You will never see this
After you cut me off
I have too much to feel at the moment
yes ******* that you leave me with nothing left
******* that you found me and came into my life
you flirted you teased you turned me on
you wanted to ride me
******* that after all we have felt
after you made me realize how beautiful life could be with another soul in it
after you reminded me what it was like to be with a soul mate
soul mate for lack of a better word
after the depth we shared
after all the beauty you brought to my eyes
after the best insanity that ran through my blood
after you kissed me in my dream
yet you cut me off completely
what connection we were talking about
which can be wiped off so easily
how can you do this to me
I can't believe it after all that I felt
So this is the best insanity I ever felt in my life
If this can make you feel special
Because this is what soul mates do
they are no ordinary work
As much as it hurts
I am still longing for your last breathe
the lingering warmth of your skin
I don't want to believe all it takes is
one **** block button
******* hard