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Starr Jan 2020
World spinning too quickly,
dreams floating through the air like snowflakes in the wind.
Slow, desperate hands hoping to catch them.
Wading through sluggish thoughts,
languidly attempting to reach the light in the dark,
stuck on a reversed path.
Suspecting stares and accusing whispers seeping into the void.
Lost in a deadly oblivion, time passing without point;
trying to hang on to what is left of life.
Feet tripping, fingers slipping off the ledge
reaching for the sky, too slow.
Grabbing only air, the fate not seeming fair
Stuck in a slow motion f
                  l …
Gazes cast downward, eyes shadowed by unforeseen guilt
Afraid of what it may hold,
the truth is covered like the peeling wallpaper
in the now empty room.
Starr Mar 2018
Dear 'Diary,'
I've made it another day.
I smiled amd laughed as though I was fine. I said good morning, though I don't think its really good. I said hello to those who wave, because that's how I'm expected to behave. I show a smile and make my eyes say I'm happy, so nobody wonders if I'm really fine.

They don't know that I cry all alone. They don't know that my smile is just covering my pain. They don't know that I'm not really fine. They don't know.

But that is okay, its just another day. I'll do it again tomorrow, and then the next day. But maybe one time, my smile will be genuine, and I'll really be fine. And then I won't have to cry.
Starr Mar 2018
I'm only human
and I break down and cry.
I'm only human,
my flaws reach the clouds.
I'm only human
and they keep ripping me down
I'm only human
and my words have no sound.

I'm only human
getting up off the ground.
I'm only human
my hands reaching for the clouds.
I'm only human
lost but now I'm found
I'm only human
and you can hear my voice now.
I'm only human
and they can't take me down.
Starr Mar 2018
A blank canvas
waiting for the feel of the
brushes blending in the paints
creating beautiful faces,
upon which our world is built.
They've created our bias
opinions, and built our
idea of beauty.

We beg for the mirror's
wretched approval, as
we cover up our least
important flaws.
Our beautiful faces are
all we care to see.
Yet the beauty on the
inside is all we really need.
Starr Feb 2018
lost in this jungle
of thoughts, I wander
and search for a
clear path to reality.
I am entangled by
these vines of wonder
they hold me tight
with no sign of surrender.

trapped in this prison
of a mind, cut off
from all truth.
Walls surround me
closing me in.
I am in search for an
escape route
and finally it shall end.
I have found a door
although it is locked.
And who should have
the key?
Nobody, but me.
#trapped #alone
Starr Feb 2018
Let me fly,
high above the ground
Flying in the clouds.
Feeling the wind around me
with the world far below my feet.

Release me from this cage;
unlock the door and let the
light seep into the darkness that
holds me hostage.
Cut these ropes that bind my happiness
Take away these weights that threaten to
pull me under and deep into
the all damning darkness that longs to take me away.
Release me from these cold thoughts that tinge my mind
with darkness.

Let me fly,
high above the the ground.
Flying in the clouds.
My body light as a feather.
Nothing dragging me down.
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