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Apr 2014 · 643
In the hole.
Stephanie Keer Apr 2014
there will be times when
a quarter can make you smile
and days will be spent
poured over newspapers
circling with a marker that you swear
is filled with your blood
you won’t know who’s hands
have found your rib cage
or why they have to push so hard
it’s going to feel like you’re
climbing out of a grave dug far too early
and the next root is three inches too high
and you just can’t reach it
and maybe it’ll be easier if you just
but when you hit the ground
your bones will be dust
and you’ll still have no where to go but
but you remember what your friend said
about how even earthworms can move the ground
so kick your foot into the dirt
and make your own stepping stone
fill your fingers with your own breath
carrying hope and everything you learned last time
so they’ll reach a little longer
you’ll see the light and grass will dance again on your toes

you’ve done it
you’re here
Mar 2014 · 2.4k
Stephanie Keer Mar 2014
You don't see a tsunami coming.
I mean, most people expect to see a huge wave forming
over the horizion, something tall and towering,
gathering speed and even more height as it gets
closer to shore; a wave so tall it crashes three
blocks inland and takes the grocery store and Mr.
Potter's car out to sea. They stand at the end of
the dock, barely hearing the sirens, thinking it's
just a false alarm. Before they know it though, water
is trickling in at their toes, the beach is engulfed,
you can't see Main St., there's eight feet of water
on the ground, half the grocery store is torn
apart and Mr. Potter's car drags them inland as
they cling to it for dear life.
If they would have just listened to the sirens they
would have understood that something catastrophic
was coming their way. You don't see a tsunami coming.
You are not so tall that everything bad must tower
over you. There exists dark, there exists deep. And
deep will come for your feet and crawl up your body
before your head even realizes it's here. But the
people...the people who have been in one before
and survived know the signs. It's like an upward
blowing wind and ice water down your spine. That's
why they sound the alarms, that's why the blare the
sirens, but nobody listens, they don't listen because
they expect to see a big, blue wall in front of them,
they expect to see a tangable object, they expect to
see a face on every one of their problems...
You don't see a tsunami coming. Even if you cracked
the earth.
Aug 2013 · 446
Stephanie Keer Aug 2013
When you came over you said you liked the colors on the wall
I’m both happy and sad that you’ll never know they were for you
They bled from my fingertips that day through every minute of pressing and squinting and biting and flowing
The yellows, my breath still clinging to the words I never said
The reds, my blood still boiling
Blue, the tears I wanted to cry but my eyes were too tired to produce
The purple, the bruises I refused, ripped off my heart, my lungs from all the screaming inside
That day I breathed
That day I cried
That day I calmed
That day I healed
And that’s why those colors hang on my wall today on display ready for you to walk in and give them praise
They’re the very injury that we brought about in so many ways
And you say
they’re beautiful.
And what you say is true.
Jun 2013 · 654
To know why.
Stephanie Keer Jun 2013
I have come to the point
and I'm pretty sure I've been here for quite some time
where I know what happened
but I still don't know
and that bothers me
It's like a melancholy voice that
through my inner-ear
it sits heavy on every cell of my brain
so that just the thought of this confusion
breaks bones
So I want to know the driving force
behind these decisions
and wishes
and I want to know the scores
for how many accurate portrayals
are out there from family, friends
"It was all you"
and Big Brother trying to keep me fed
"There's nothing you can do
you're not accountable
do better for yourself
walk away"
But I'd rather stay
and I'd rather shout
till my lungs turn inside out
and scream at you that
I am not backing down
until I find out why
these people cry
these people die inside
these people play with life
Because I know there is a reason why
and there must be a way to make this right
and you can tell me so many times
that there is nothing you can do
You can say
this does not concern you
But as long as someone who is like me
a fellow human being
has to feel in a way they can't explain
separate from gunpowder and lead
this is my concern
this is my problem
because there may be something that I can do
to help them
and in turn help you
I want to know
I want to have a 'root of the problem'
I want to have some ground to stand on
and please don't tell me
I can't have the ground to stand on
that there is no ground to stand on
because I have seen the earth where you place your feet
and it is made of holes dug a thousand year's worth deep
and filled in
with my ground to stand on
and let me tell you that
it is time for that withering dirt to come back into the light
and you best believe I'm going
to fight
to bring it back
under the sun.
Been quite a while since I've written anything, but I've felt this one coming for a few days now. Hopefully I can keep the creative juices flowing :)
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Airport---a short prose
Stephanie Keer Mar 2013
I'm in an airport. The walls are dark, burnt orange. The floors are grey. It's dimly lit, almost dark. It looks like a school. But it's an airport...but it's a school...
Everyone's here. There she is, and her, her, him...they're all here. All of them. Where are we going?
There? We're going there? "It's a class trip." But I don't have class with everyone here.
We're just friends.
What time is it? It's dark.
There you are. I was looking for you. Wait...who's that? Haven't I seen her before? Why are your legs covered? Your face looks mad...are you okay?

I'm in a hallway. A bedroom? My old bedroom? No, the airport, a hallway. Who are you? No, I know you, but what's your name? I forget.
You're kind. You smile, I smile, I know what you want to say.
We're in a hallway, on the floor. By the wall. There's a book, it's your book. "Read it." But when I look I can't see, the letters are blurry, the words are mixed up across the paper. Where are my glasses? There. They don't help anyway.
You kiss my forehead. I'm happy. I lay on your shoulder, leaning against this wall. A wall or a dresser, are we really in a hallway, and airport hallway?
You kiss me. You really kissed me, on my lips.
I'm sad. No, not angry...disappointed.
Not yet, I'm still with her. I want to be with her.
"You shouldn't."
I know. I don't want to. But I do, don't I? I look down.
I start to feel okay, I start to know what I want.
I look at you...

It's definitely a hallway now. This airport hallway. You're there. Where did you come from?
Don't get mad.
I know you're mad, please don't be.
Fine, be mad. At least he kisses my forehead.
Your legs are fine, you use them to walk away.

I'm still in this airport, only where everyone is.
We're leaving. We're on our way. Wait, my pocketknife. I can't take my pocketknife on the plane.
Where can I put it?
You're here again. She is too. You have crutches, I thought your legs were fine.
Can you hold my pocketknife? I can't bring it with me.
You looks so annoyed.
I'm sorry....
am I?

We're alone. We must be on the bridge, boarding the plane.
You look mad.
I'm confused. She left. Can we read the book again?
"I gave you a chance, you wouldn't."
No, I couldn't, couldn't.
You board the plane. I turn around.

My bedroom. My bedroom now.
It's light.
Mar 2013 · 386
Untitled 2
Stephanie Keer Mar 2013
Life’s been rough lately.

I’m trying to tough it out.

It’s hard to get your point across, though,

when the ends of words start falling off before the sentence is finis….
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
A rose is but a rose.
Stephanie Keer Feb 2013
All the great lyricists of the world
will always regard love as a rose;
beautiful and elegant,
its sweet aroma as dizzying as its
deep sultry red,
its petals as succinct and complex as
the layered patterns of admiration.

But when do they remember to mention
that to hold a rose close enough to
take in its delicate scent or profound beauty
one must hold it by the stem,
and if one squeezes, even just the smallest bit too tight,
the thorns smartly come into the skin,
and make the holder bleed their true self
onto the garden grass?
Feb 2013 · 382
Stephanie Keer Feb 2013
I hope you know that multiple times each day I want to run to you and fall on my knees and say
"I miss you."
and tell you how I miss the smell of your hair, your hand in mine holding on to each other so we don't drift away when the tide comes in,
and your heart beating slowly through your skin and into mine as we lay in bed, close and quiet.
I want to tell you how I miss the upward curve on your lips, and your curious eyes, big and bright as the moon, or how your voice gets soft when you talk about your favorite books.
I want to tell you, but every time I get close something quickly whispers
There are a thousand things I still don't know, and I have plenty of hours left to learn.  
So I'll let it be and try to learn my lesson, because in time everything truthful will out,
and if time does only one more thing for me in this life,
I hope it brings you back around.
Stephanie Keer Feb 2013
The sun shines so brightly today
I feel it's warmth on my skin
Despite the harsh February wind
How is this so?, for last night
The darkness had such might
I couldn't see but right in front of me
And all the rest was lost
But now, the bright sun is back
I can see for miles.
I want to believe in the day
I want to soak in the light
And feel it in more than my skin.
But I can't help but wonder
if tonight will be so very dark again.
Jan 2013 · 2.2k
Partly Cloudy
Stephanie Keer Jan 2013
I have never known a love like yours
partly cloudy with a chance of rain
i still carry my umbrella most days
you keep storms in your back pocket
and when your jeans wear down
they fall right out, and during the distant thunder
i try to take a step onto a brave new sidewalk
but my ankle twists and i fall back into the
silk-covered fold-out cot i've known all my life
the dampness of your soggy words make
my bones feel low to the ground
heavy with the weight on your shoulders
sitting pretty behind the worries and woes
my heart makes up to block it from view
I've been all over the same place and back
I've seen all the world you have
through eyes that have the gleam of a dewdrop in the morning sun
covered in a film of dust that coats our lungs and tongues
and makes our breath catch the words we don't mean
I watch the sun rise every morning
i see the sun set every night
you say i shouldn't see as many sunsets as you do
and as the reds and purples paint the sky
and your bold and stinging orange
burns another imprint into my mind
I take a paintbrush and drag the colors in
filling the dent and putting what's left in my soul
so I don't have to see it again if I don't want to because
I know that tomorrow's the same
partly cloudy with a chance of rain
and my umbrella will be with me
for as long as I stay
Nov 2012 · 324
Untitled 1
Stephanie Keer Nov 2012
I am alone. I stand on a platform. No one else is here.

I am anonymous. I am a face staring at you. My body takes up space.

I am blank. I show no signs. I have nothing. I am, simply.

I have gone. No one else is here.
Oct 2012 · 704
This ease.
Stephanie Keer Oct 2012
Close your eyes. Visualize, go ahead give it a try. Visualize yourself. Breathe, In. Out.

Visualize you.

Tall dark long small green eyes bright white supersize. Old fresh flower petal wilted skies lights cracked seeping through black. Rotting cells, bells and whistles Christmas lights stuffed in a jar the door closing quick tears cheeks red lips opening saying please just be here it’s only  on the inside. Beat, a ***-chick-babum-*** underneath these…what?

This ease, disease, breeze these we’s, this ease, this breeze over me…is me? Is me. Disease. Broken locks breaking trying bobby pins ticking clocks in my ears louder, louder, won’t stop, can’t stop, won’t let it. Wont’ stop thinking, life. What about life? Inside, tissues dying, outside skin is drying brittle thin letting words in piercing holes deep in my veins. What’s a smile?

Spinning webs of desire to thick to break through wanting, wanting everything needing feeling needles in my skin each cell a pinprick, feel sick, want to scream, Want To Scream, WANT TO SCREAM.

Breathe, In. Out.

Spiral, spiral black grey spots sitting on the edge. Hands grabbing wildly, fingers reaching, frightened faces everywhere I look, I sit next to them each day in this room, so tired, can’t find the end, where’s the end. I’m at the beginning. Not alone. Not alone. Not alone, are we.

Open your eyes.
This poem is desired to be performed vocally, but the text of it still manifests the idea behind the piece.
Sep 2012 · 421
Stephanie Keer Sep 2012
Let me
talk, talk, talk
Let me
speak, speak, speak
Use my
voice, voice, voice
Make some
noise, noise, noise
Use my
Say these
All these
Loosing meaning
Lost their meaning
only noise
so you know I'm here
Hearing you
talk, talk, talk
Letting you
speak, speak, speak
Using your
voice, voice, voice
noise, noise, noise
Using your
Saying your
Loosing meaning
Lost meanings
only noises
Letting me know you're there
Hearing me

talk, talk, talk
We've forgotten about meaningful conversations and comfortable silences.
Aug 2012 · 764
Stephanie Keer Aug 2012
I have found
Does it, however,
mean without purpose

I have found
Does it, however,
fall without purpose

I have found
Do they, however,
grow without purpose

I have found
Do they, however,
shine without purpose

I have found
Although it seems
it does not move
without purpose
Jun 2012 · 1.0k
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
Hello, my name is
"have you heard?"

didn't think so.
My first attempt at a 10 word poem. I hope to explore this world a little more, it's a good challenge to get a poignant message into only 10 words.
Jun 2012 · 834
I was near you Today
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
I was near you today, if only for a moment.

And today I felt the wrinkles of worn fingers slide slowly across my heart
as a chest swelled faster than the lake we sit by while the rain pours down.
I have seen the soft curve of a shoulder falling slowly like snow on the calmest winter day,
and give way to embracing arms that bend like roads in the rolling hills at sunset.
The horizon is lovely.
I have seen wind kiss pink onto cheeks and blush as it runs away
and escapes through hair sitting, flowing down a broadened back.
I heard a song as a soul danced sweetly behind a smile,
each curve in each lip spilling music so serene.
And sunlight dancing with the colors of skin glowing brightly,
each scar sharing stories, each freckle a divine masterpiece crafted
slowly, delicately, and put quietly into place.
I felt a glow as calm as summer twilight, lit up with fireflies shining from each pore.
I felt a love that felt like home

I was near you today, if only for a moment.
A quick little piece, inspired by someone close to me.
Jun 2012 · 499
One day I will have a Home
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
One day I will have a home
with a wrap-around porch for wrap-around arms and wrap-around lips
squeezing slightly and whispering words so sweet like flower petals
riding the wind until they get caught in your hair.
I want to be there, this home where tongues flow free
spilling words as swift and gentle as the water in the stream
rolling downhill in the yard.
This home will boast open windows like open minds,
the warm sun-lit invitation of an open curtain found around every corner.
This home will breathe with the wind, and grow with the rain.

One day I will have a home
and I want it to call me its own.
This short piece was written after thinking about and discussing my future, concerning both the type of house I would like to live in and raise a family in, as well as the emotional environment that I would like my future family to have.
Jun 2012 · 1.6k
River Rocks
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
the red-brown color of this rock reminded me of you as
the rapids pushed cool air onto my damp skin.
the trees here remind me of a jungle.
    i would be jane, you tarzan…or
       the other way around?

i can’t tell today, it’s been that long since i’ve seen you.
This was one of the very first poems I wrote, it was probably written in 2009? 2010? Anyway, it was written while relaxing by a familiar river, reminiscing about persons I hadn't seen in a long time.
Jun 2012 · 1.8k
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
I think that I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me.
I think that we compliment each other,
we contrast in a way that makes our opposites vivid
and melt in a way that makes our similarities swirl together.
Our minds are both high, floating and realizing the depths of the universe, but
the strings tied from our minds to the core of the Earth have not been broken yet.
I feel things in a way that you comprehend, and
our broken pieces fit together like a puzzle, intricate and sweet.
The sight of your body starts a fire, the hot flames grazing my skin,
turning me red but never burning.
I think that I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me,
because even though you have your woes, and I have my secrets,
we'd be happy.
I'd make you smile, you'd make me laugh. And
we would fall asleep under the night sky, watching the cosmos swirl and flicker,
comparing the sight to emotions in our hearts.
A simple little poem, expressing my thoughts on a current love interest.
Jun 2012 · 676
Something or Other
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
He told me to say what comes to mind. So, I sat back and thought for a second. Then I started to talk. I started going and flowing and spinning this spoken jam like a DJ packed with style and fire but the words were still cool in my throat like menthol. I could taste them on my lips, they were smooth as they slid together and I sealed each phrase with a kiss. Each word brought to me this surreal sensation like when you sing for the moment, when you sing of the delirious beauty of a laugh or a friend or the shine of someone in love.

It was you that came to mind. You that made my words soar as you make my heart pound and my mouth smile and my soul grow and grow until my body couldn’t possibly hold it anymore. I had to let it out, through my fingers and my toes and through these words, these words that are still bursting from my tongue, heavy enough that I feel them crunching on my vocal chords. I spoke fast about you and I still felt the tingle in my bones, but as my voice droned on the words turned sour on my tongue, they left a bad taste in the back of my throat. I didn’t notice though, I only noticed how my skin felt like it could melt off my bones at the sight of your smile that was hot as the sun. The words run past my teeth, not letting themselves linger inside my cheeks long enough to recognize that taste. I spoke as I sat in that chair, wringing my hands and wondering if this was really the right thing to do.

I haven’t seen you, and it’ll be a while till I do. This time I feel the bittersweet taste coating my tongue and pulling on my mind like a child trying to get mom’s attention. I’ll just ignore it though, because the thought of you still burns that light inside my soul, the one you said you saw that night in February on Marlow Street. It’s June already, and a realization tries to hide behind my eyes, but I know that as long as I keep speaking my mind, I’ll talk about you till the day I die.
This piece, like most of mine, was written as a spoken-word poem. The inspiration for this piece came from a strained relationship with a friend that lasted quite a few years, and then suddenly ended.
Jun 2012 · 2.8k
Stephanie Keer Jun 2012
I lay in my bed with my pillows and blankets wrapped around me like a cocoon, the heater keeping the air at a warm-enough 66 degrees as this roof sits over my head and the walls circle around me keeping the snow out, and I say 'When is it my time?'. I lay in my bed with my light on and it illuminates the shadows and I see just outside my door, the kitchen, with a fridge full to the brim with food and drink and running water in the sink and an oven to cook out all the bacteria from my food so that I can eat, and I say 'When is it my time?'. I lay in my bed and outside my window I see a car, my link to the outside world, this pristine-filled with gas-driving machine that takes me to work and school so I can live my dream, and I say, 'When is it my time'?. I lay in my bed, and I forget for a moment, about every other living person out there, those that I know and those that I don't. Those without homes. Those without stoves, those without soles in their shoes. Those like me and those like you.

Those who were given a chance, those who were given a smack when they messed up daddy's dinner that they didn't even know how to make. Those who take from the stores what they need but can't afford cause they ain't had a job in a year cause no one wants a ***** off the street like you. Those who take from the poor. Those who are pumping your gas cause they couldn't pass a standardized test or make it to class. Those without a chance, and those without a choice or a voice of their own, who are given drugs and guns, and are told that 'man, if you wanna make it out here, you're gonna have to learn to ****'. Those who cry at night, cause even if they try with all their might, they're still given such a fright by their spouse that they can't just walk out. Those that are old. Those that are told 'you'll be doing a great service to your country son', and then they're given a gun and taught to **** against their will and have to come home ill cause they don't understand what they have done. Those with sons and daughters that they can't feed, that they beat cause 'that's what my daddy used to do to me, you see?'. Those with feet that aren't covered in shoes. Those who lose, and those with ***** filling the bottles they clutch in their hand cause they can’t stand the cold no more and the juice keeps them a little warm as the snow comes down on the bench where they’ll be sleeping tonight. Those who die, cause they were so desperate to fly away from here that they put a little too much in the needle this time. Those who lie just to try and get by. Those who were seeking affection but were lacking direction and therefore were lacking protection and then had those three choices and had to make a selection. Those who were striving for perfection but instead were driven to intravenous injection and every morning have to watch their own resurrection cause they’re sure a part of them died the night before. Those who are sore when they walk in the door after working 13 hours and they still have to cook dinner and put the kids to bed and there’s still that pile of laundry. Those who’ll smile cause they hope that things will be better, just in a little while. Those that are tired, and those who are trying. Those who are living. Those who are dying.

I lay in my bed and I forget about them, I ignore them till they go away and I say, as I look at my stuff and decide it's not enough and I say, with this dollar in my pocket and plastic in my wallet and I say, as I lay in my warm bed with no ache in my head and I say, 'When is it my time to finally have something go right?'.
This piece was written as a spoken-word poem, and has been presented so far in that fashion. Although I do enjoy it better when it's presented as spoken-word, when read I believe the message is still put across well. The poem was inspired by the novel "Last Exit to Brooklyn" by Hubert Selby Jr., as well as conversations involving privilege and oppression through a feminist lens. Some of the topics discussed in the piece can be difficult to read for some individuals.

— The End —