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Riding boots, helmet, and garments of leather
All equipped to meet a safety need
Jump on and shout, “never say never!”
You embark with your loyal steed

You and your soul mate take a lofty stroll
Before charging at the speed of light!
So that you can minimize the harmful toll
And continue to glide across like a kite

Hurdles and other similar props
Can easily be defeated by the soaring jump
With riding tricks grasped, your horse could never stop
Until there is no more power left in its energy pump

Falling off sometimes seems inevitable
Especially when your horse sees the tasty blue
Your bond rhythm needs to be sustainable
So that your horse can follow on cue

Rider and horse share a deep connection
With the two in sync, you will win the next riding election
This is a poem for a friend of mine for her birthday!
Hooves to the earth
Wind in my face
Under the sun
Faster must go faster
As an eagle screeches above my head
It reminds me
I'm free...
The plains stretch out before me
Mine for the taking
A kick up my legs
In joy
Nothing had felt so good
As the bare pleasure of running
Running free
Racing the eagle above me
I could hear another's soft breath
It was her
My partner
She whines in my ear
As we gallop a head
Fighting the winds force
We broke through
And raced faster
Until it felt like we had wings
To lift us from our feet
To soar above the land
And dance in the skies
I love horses :) they take my breath away with how beautiful and sweet they can be.
She shoots from the hip
tongue sharp as a whip
always loaded with a quip
Ready and able to let rip

She’s a miss-know-it-all
loves a bar-room brawl
always amongst it all
smirking wildly, standing tall

She’s a heart of gold
just do what your told
dare to be bold
she’ll get you in a hold

Many fear her
more adore her
She’s never a bore
I always want more

Just a cowgirl poet
One I love to read and quote
She certainly rocks my boat
Which I was a horse she rode

— The End —