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eloïse Jun 2020
I can’t remember,
the day you held my hand,
at the parking lot,
did a lot and we tried to stop,
was i distracted by the heavy rain,
or was it your presence?
so i pulled my hand,
when really,
it was what i was dying for.
eloïse Feb 2020
anger brought me here.
found someone who looked like satisfaction,
but ended up walking with confusion.
always thought i was gonna meet happiness,
but got home with jealousy instead.
a question?
was it love or just an illusion?
eloïse Oct 2019
it’s written in your eyes,
you knew i wasn’t enough,
we knew i wasn’t enough,
but why did you stay?
eloïse Aug 2019
i cant be in this room like this ;
alone, i mean.
Because all i could think about is you.
How it’s like to lay here with you. And stare at your eyes. fingers intertwined and in between those actions, play with your curly hair and draw a map on your shoulder or face while you tell me about your dreams and i tell you mine. Or, we could just be there, and do nothing. Just our breathes filling in the space.
eloïse Aug 2019
come back, please.
i miss you so much.
and i miss the me around you.
I love her.
eloïse Jul 2019
i know people say you won’t remember exactly what happened, but you will remember how it makes you feel like.

And i don’t like that.

I hate that I won’t remember it because i want to.

Because i want to remember how you make me so happy that i forgot life is short.
eloïse Jul 2019
Exactly tell you
         How i feel
Whenever we are in the same room.
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