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eloïse Jul 2019
It’s not always lust when it comes to her.
It’s how she’ll look at me.
It’s how she’ll laugh at my silly jokes.
It’s how she’ll be doing random little things that’ll make me swoon.

It’ll be how soft her lips are,
How it feels like when our fingers intertwined.

Simple things such as getting to touch fer face,
Getting to comb her hair,
Drawing circles on her shoulder,

Most importantly,
“i was looking for you” from her,
“i’m so proud of you” from her,
“i miss you” from her,
“I love you” without having her to say it because i know she does.
i wrote this for the first girl I’ve ever loved.
eloïse Jul 2019
you hurt me.

I loved you and you hurt me.
You hurt me
You hurt
eloïse Jul 2019
i would still hold your hand
even when we have found
the way to escape the darkness.
eloïse Jul 2019
i want to make him the happiest he's ever been.

because he has made me the happiest.
eloïse Jul 2019
i tasted honey
as words dripped
out of my lips.

i thought it was fine.

until it landed on your tongue
and you tasted poison.

nothing was right ever since.
eloïse Jul 2019
and i stared at my hands and asked myself if these were capable of violence too.
eloïse Jul 2019
why can't we resist pretty faces that clearly scream danger?
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