is no denying it.

Whispering softly every time we cross paths. Do i dare admit this to you?

"Hey, nice to chat with you after so long, how are you? Oh btw I love you".

I'll be your good morning and your good night. Let's plan out our lives together.
Our story in hastags
Apr 2018 · 174
Untitled 1
It was a sinister vine, it wrapped around her heart squeezing away the very love it held for him.

It threatened to leave her nothing but an empty husk and have her die a slow painful death.

It was the dark side of the moon, longing for the warmth of the sun that was his touch.

It awakened her but at the same time left her cold and numb to the harsh words he threw her way.

It was the wave crashing against the eager shore. She waited for him to crash into her.

It was the way he always receded that left an ache so deep it held her captive in the dark

It was her love for him. It was her pain.
Always, darling. I will love you.

— The End —