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4.0k · Apr 2013
Garrett Apr 2013
What's usually blemished considered a sin
Your accent marks on porcelain skin
Each crafted by caring clean hands
Crafted like a Persian Carpet
Each imperfection intended
So imperfectly perfect
Rich, pale, silk tapestry

Lily pads that dot a foreign river
Falls last leaves on Winters first snow
Paint splattered on white canvas
Each inch speckled
Every crevice freckled  
I'll find each one you wear

The Astrology of your body
Making constellations with my finger
Your back is Gemini
Orion on your shoulder
Leo for your inner thigh
Serpens, Sextans, Ursa Minor
Late night skies for lonely eyes
Yeah, I dig freckles.
2.7k · Apr 2013
Laptop Light
Garrett Apr 2013
Subtle focus
Small screen

Background hiss
Comfortable silence

Under cover
Night clad

Muffled yawn
Greatful smile

Quietly observe
Closest distance

Pink lips
Soft hue

Bright eyes
Hazel, brown

Heads met
With pillows

Lights off
Laptop light

Speaking whispers
Eye contact

Garrett Feb 2015
49 days
Surely I should be feeling a whole lot better
Ways and ways and ways
You keep on coming back
I keep letting you in
this came my way
on day 48
I'm having a hard time believing things don't come into your life and leave your life at the right time, or for a reason.
1.9k · Jun 2013
Tailor Made Fortune Cookie
Garrett Jun 2013
I'll treat you like
a tailor made fortune cookie
Cause somewhere inside you
is my good fortune

Fortunate in that sometimes
Being like a body of still water
our words
are skipping stones
Rippling across our lengths
lapping the shores
of our skin
then sink slowly and settle
in our mental depths
1.7k · Aug 2013
Fitful Crystals
Garrett Aug 2013
And sometimes it's the same pixels
Making up the moon
It's starry eyes as fitful crystals
For a brown night sky they're strewn
1.7k · Jun 2013
Hungry Senses
Garrett Jun 2013
Hungry senses
And sensibility
And sense of responsibility
To feed my fevered heart
A three course meal
Of what I can't smell
Of what I can't taste
Of what I can't touch
Such gorgeous dinner
Should only blame my nerve endings
And not its own sweet bouquet
And not its own culinary savour
And not its own tender skinned nature
Hungry Senses
With a senseless palette

My compliments to the chef.
1.5k · Jun 2013
The Toxic Lilac
Garrett Jun 2013
You glow
Your radiated purple hue
Just touching you multiplies my atoms
Just touching your pedal is cancerous

I grew you in a chemical spill
I watered you every day
With my dappling of sunshine
I hoped to elevate your foliage

You kept reaching out
You reached for more nature
Until your sickly festered roots
Tore you in another direction

You grew towards a reactor
Beyond the need for gardening
You grew towards the processing plant
Beyond the dappling of sunshine

You keep growing and growing
But you won't grow anywhere
But further into your toxic
Pedals never face the sunshine

All you want is clean rain you say
All you want is some sun
All you do is lay there in the waste
All you do is wait for it to be done

All you do is grow mutant fruit
All you do is grow your thorns
I'm trying to live in the sunlight here
While a new gardener collects your scorn

I threw fertilizer over toxic waste
I gave it some fresh new earth
I planted roses in your place
I allowed my garden rebirth

The roses are coming in just fine
I'll expect them still next June
They grow towards sunlight every day
They're my positive giving negative prune

I hope you like to wasteland
I hope you like the sun at your back
I'll keep growing my Fresh Roses
I can't grow your Toxic Lilac
"She's a stronger person than I have ever had the pleasure to know.
I'm just glad I found a new flower to grow."

You blog about your depression and your boyfriend and how lowly you think of yourself and how no-one cares and how you starve yourself. All I wanted was your happiness but it feels like you needlessly suffer.
1.5k · Apr 2013
Stained Glass Girl
Garrett Apr 2013
I've been told
You don't see the flaws
In people you're infatuated with
That as time goes on
You look closer
And a little deeper
And you find what you don't like

To me that is
Looking at strained glass
Some aged church window
For some long-gone saint
And intentionally looking for
A chip in the glaze
To pick apart the artistry
The artistry that
I consider someone
Who has gained my infatuation

I am irrevocably
I am without question
I am simply
Crazy about
what you are

I'd write more of endless positives
But not now
In fear of finding a negative
Or even worst
Looking for one

I'd dare not pick apart your artistry
In exchange
Don't let me be so unfortunate
As to let something fall at the seems
That has yet to be fully sewn

Stained glass girl
My first long poem in a little while. A certain change in subject matter, with good reason :D
1.5k · Mar 2014
as berries of it's bramble.
Garrett Mar 2014
3 a.m. and change
stumbled there again
extended beach and pier
a stuttered kiss and cheap beer

night's highest winds and shaken wharf
clouds swirl, trees shuffle, the night shrouds darker
for Earth, their giant, were left it's dwarf
counting constellations from its harbor
just drunk, humble
as berries of it's bramble.
1.4k · Jun 2013
Garrett Jun 2013
You're pancake batter
I'm a breakfast griddle
Pour yourself onto me
Form yourself onto warm
Bubble over
Simmer, set, and stick
To me
With me
I saw someone using ice cream as imagery so I figured I would write some food-poetry
1.4k · May 2013
The Fruitful You Embody
Garrett May 2013
A picture perfect face
Constructed of 1000 words
Of every verse written
For you to mark your place

The paper between the letters
Is the whiteness if your eye
The accent mark on hazel brown
Who's detail could never fetter

We'll hang you in a gallery
Your brazen beauty photography
Deserves appropriate passerby appraise
Film as mastery, above  the satisfactory

A picture perfect body
Covered in couplet & quatrain
In free verse & stanza
Across fruitful you embody
1.4k · Sep 2013
Kitchen Sink
Garrett Sep 2013
You're choking on a Jigsaw Puzzle
Cardboard claptrap
Caught in this riff raff
Pieces of hate
Which gets the last laugh
Ending gets its gift wrap

Let it circle the drain
Let it drip through the faucet
No anguish here, no pain  
Nothing can be flawless
Ground it up to sausage
Feed the dogs that garbage
That morsel of mental carnage.
I hope the best of the both of you
There's a lot more to see, and much more to do

Write it out.

"If you can't save it leave it dying on the road, wide open arms can feel so cold, so cold, feel so cold"
1.3k · May 2013
Garrett May 2013
As crazy as it might be
This callus is a beautiful thing to me
What's an ego to go unbruised?
What's a heart left unabused?

I didn't get this hardened shell
From concrete, glass, or fires of Hell
Why dwell on the knell you gave my cerebral gel.
I'm under someone else's spell

My palace with this Alice
Unshared with such malice
As what gave me this callus
It should be just now, us

I can say with a sense of pride
I needn't abide by a bride
Whos the great divide on each side
Without intention, will break my stride

I won't be denied
This emotional high tide
This woman which I confide
My side, a guide astride this distance ride

This callus thick of scorned love
Glad you're not what I'm thinking of.
1.3k · Jun 2013
Self Pity City
Garrett Jun 2013
Your esteem's
Like the leaves
Under footsteps
Under trees

Falling backwards
From your own "words"
On the concrete
House of Cards

What a pity
To pity in yourself
To pity in good wealth
To pity in good health

And what a pity
You built it a city
Open Sewage
Clogs your roadways
Your gritty, ******, self loathing city.
**** if it isn't just aggravating to see negativity.
1.3k · Jun 2013
Phantom Slender Passenger
Garrett Jun 2013
Sleeping in my own lap
Phantom Slender Passenger
Watching greyscale skys
Winding wet green solitude

Look to the mountains
Unattainable misted peaks
Climb onto the unseen face
Natures peak of privacy
Sleeping in my own lap
Phantom Slender Passenger
Watching a travellers slumber
Ghost strokes of matted hair

Materialize, take a seat
Take my hand, take a nap
Take some time, Take it all
Dream of nature's privacy

Slender Passenger sleeps in my lap
Slender Passenger sleeps in my lap
Slender Passenger sleeps in my lap
Slender Passenger sleeps in my lap
Travelling by bus today was really good creative stimulus

For Mads
Garrett Apr 2013
Two contrasting social situations

Putting central function
On the requirements of oneself
On best interests of others
Set outside perspective
Leading towards enlightenment
Lead towards an idea of truth
Following from this
Purposeful  conveying
Purposeful connection  
1.1k · Mar 2013
The Two-Thirty Train.
Garrett Mar 2013
The two-thirty train
Sweeps beside the river
I spent this moment in silent meditation
So many nights
So much of Spring
So much of Summer

This train is beautiful ambient noise
accompanying every thought filling this room
a soundtrack of clarity
I thought of laying awake with you
from a distance
I thought of laying awake alone somewhere else
missing the two-thirty train

It's starting to smell like Spring
It's starting to smell like Summer
It makes me think closeness
It makes me think of distance
Its a sick sweetness
I fondly remember moments far from fond

We stayed up talking on a school night
Youthful indiscretion
Half asleep giving anything to stay up
Wanting to see inside of what you thought you were
Wanting to hush your mind
What you thought you should be but weren't

Some nights I vividly recall shallow breathing right beside me
Inside my ears
You were as much here as you were there
I fall asleep with your breath tucked away in my brain
If I close my eyes you're beside me
But unable to embraced

Some nights I wouldn't dare sleep
Busy big hands with a little screen
Clicking touch-pad letters
Giving you a thousand reasons to stick around
A thousand resolutions
A thousand promises
And my thousands hours at your disposal

It's noon the next morning
You've yet to wake
I questioned if you would
In my mind we stayed up till dawn
Nursing you with what I have at my disposal
Sweet words
Every one true

The night before, I had heard the train
I was slumped into my pillow
Observing you from a distance
Asking that anything salvage you
Asking to carry your burdens
I begin to bargin
That you stick around longer with me

I lay here
Where I laid then
The train is beautiful ambient noise
I slip away from these memories
In time to hear the train depart
Its been a year and I think about that night
You woke up
I always want to make sure you do
1.0k · Mar 2013
Her, in your Head.
Garrett Mar 2013
She sticks to your skin like sleep on leather
She's potent as gin and light as a feather
She's spending the night in your temporal lobe
She'll dance in your head, in her sequin robe

A craftsman of fantasy
Your minds beautiful synergy
She's a brainwave
****** electricity

She makes cave paintings on bones
Her pictures mystic and unknown
So much like primitive nature
Running over with every tone

Your mind is domicle to her
Your mind is canvas to her
She grows like wanted weeds, like the clung dirt on seeds
She crawls the minds walls, She's vines all in a sprawl

She's your minds mistress
Making mental mischief
Thoughts you have are her's through you
She's there like glue to intrigue you
Not one of my better poems, but a combination of a love for amateur neurology and having writings concerning women.
1.0k · May 2013
Garrett May 2013
Such and endless amount
Of paperwork to be done
Exam for this, test for that, sign here
Such tremendous future endeavours
And so much planning for the time ahead
All I want is a passport
To bus my way to you
Written May 2nd
1.0k · May 2013
Sweat - Haiku
Garrett May 2013
Clung to your white skin
Beaded at your fragile breast
Stuck to your bedsheets
1000 · Mar 2015
Garrett Mar 2015
"Leo, just because it hurts
does not mean it is poetry."
I can feel the irony, I know.
987 · Dec 2013
40 Years and A Wrist Watch
Garrett Dec 2013
his emotion, the matter of which
had long been permeated too deep below
under a bedrock blanketing of masculinity
he had carried deep below himself
from youth

he didn't shed a single tear
when they buried his father
early this same year

it was in this emotion
he had held at arms length
where he didn't see himself in how
he felt
but in the product of a reserved character

his generation had worn no cross
rest laurels on the working man
he saw his peers as no great loss

in seldom shedding a tear
he saved face, in some amount
of personal self restoration

*it was only in his love had seen
some inkling of inner working
in his longing perchance to dream
965 · May 2013
Mind Matter Ocean
Garrett May 2013
Set this in motion
In this mind matter ocean
Your words are brain lotion
To lubricate my emotion
With this potion
With a notion
Of devotion
A heart in locomotion
Physical commotion
So glad to have choosen
So glad to have woven

Woven and weave
Like ivy leave
Entwine a maple tree
Under which you rest with me
Like pedals and stem
Fabrics set in hem
Gold in mold with gem
You wrap my brain stem
This should be longer but I'm really satisfied with this.

937 · Apr 2013
Late Autumn Truants
Garrett Apr 2013
War Memorial In November
Empty Fountain Lined With Leaves
Old Town Hall, Cherry Trees
Caught In First Winter Breeze.

Moment Not Soon Forgot
Not As Easily Remembered
Not As Easily Shared

City and Colour Soundtracks A Storm
Down Along The Mill
Before A Sloping Upward Hill
Wind Whipped Wild At Trees Stood Still

Soaked Wet Through Clothing
Late Autumn Truants
With No Other Reason To Be
Than To Feel And Find Expression

Making Back The Way To Work
Held Hand In Heartfelt Hand
Making The Best Of The Bland
In Such Moment's Not Meant To Disband
914 · Jun 2013
A Question of Karma
Garrett Jun 2013
I plan to pay for my meal with debit
The cashier says they do not accept debit, but there is a bank machine
Right as I'm about to leave, she says that I can just go eat now and pay for it later
I sit, eat, and contemplate

I no longer HAVE to pay for this meal
Is it a payment of good karma towards me that I received "free" food?
Is it an opportunity to gain good karma, as I pay for the meal that I could have easily stolen?
Is it an affront to karmas payment to me, to pay for the free meal that was given as a gift?
890 · Apr 2013
Garrett Apr 2013
Look at him
A pile of limbs
One hunk of flesh
He pulsates with blood

He's nowhere near human
He's a beast
Carrying burden
The privileged burden

Such is a privilege
To be morphed

He's hideously deformed
Carrying a part of her
With him

She won't ever fall off
She won't melt away
She won't be cut off
He doesn't want her to

It makes him marked
An Elephant Man
To those who can't understand

Hundreds of us
Walk the streets
In plain sight

When he's most alone
He looks to a tumour
He looks to a scar
Knowing "That's where you are"

When he's most at home
She starts to sink
Into his skin
To be closer to him

When he's said and done
When he's ready to stop looking
At his weaved flesh and bone
He'll keep her inside

Stowed her away
To fester inside
To let him walk
Free of deform

In the hopes that
Someone else could be so lucky
As to let themselves sink
To mangle themselves upon him

Let it be that he
Just as he let himself be
Let them mark one and other

So that
They won't ever fall off
They won't ever melt away
They won't ever be cut off

Look at them
A pile of limbs
Two hunks sew flesh
Their hearts pulsate together
Took maybe 15 minutes. "The Thing" meets romance.
886 · Jan 2021
i bleed for me
Garrett Jan 2021
when it's a pin *****
on my soft skin a zit pops
i play my mind trick
and i stop
to think of the pain i choose
how i want to bruise
and bedazzle my back
in thumbtacks
running razor blades
making crimson masks
843 · Nov 2013
New Oasis
Garrett Nov 2013
Only felt a moment,
a moment in a dream.
Suckling neuro pollen
The solstace of this minute
The magnus mental stream.

I found the new oasis
I saw the new serine
I found the new oasis
I saw her in a dream
827 · Feb 2015
Give it a couple years
Garrett Feb 2015
All I really expect is a cup of coffee in a couple of years.
I can't give myself the hope for anything more than that
and I can't ask for anything less.
817 · Oct 2013
Forest Floor
Garrett Oct 2013
Racing off the beaten path
Praising love through natures wrath
Pluck the last grape from the vine
Crossed legs trace lips
With a mountains forest, pine.

And pine I did for life last Spring
Pining nature be you it bring
The foliage grows upwards in spry
Towards grey sky, against the lie
That we were born to die

That we're always the cabin
We're always the paper
We're always the leaves
We make up the fire
If we aren't the trees.

Two trees grow together
Two trees brace the weather
We grow to touch the clouds
We burn the same fire
You're the Pine this tree needs
In this Forest Crowd
813 · Jun 2013
Waking Up to Poetry
Garrett Jun 2013
I hope you gaze  
Over, over breakfast
Tired mind in overcast, morning haze
It's raining in June
When your eyes attain their loving glaze

They could catch your smile
With a cardboard box, and a stick
*****, painted on your face a while
You're looking over what I wrote last night
For that smile,  I would limp every mile

This morning you begin to read my musing
English Muffin and Orange Juice
Is poetic perusing the least bit amusing?
Graft script, sweet nothings onto yourself
In conviction I made you my choosing
797 · Oct 2013
Textual Nourishment
Garrett Oct 2013
The textual
Nourishes the soul
Within, a mind echoed  
Who repeated the words
And which washed over
The sandbed of tired eyes
And which filled lungs
With a promised eased breath
You've never more here than not
When you words are under softened skin
When you  dig your deepest
To cast my hungry bones.
791 · Aug 2013
Cherry Seed
Garrett Aug 2013
You're a cherry seed
in a shoe box apartment
a second floor's
the last thing you need
771 · Mar 2014
How Desperately
Garrett Mar 2014
I want to see her blink
I want to feel the touch
The seaming of her skin
Hand in hand, its clutch.

The texture of her hair
Between my finger tips
Your words in my ear
The magnetism, your lips
unfinished, I wouldn't doubt.
Garrett Nov 2013
With the base of your thumb
On the nape of my neck
You place a whisper in my ear
You register as a hum

... ... ...

The lean in to succumb
Ambitious nerve endings
Peakless addiction
Such ecstacy, so numb
739 · Dec 2013
Raised Red
Garrett Dec 2013
Born a shade of a red
In the house of a blue
When guidance of purple
Was it's proper hue

It took dashes of orange
It had droplets of pink
With no one colour
Could it find it's sync

It dabbled in browns
It dared in the greens
It knows the spectrum
But not what the colour means
734 · Jul 2013
Vagabond Waiting (Haiku)
Garrett Jul 2013
Vagabond waiting
Under morning grey drizzle
They both share train tracks
719 · May 2013
A Solitary Thought
Garrett May 2013
For nothing ever meant more
Than to gain such praise
Equally idolized in thought and emotion
Such as a straight forward maze

Never fetter as to make yourself known to me
Create yourself shimmering and vibrant
Not that you would go unnoticed
But so my expression never fall silent

Stand for what your excellence is
Your true uncompromised nature
You know just as well as I do
Our expression is crafted as a glacier

I feel your deepest expression
You brought yourself into me
As I more than return such favour
We plant such seed to be such tree

And most late nights it's that
There's nothing else that I could do
But lay awake in an empty bed
My solitary thought could only be you
I meant to compare expression to an iceberg, but I said glacier.

713 · Dec 2014
Garrett Dec 2014
the coal
left unheld
without it's eon
having passed
never crystalized
710 · Aug 2013
Press Your Feet
Garrett Aug 2013
Press your feet on concrete
Summer air it rings sweet
Press your feet on concrete
Freedom in the dead heat

Walking home on late nights
Lit up with these street lights
Counting side walk under your feet
Night birds get the cheap seat
Press your feet on concrete
Probably unfinished
678 · Aug 2013
It Rained Today
Garrett Aug 2013
Rain on hot concrete
Droplets off my tree
Grey sky, mountains peaking
Along a fencepost, liquid leaking

Sound outside my room
Of my gutters being full
My house becomes, a waterfall
The ground below, a puddle sprawl

Clouds made it away
With sweltered summer sun
Let it rain for today, I need an overcast
Let the sky envelope, it's cloudy mast
675 · Apr 2013
Garrett Apr 2013
Let's Be
672 · May 2013
Garrett May 2013
Ancillary Artery Athena
An Abstract Apparition
Attracting Adorned Artistry
Adamant Affection
Abdicated Acedia
671 · Dec 2014
Garrett Dec 2014
at my foothill of persona
and of our pixelated dynasty
begins an Everest journey
of a stalemate
of hopes
and expectations
of intimacy
and socialization

4 years in expectation
4 years in perilled ranges
through cold and lonely
through barren unseen valley
through 1251 miles

close enough to see the Northern lights
never tall enough to hold them
Garrett Sep 2013
I've never spent more time with my thoughts
Than when I'm spending my thoughts with you

No daydream was ever more fantastic
Than when it was a night on the couch for two

I've never laid awake so much
Yet slept so comfortably
To think you could be in a dream
Can put the mind at ease

I've never felt so starved
I've never felt so secure
I've never felt so many things
Of that you know, I'm sure.

But when we're on the other side
And we can then embrace
We'll thank each others tenfold for when
Only laptops we could trace
669 · Nov 2013
Pacific Pacific
Garrett Nov 2013
Faded paint on the wall
Dust in my keyboard
Watch energy drip through my fingers
Into the keys
To drainpipe emotion
Through electric superhighway
633 · Jun 2013
Five O'Clock Memory
Garrett Jun 2013
5:00 am

I wouldn't bat an eye
If you couldn't sleep a blink

Restless waves from a tossing mind
Thoughts lap its shores
and crash long the banks

What a beautiful memory
Garrett Dec 2013
the fog finally frothed
boiled over and bent
its way, in lapsing waves
covering it's covet
seizing the single morsel
it foremost famished for
616 · May 2013
In Need of Collaboration
Garrett May 2013
You're a finished
Black and white painting
Hung up in my minds eye gallery

I hope it's not too much trouble
If I add some colour of my own
And let you be your accented self

There was nothing wrong
With you, black and white
But wouldn't you look lovely in colour

Wouldn't you look lovely
Having someone else
Paint you in a different light

I'm a black and white painting
In need of your paint
Your shades and hues

We compliment one and other
Each other's pallets
Each in need of collaboration
this is... okay, but I liked the metaphor, I might do another version of this in the future

612 · Mar 2013
My Creative High
Garrett Mar 2013
I don't want
to talk about you
to talk about a memory

I'd rather not pine away at what was
or what could have been
what should have been

I don't care about it any more
I shouldn't care about it any more
I can't care about it any more

I should be creating
Creating what I had
With someone else

Sweet nothings and
Passionate love and
Moments of tenderness are all still there

They're festering in my head
No other sweet nothing was as sweet
Other nothings devoid of sweetness.

My love is as passionate
Without you
It doesn't make me want to save it for you any less

No moments came so tender
Ripe fruit of playful young adulthood
I wouldn't dare forget such moments

You're a muse
You're my creative high
For every single wrong and right reason

You're the only reason I'm up at 4am
You're the only reason I'm writing this poem
For every single peak and valley

I don't want to talk about any of it
That's private
But I think about all of it

I should have better things to do
Than pine away and think of you
Crisp Autumns alone under orange leaves

I know the feeling isn't mutual
I know if you did the same
You would have gone insane

I'd break bones to save you from a bruise
In the hopes that you would do the same
I'd never let you break a bone, you can let me bruise for you

It's too much
It's far too much of me to put
Into something with no means to an end

I love it and hate it
But a part of you is in there
It's never coming out

It never should
I'd hate to lose it
So I'll gladly carry it

I have to move forward while carrying you
Watch me as I
Collect another one like you

I only wanted a collection of one
For only one me to be collected
One beautiful complete us

Another me is up for collection
So watch her as she
Collects another one of me
4:07 a.m. March 26th - Mission
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