River, with blue, black, red or clear, water, speaks force,
by a wordless word, uttered, throughout the course of flow,
and the fierce, swirling currents hidden below,
I am that, which shows its urgent need
to commune with limitlessness.
Winds, carry with them, a meaning concealed,
of elation, an avarice for every whiff of smell,
wind I am, with full of speed, demonstrated as
a wish to embrace, pollinate and proceed.
Earth, my nurturing mother, remains in me, mud red,
life giving sprout, the deep thirst of blood;
its nourishing salts, has secret memories from long distances,
from the very beginning, we as salt of the earth share.
Earth is where I have planted ancestral memories for ever,
the desire, to touch, kiss, explore, spread roots, propagate.
Sky is my mind beyond myself, 'sky mind' of cosmos,
when, the clouds that constantly in move, blocking the sun of knowledge,
are finally removed and all become clear, I am ready to see the whole,
I stand in awe, like a wondering kid, stand naked below, throwing away all my toys,
seeking the answer to the conundrum of my existence.
Fire, the soul of the rock, in the core, the undying spark, that has seen all,
igneous father, the intellect beyond form, that consecrate all my offerings
of body, mind and spirit, flames in my *****, my love for life eternal as a seed I plant in her,
**Accept every thing I renounce, with a smile
in this sacrificial flames, Oh! holy fire
make them subtle, formless, transcendental, immortal.
"Idam na mama"(This is not for me)
"Idam na mama" (this is not for me ) the refrain chanted by priests before putting each offering in to
holy fire in ancient Indian ritual "Agnihotra"