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eloïse Jul 2019
is there any way,
                                    we would somehow
wind up together
in 40 years
laughing about our mad journey?
eloïse Jul 2019
his kind of love was the kind of love that you got excited for nothing.

it was the kind of love that you had with your best friend ; an evergreen kind of love.

his love was the kind of story that had no ending because there were too much to tell.


his love was also like a bottomless ocean.
you need to be careful,
or else you'll drown.
eloïse Jul 2019


that was her name.
eloïse Jul 2019
i looked at you,

it didn't feel right.

i hate it.
eloïse Jul 2019
i guess after all,
i don't really know
what love is.

after all the tears,
after all the heartbreaks,
after all the smiles that hurt my cheeks,
after multiple times where my heart skipped a beat,
after all the excitement and butterflies that i felt in my stomach,


it was all love,
but not enough for me to understand it,

i didn't learn it right,


you taught me wrong.
eloïse Jul 2019
i am petrified that all of my thoughts,
they all look like you.

— The End —