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Mar 2020 · 277
Stanley Mungai Mar 2020
See the mighty tremble.
Earthlings shaken dumb,
Winged Creatures flee at his sight,
for their flight is just
a grasp away,
from the Kraken.
Fire from their mouth,
just a flicker,
before the fiery wash
of the Kraken.
For there is a Kraken in every ground,
a leviathan in every sea.
Oct 2017 · 432
Home coming
Stanley Mungai Oct 2017
The sunset calling birds home
And winged creatures to rise.
Bidding earthlings farewell,
Arousing the next hemisphere to light.
Home coming to us,
Tugging our beings to freedom.
Stanley Mungai Jun 2016
Wrapped in the fireplace
of your arms. Warmed by
the trust in your smile.
The night and our love

Are acquainted. You cuddle close
and feel my heart. I brush your
hair away from your face.
The window and the rain

Are old friends. Soft candlelight
washes over our skin,
soft music over our repose.
The ambiance and timing

Couldn't be better. I look
down at you, you're falling asleep.
I kiss your forehead
and whisper, Sleep well.

With eyes closed, you sigh
and reply, Then don't go.
Jun 2012 · 2.6k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Upon the arboreal dozed and limb,
Extended coccyx serpentine loose,
Throne of inspection, tenet and dumb
Stillness hunts akin stealthy Mongoose;

Except for the natal locomotive
Soft deep sufficiently immense purr
Emanating from some industry; effective
In the cover of the thick supple fur.

The lord of his unconquered empire,
Thrives on flesh and quenches on milk,
Wintering unperturbed reading the fire
That flickers, gleaming his bed of silk.

Ever landing on appendage quadruple
Acrobatic athlete not soiling once his back
Consummating in strict concealment marble
Couch of perpetual indulgence buried black.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
My two decades of existence
Keeps me glued to the classroom furniture
And the male colleagues too
Not leaving behind the city lady
The holidays argue out my freedom
And am let loose into the countryside
To the domicile of origin.

This company that I need so.
Of the human species **
Looking for all but to naught.
They all be teen mothers
Trampled roses, imprisoned souls
I miss the beauty of the flowers
And the noise of ****** laughter
Cruelly held away from me
By these a bit too early mothers.

Nothing seems to get better,
For the light denied countrysiders
Will a sight appear in the sky?
Or an angel drop from the heavens
To bring a huge handed message
To grab the fifteen years old woman
Back to the classroom
So that am not a grandfather
At thirty years of age
Slacken your pace oh teenage woman!
*The African girls are opting to get Married off instead of schooling to escape poverty and as a result of peer pressure.*
Jun 2012 · 586
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Scatter and throw,
Seed to sow,
Virtue to grow,
Schoko pro,
I love you so!
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Horror horror horror
Sorrow sorrow sorrow
Why did it have to happen?
You birds in the air
What were you doing that you did not sing
Songs to keep our dad from leaving
To hold him a little bit longer
Listening to your sweet moving melodies
And you sun
Oh mighty ruler of the daylight
What were you doing at the tropic of Cancer?
When he fell to the dreadful cancer?
Pass on to Capricorn and do not hover
Above the region of the equator.

You are to blame you stars
That moved your wings so gaily
And caused your eyes to twinkle so merrily
That you got the attention of our beloved father
Caused him to leave us
Mesmerized by your beauty
Hide your fire you stars
And keep the charm of your beauty
To them that are worth its attention

But why our dad?
Who had given all to charity?
Sacrificed what a man can’t; a family
And got a larger one of twelve thousands
Taught us how to live
And lighted the path of glory for us
Our hearts are stone-heavy
At the loss of our beloved dad
We loved you dad and still do
And know that you loved us too
But it had to happen, rest in peace.

And you moon
You know how he loved to smile
Then you stole the chance
And smiled so charmingly wide
When all his sons were asleep
And your charm attracted our father
To come to the broad heavens above
You are to blame too.

But I now give you the assignment
You heavenly dwellers
All who contributed
To the departure of our dad
Sun shine upon him all the days
And make your sister the moon
And her maidens the stars
To attend to him for eternity
Oh mighty ruler of the daylight
Make the birds to entertain him
Till all of us meet him some day
Let your golden rays surround him in majesty
Give him your seven-colored scarf
The rainbow medal
For a life lived to the fullest
And for a race run, completed and won
We shall miss you Geoffrey Griffin
Rest in peace dad.
*Dr. Geoffrey William Griffin the Director and founder of Starehe Boy's Center And school. You were an inspiration to the entire World by your show of Kindness to Poor destitute Boys. Rest In peace*
Jun 2012 · 934
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Is there more that I can do?
Tell me that I may hear
I will readily do that
Sacrifice all to do it
Open up girl to my pleas
And respond that I may know.

Not less than four letters
Have I jotted in a row
All in the name of love
Have you ignored it?
Please don’t
And if you have,
Do not keep it in your heart
Respond that I may know.

Do not keep me any longer
In the painful suspense
Poised between rocks of anxiety
Finding the delay irksome
Itching for something to happen
That you will let me know
What you think of me girl

Is there anything
That I as a man have not promised?
Paradise, Heaven, Stars, full moon
And even the rainbow
Haven’t I girl?
I now promise you my love
But do you promise yours?
Respond please that I may know.
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
I saw a very old woman out in the cold
There was rain
There was a hyena
Eager to take a piece of her
And she cried out feebly for help
And she was answered
Or rather she now had company
A red-eyed and horned monster

It trampled on the only hope she had:
The feeble voice
Muted like a zombie
And the beast
Coughed out a fire of destruction
Breathed immobility in her
To eager but not quite able
To lick away her life as well.

Helpless, rejected and dejected too
Talk of desolation and poverty
Never again back to her land
Her only inheritance; and heritage too
The woman dies of hunger and disease
The monster wags its tail in joy
Then turns back and leaves her
Unburied, unattended, unmourned
Left her for the hyena to do the rest.
*Corruption and bad governance is eating into the life of the citizens in Kenya ans many African Countries.*
Jun 2012 · 3.3k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
My hair stood on end
And I strongly felt my pride bend
I was afraid you could hear
As my poor heart beat frantically with fear
That I would not please you
That you would overlook me
On that first day I saw you.

Walking in springy steps like a fairy
And wearing a smile that melt my heart
Met in a handshake,
Felt the tender touch
I still couldn’t out make;
“Aren’t you hugging me?” Ouch!
On that first day I saw you.

Hoped that the handshake
Will go above the elbow
Felt my mansion of desires going loose
My submarine of hopes going afloat
My dove of love on the shove
On that first day I saw you my love.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
You feel threatened
That university is my institution
And high school yours
Should it happen that;
Angels dropped from the blue heavens
To spark this hearty passion
Then you are my angel
And if queens descended
From the medieval times of Vikings
To rule our hearts with roses
You are the queen of my heart
So if the case be that;
The highest institution of learning
Flowered ones to be treasured
You are my campus girl
And should you think you are not,
I have declared you one.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Down the dangerously steep mountains
She powerfully gurgles down
Clear and powerful
And ultimately into the sprawling Mwea plains
And though out of the steep
Still deliver her intimate brand
Of current flow power.

Sneaking silently around the curves
Bending towards her destiny
She now only whispers
A low murmur of liquid advice
“Please don’t
Defy, misuse or pollute me
For I love you
That’s why I came”

And I love to admire
The immense beauty of her flow
Old yet powerful
Her steps gaily like a fairy
And her ***** a mass of turbulence
Her valley heavy with vegetation
A forest out of a scary fairy tale.

But I love to watch her
Slim body
Snaking to the direction of the *****
The dance of white foams in the current
As she churns her way to the coast
Releasing a cold radiation
A caressing chill
The beauty of her source
The snow-capped lofty mountains
I can only give my love to you
To you my darling
That can only be
River Nyamindi.
*Water bodies are the source of life for all, love them and take care of them.
Jun 2012 · 518
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Who is this that he talks about?
That has ran his mind fantasizing
This that makes him write
Passionate love poems
When he should be concentrating on his lessons
His classes have become second
After this angels that he speaks about
Who is she?
It is you.

Why doesn’t he tell us frankly?
Who she really is?
She who he loves so
That it makes the others envious
Of such deep love
From the bottom of a man’s heart
Blessed be you girl
That is whoever you are;
But it is you.

Smile girl with the angelic face
Give all of us a show
Let us see what the poet says
How true it is
You who I say that my soul craves for
And my heart all extended to
Smile dear smile
And stop to pretend that you do not know
That it is you.

I call you my first lady
But it is you daughter of the moon
You that compete for beauty with Venus
The goddess of it all
Let the sun stop as a witness
Of how much I love you
And I will call out the rainbow
Write on it for the whole world to see
“My love belongs to you”
To you my dear.
Jun 2012 · 898
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Before my tender lungs
Have known an inflow of breath
Or my eyes seen
The beauty of the daylight
Before I have come to know
The Taste of Colostrum
And before my new skin received
The caressing warmth of the sun,
You have handed me
An illegal gate pass
Past the birth canal
Shattered my candid destiny
The president of the land
Flushed out your liberation
From the ******* of poverty
And fangs of disease.
*Abortion is a problem everywhere in the world. In African culture Life begins at conception and abortion is a vice.*
Jun 2012 · 946
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Didn’t I mean it?
Or wasn’t I serious just a bit
When I warned of the gruesome pit
Ahead and soon they would hit
Was I performing a funny skit?
The day they refused to admit
That joining would bring no benefit
Just pain and no profit
The best option was to quit
But they wanted to wait
And see as they are used as bait
I can do nothing now but sit
Because I told them.

They are now quiet
Full of reckoning and regret
Wishing they listened I bet
That to stop a fired bullet
You must require a metal jacket;
Before you meet a pickpocket
Your wallet is not stolen yet
My words they needed not interpret
Either that they did not get
Or they simply chose to forget
When I blew a warning trumpet
I know that am not a prophet
Just a pen-and-paper poet
But I told them.
Jun 2012 · 500
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Steady will I fly like a kite
And say that with all my might
Like an eagle in flight
I refuse to accept my plight
Decline to disappear from the sight
Won’t give up my light
I refuse to go down into the night
I refuse to give up without a fight.
Jun 2012 · 462
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Preserve the culture I will
But not overlook the spear
Planted at the entrance to my hut
Nor will I the owner
In bed with my wife
My daughter’s joy will not be taken
By the cut of an ancient knife
Should I sell out?
An incumbent generation
To an out-of-time tradition?
I must not.
*Preserving the African culture is quite commendable, but the ill aspects of it like Female Genital Mutilation should be ignored.*
*The Maasai used to plant a spear outside the hut of your peers and you could legally go in and sleep with your Friends wife.*
Jun 2012 · 527
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Oh my! I am so selfish
Do I have to confess this?
Of course
Oh no
Then I confess.

They came asking
That I may at least come closer
I couldn’t
Am soooo selfish
I thought they would take away
What doesn’t belong to me
Mine and yet not mine.

I confess
That I have a sticky hand
Not that I take
But because I just can’t give…….

Now, wait a minute
Am I supposed to be confessing to you?
While you know who the owner is?
Of what am afraid to give.

Tell me,
Do I have to give my love to anybody?
When it belongs to you?
Mine and yet not mine
I confess that I am confessing.
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Sent away from the church
To keep her hipsters away
And that almost transparent dress
That terminates
Several inches above the knees

Told that she was,
A stumbling block to the sheep
Soiling the mind of the male congregation
The pastor still in the brackets
Denying the chosen ones
The power of the Holy Spirit
And the Spirit of God was moving
Above the surface of the waters
When Adam and Eve were very naked.

Told she stirred the Spirit of desire
The spaghetti dress
Starting too early and ending too late
Cooking immorality in the society

Hungry men, say lustful
Evil minded
Yet they claim the Spirit reigns
Overcome by their selfish nature
A willing Spirit
But a weak flesh
They blame it on the church lady
And I have never seen
A bull ****-and-******
And never seen also
A dressed Freshian cow
And they call her church demon.
*Modernity and Christianity are such an issue in the church for African communities.*
Jun 2012 · 676
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Under the cover of blankets
My eyes close up
Opening my mind to a misty world
With shadowy outlines welling up
From the bottomless depths
Of foggy long times
Shaping the mosaic of my imagination
Into corresponding dreams
Standing guard
At the outpost to my consciousness
Just before I sleep.
Jun 2012 · 7.2k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
I got blow-out on my hair
Am at the countryside
A mixture of emotions
Envy, admiration, hatred
And jeering too.

I got sunglasses on my face
That gives me
The unwelcome company
Of confused glances
At the countryside.

I got a necklace around my neck
Glittering with life
Never puts it down even at sleep
It is not “manly”
At the countryside.
*How we change after the exodus from the country to the Canaan of the city.*
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
I can’t sit around the fire
To listen about the ogre
Who swallowed a whole village
The hare and the hyena
Because my forty years old Grandma
Pursues her Master’s degree.

Can you recall any mama?
Your eight-decade granny told
Of the times the animals spoke
So I can tell it to my daughter
And charge her to pass it on
Speak life to the ailing heritage,
Please mama,
Tell me a Story.
* In the old days, children used to sit around the fire and their grandmas would tell them Moral Stories. Times have changed and these days children watch Movies and Play video games that may impact negatively on their character. The Story-telling heritage is dying out.*
Jun 2012 · 595
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
A joke is a mock
Merry though black as coke
Stupid yet doesn’t provoke
Through your ribs it’ll poke
Down the spine a firm shock
Last, in the throat it’ll dock

A joke is a lock
A swift heavy rock
On your neck a sweet yoke
Nearly makes you choke
Though not as smoke
A touch of gentle stroke
As sure you can’t revoke
A joke is just a joke.
Jun 2012 · 868
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
The music disappeared
Into the blues
Those soothing notes
The elixir to the soul
Devoured by a wordy hullabaloo
The one that draws a rabble
In place of dancers
The maniacal drumming
A rhymy confusion
The one they call music
And I call it noise;
Unnecessary noise.
*What happened to music that noise is today considered music?*
Jun 2012 · 2.0k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Doesn’t knock in your heart
Just comes in with a start
But in hers it does knock
Unwelcomed, sent off and heavy lock
Locked out without a second thought
And in your life painfully caught

To love and not loved back
To find love and to lack
Golden bitter cup of suffering
Crushed, but bravely bearing
Almighty lord above
Shake me up a little to remove
The heavy yoke of biased love.
Jun 2012 · 851
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Entice me to follow you.
To have the same school of thoughts.
You can define God in a name.
Entice me to believe that.
You can hold him in your understanding.
Confine him in your ideologies.
Entice me my dear.

Music genres can contain him.
The one that holds the universe.
A zillion light-years wide.
In the palm of his hand.
Hair styles can define his worship.
And he has meted out the heavens in a span.
Comprehended the dust in a measure.
Come on and entice me.

Let me believe you for a second.
That he can be comprehended in a dance.
Who weighs the mountains in a scale.
And the hills in a balance.
Laid the foundations on the earth.
Increase your efforts my dear.
You never know for sure.
I might just be convinced.
*He is simply indescribable, indefinable and beautifully awesome.*
Jun 2012 · 2.9k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
My great grandfathers wore dreadlocks
Yet stood firm, proud as peacocks
Patrolling their territory paddocks
Today they are a source of mocks
A representation of sheer evil
In the world we foolishly call civil
Like an attempt on a biscuit by a weevil
We lost it.

Our great forefathers drank milk
And then over the mountains take a hike
Had absolute no need for a bike
Treated all men with respect alike
We are taking concoction for drink
May never cease to suffer sick
Rounded and diabetic as tick
We lost it.

They went to schools to learn practice
Learnt virtue and shunned away vice
To obey all the elders without a voice
Then there was little necessity for police
We are learning to sit all day in office
To treat subordinates with blowing malice
Learning theory, understanding without choice
We depend on book, written advice
Alphabets unlike words know no justice
Scratching as mice full of lice
We lost it.
*We left our heritage in search for western enlightenment and we lost the beautiful and the magnificent aspects of the African culture*
Jun 2012 · 2.6k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Fairy charming daisy
Streaming in from the east
Fairy charming daisy
Where do you live in the east?

I guess you came from the pixies
Those who dwell in the village of the beauties
Who dance in the night
And feast in the morning light
Under the babbling brooks
Reading love stories from fairy books.

Hey! You are now doing your bewitching smile?
Fairy charming daisy
How beautifully you smile.
Fairy charming daisy
I love you so!

You smile well because
You have been born so to do
And brought forth to please the sun
But hold up your face
And I will kiss you true.
Jun 2012 · 4.0k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
****-a-doodle doo.
Pigs snorting and grunt.
Bleat baa the sheep.
Hidden in the trees squeak the squirrels.
Gobble gobble gobbling turkeys.
Low oxen moo the cows.
Hohi-a-hohhle hi
Bray donkeys so similar.
Rolling on the red dust.
The village.

A swallow-tailed bee-eater.
Calling and singing.
A green barbet, dark brown head.
Answers the call.
A red-capped lark, black bill.
Entertains the morning.
An emerald-spotted wood dove.
Seated lonely somewhere.
Coos to the extravaganza.
The village.
*Away from the hustle of the city, from the noise and the pollution, the moral decay and the insecurity, The village.*
Jun 2012 · 715
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
I have seen the sunset.
Filling the western sky with orange.
Fiery clouds escorting the sun home.
Dispatching an aura of golden rays.
Bidding farewell the long shadows.
Calling tired farmers back home.
Inviting the host of the heavens.

I have seen rubies in the sky.
Appearing one after another.
An invisible hand somewhere.
Along the horizon unseen.
Switching them on to light the earth.
Twinkle diamonds twinkle
Red, blue, green twinkle.

I have seen a beaming face.
Peeping at me from the dark horizon.
Then shyly sailing high.
Racing against the wispy clouds.
To join the radiance of her daughters.
Smiling all the way to the constellations.
Blazing beauties of the night.
*So beautiful is the  day as it ends. So gorgeous is the sun as it sets, So enticing is the sky as the dark sets in*
Jun 2012 · 4.1k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
I see a flash
A sight to behold
The work of an immortal sculptor
Walking straight in elegant pride
Worth of a princess of the sun
Firmly transfixed in her twelve
Moving into the emptiness of an invalid society
Her innocence screaming
In an unchallenged clarity

And only twelve moons
The framework of her modeling salivates
Wolves in men
Who’s been exposed to the virus
Emerging from the bush land of their desires
To seek their vengeance in a fanatical hatred
And poor me the princess
With the *** lunacy roaming the streets,
Sanity of abstinence is the greatest challenge.

Swung from poverty to adolescence
A pendulum of fates
Hunger at home for the family
And her homestead a moonscape of desolation
The two hundred shillings does the trick
She trades out her innocence
And virginity too; a girls pride
And alongside the legal tender
Comes the virus
The minute monster
Savoring a society of huge minds.

There is the tuberculosis
In a hospital ward
Full of undug graves and shrines unnamed.
Drawn into the vacuum of her fate
Eyes wide open in dismal finality
The princess
Lie in freeze frame of death
A pyramid of events
Molded out of her last several terrible seconds
Lamentation for the society
A dull eulogy for our girls.
*AIDS! The parasite feeding on the rotten end of our Morality.*
Jun 2012 · 904
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Thank you God
For creating beautiful flowers
Flowers that have sweet scents
To keep all of us here merry
You put flowers
In the beautiful garden of Heaven
But I think there is one that is missing
Please check for a flower
Of the species of my first lady.

Thank you God
For making twinkling stars
And put them in the sky
But in the constellation **** sapiens
A star fell to the earth
The star my love.

Thank you God
For creating beautiful angels
Angel Michael to defend us
Angel Gabriel to give us your message
But isn’t there an Angel missing in Heaven?
Yes! I saw the other day
Right here with me
Please let her stay here
This angel of my heart.
Jun 2012 · 666
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
We sent him to represent us
And he obediently went
To represent himself
Never forgot us though
Remembered to turn back
To bite at the fingers that fed him
To kick us in the groin
As he filled his granary
Time is up!
He hasn’t passed our message
He is cunningly back
Asking us to give him
Vouchers for his greed
Our votes
Prove to me my people
Something is between the ears
Send him away
This thief messager.
*Politicians are elected to the office and disappear only to re-appear again during campaign times. Call it bad governance Practices especially the Members of Parliament*
Jun 2012 · 834
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
It is a slow but fast shadow
This thing they call, I think exams
The shadow starts
With the rising of a new year
And sets when least expected
Sets on all its subjects
Creating a feeling of terror
That in the meantime
There will be no sunshine
This shadow.

The dark sets in
I have to balance the accounts
And quote Hyde vs. Hyde
The first day
And the darkness still prevails
I expect sun next
But am supposed now
To assume the boring role
Of the Kenya revenue Authority
This shadow

The economist, the auditor
They can make businesses
But what can they do about
The much I have to do?
To determine the marginal cost
Whatever that is
This shadow.
*Certified Public Accountancy exams...So difficult yet so essential*
Jun 2012 · 3.5k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Heavily loaded my heart is.
Full of love and wonders untold.
Overflowing with passion.
Soaked in affection immeasurable.
Dripping tender gentleness.
Longing for just a response.

Fair damsel of motherland.
Displayed for you did I.
The shape of my heart.
Let you in the secret chambers.
And you turn your back.
As if nothing happened.

Who then beauties of the land?
Who shall I give?
Who will have this precious stone?
The one the builders rejected.
Throw the jewel to the dogs.
Because my child refused.
Or else anyone;
Where will I take this love?
Jun 2012 · 944
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
Kiss your pillow for me goodnight
And when tomorrow’s bright
And the morn’s full of Wednesday light
Smile for me though out of sight.
Jun 2012 · 1.0k
Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
The once snaking gurgling monster
Time-defying, ever-flowing oldster
Is licked near-clean by the quiet drought
Her diminution wrought distraught
Lain betwixt her hunger stricken arboreal hosts
Emaciated, unattractively scaring akin ghosts
Crawling slowly to die somewhere undismayed
Petitions unsaid and intercessories unprayed
The tranquil of the fresh breath of Nyamindi waterway
Is taken by the acrid gusts of aquatic decay
As her remnants lovers slowly but surely fry
In the fierce fast-falling fire from the sky.
*Due to the vast encroachment of forests by human settlement, the rivers that are permanent are drying up in the prolonged dry spells. Preserve the Forests Preserve life*
Feb 2012 · 673
My Dove
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
In the times our hearts strove,
Indecisive in a tight cove,
You flew to me my dove,
In the tender wings of Love,
A gift to me from above.
Feb 2012 · 994
Teenage Woman
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
My two decades of existence
Keeps me glued to the classroom furniture
And the male comrades too
And not leaving behind the city lady.
The holidays argue out my freedom
And am let loose into the countryside
The Domicile of Origin.

This company that I need so
Of the human species **
Looking for all but to naught
They all be teen mothers
Trampled roses, Imprisoned souls
I miss the beauty of the flowers
And the noise of ****** laughter
Cruelly held away from me
By these a bit too early mothers.

Nothing seems to get better
For the Light-denied countrysiders.
Will a sight appear in the sky?
Or an angel drop from Heaven
To bring a huge handed message
To grab the fifteen years old woman
Back to the classroom
So that am not a grandfather
At thirty years of age.
Slacken your pace oh teenage woman!
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Tell me a Story
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
I can't sit around the fire
To listen about the ogre
Who swallowed a whole village
The Hare and the Hyena
Because my forty years Grandma
Pursues her Masters degree.
Can you recall any Mama?
Your seven decade granny told
Of the times the Animals spoke
So I can tell it to my daughter
And charge her to pass it on
Speak life to the ailing heritage.
Please mama,
Tell me a Story.
Feb 2012 · 514
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
Oh my! I am so selfish
Do I have to confess this?
Of course
Oh No
Then I confess.

They came asking
That I may come close
I couldn't
I am sooo selfish
I thought they would take away
What does not belong to me
Mine and yet not mine.

I confess that I have a sticky hand
Not that I take
Because I can't give..............

Now! Wait a minute!
Am I supposed to be confessing this to you?
While you know who the owner is
Of what am afraid to give.

Tell me!
Do I have to give my love to anybody?
When it belongs to you.
Mine and yet not mine.
Oh! I confess that I am confessing.
Feb 2012 · 2.7k
Just Two Bananas
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
Just two Bananas,
And a flower.
Dripping sweet thick nectar,
Hidden between the supple Banana boughs,
The soft Petals cushioned in a dark web.
The twin boughs give way to the tongue,
That reaches in below the stigma,
For a lick of the now dripping sweet,
To and fro for more.
Just two Bananas,
Covered by the thin leaves of chlorophyll,
Blowing away in the wind of a touch,
The two stick out for a sensational caress,
Just two Bananas,
And a flower.
United in pleasure
Of the tongue,
And the hand,
Moaning the Banana tree for more,
Crying sweet tears,
Moving in the direction of the eager wind,
Engulfed by a groan,
And overshadowed by Passion,
Just two sweet Bananas,
And a Flower.
Feb 2012 · 3.3k
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
I see a flash
A sight to behold
The work of an immortal sculptor
Walking straight in elegant pride
Worth of a princess of the sun
Firmly transfixed in her twelve
Moving into the emptiness of an Invalid society
Her innocence screaming
In an unchallenged clarity

And only twelve moons
The framework of her modelling salivates
Wolves in men
Who's been exposed to the virus
Emerging from the bushland of their desires
To seek their vengeance in a fanatical hatred
And poor me the Princess
With the *** Lunacy roaming the streets
Sanity of abstinence is the greatest challenge.

Swung from poverty to adolescence
A pendulum of fates
Hunger at home for the family
And her homestead a moonscape of desolation.
The two Hundred shillings does the trick
She trades out her innocence
And virginity too- a girl's pride
And alongside the legal tender comes the virus
The minute Monster
Savoring a society of huge minds.

There is the tuberculosis
In a hospital ward
Full of undug graves and shrines unnamed
Drawn into the vacuum of her fate
Eyes wide open in dismal finality
The princess
Lie in freeze frame of death
A pyramid of events
Molded out of her last several terrible seconds
Lamentation for the society
A dull eulogy
For our girls.
Feb 2012 · 708
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
I have seen the sunset
Filling the western sky with Orange
Fiery clouds escorting the sun Home
Dispatching an Aura of golden rays
Bidding farewell the long shadows
Calling tired farmers back home
Inviting the host of the heavens.

I have seen rubies in the sky
Appearing one after another
An Invisible hand somewhere
Along the horizon unseen
Switching them on to light the earth.
Twinkle diamond twinkle
Red, Blue, Green twinkle.

I have seen a beaming face,
Peeping at me from the dark horizon,
Then shyly sailing high
Racing against the wispy clouds
To join the Radiance of her daughters
Smiling all the way to the constellations;
Blazing Beauties of the Night!
Feb 2012 · 531
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
My eyes close up
Opening my mind to a misty world
With shadowy outlines welling up
From the shallow depths
Of the past day's events
Shaping the Mosaic of my imaginations
Into corresponding dreams
Standing guard
At the out post to my consciousness
Just before I sleep.
Feb 2012 · 1.8k
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
Upon the arboreal dozed and limb,
Extended coccyx serpentine loose,
Throne of inspection, tenet and dumb
Stillness hunts akin stealthy Mongoose;

Except for the natal locomotive
Soft deep sufficiently immense purr
Emanating from some industry; effective
In the cover of the thick supple fur.

The lord of his unconquered empire,
Thrives on flesh and quenches on milk,
Wintering unperturbed reading the fire
That flickers, gleaming his bed of silk.

Ever landing on appendage quadruple
Acrobatic athlete not soiling once his back
Consummating in strict concealment marble
Couch of perpetual indulgence buried black
Feb 2012 · 2.1k
Stanley Mungai Feb 2012
I am an umbrella, a rain jacket,
For the Cinderella, a stored away packet,
Till the day the skies sputter rain.
I am a tool box, a first aid kit lain
In a dark, webs-infested dusty corner,
Touching no light; seeing no cleaner.
The kitchen accident and toys’ breakdown
Are such welcome picnics to the town.
Could have been a willow, nor am I a pillow
To cry on in times of immense pains in kilo
And to hug out of a heart exploding joy.
But I am a bomb-shelter, a floating life buoy,
A tower of refuge in times of need;
A furrow-deserted land planted no seed,
Awaiting to be useful again in season,
Not Jesus, but bearing a crystal reason
To be also a rock in that weary land.
I am a handkerchief in a man’s hand;
Ironically stuffed useless in the back pocket,
To blow away flu mucus off the nosy socket,
Or wipe the intermittently rare solitary tears
That graces the dry eyes from heartbreak fears.
I am not a flowerbed; I am a mango tree;
Having no admirers save the monkeys, free
To shelter, mate, play and make all merry,
Spring has come with flowers and I draw very
Much attention; the promise of fruits abundance,
Needed, loved, and embraced in a scarce annual chance.
I am an audience for the sad breaking news;
The princess’s Eulogizer in dilemma to possible views,
I am a lawnmower in her abandoned backyard,
A joker of little importance in her game play card.
I am a muzzled ox treading the corn;
A mockery of treasure, glittering scorn,
In her darkest times, the cherished glow-worm;
An apologetic shelter in the times of storm.

— The End —