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224 · Dec 2014
Be you
DustBall Dec 2014
Why do we settle for less when we can have it all
We can push ourselves past
Past rejection
With everything on the line
You still have something
Unless you sell your heart
Then all you have is a corpse
Of who you used to be
Don't push to hard
You may intend to find yourself
May indeed lose yourself
In the adventurous process
223 · Jan 2015
Dog love
DustBall Jan 2015
I'm worse than a dog
When it comes to falling in love
A few minutes of talking
And that's it
I'm done and over
Completely into you
221 · Nov 2015
Thinking in the morning
DustBall Nov 2015
Break your back
Rip apart your ribs
Scream until you cough blood
What are you looking for?
Maybe that one thing
You can call your own
You may never find it
But keep searching for
Your heart
It might be in there somewhere
221 · Dec 2014
DustBall Dec 2014
It hurts so bad I forgot how to cry
I still smile through each day
To everything I feel
Blundering towards the unknown
Not a tear will fall
It just gets hard to see
Hard to push my numb legs to walk
And my tingling fingers to feel again
Blatantly lying to each face i see
A smile will make them forget,
My scream
Tear-filled eyes bubbling up
Clenching and unclenching fists
The inability to breath  
My lungs burn as I give up the ability
To fight back
I can't run I am stuck
215 · Jan 2015
DustBall Jan 2015
You break my bones like tooth picks
And act like it was no small feat
Good job
You broke me
Well I broke me too
A long time ago
I win
211 · Dec 2014
DustBall Dec 2014
I am the kind of person
Who will
Do anything for what she wants
I am also the person
Who loses interest and gets bored
Very quickly
Please if I want you
Walk away
All I do is burn love
Breaking it into thousands of pieces
Crushing what I can get ahold of
Spoiling the sweet part of it
That's who I am
Burning bright
While I take you apart
DustBall Jan 2015
So many stars in my nights sky tonight
I'm counting every one
For you
Not because you wanted me too
But because I wanted you to see just
How much I love you
I'll keep counting every night
For the rest of my life
I'll always have hope with
You right here by my side
So lay next to me on the grass
Pitch black night
Our only lights will be the stars
Hold my hand and
We'll be alright
Even if it's just for tonight
206 · Apr 2015
Let me write
DustBall Apr 2015
Life's got me
No time to write
No time to think
So here I am begging to breathe
Taking a moment just for you
And me
204 · Apr 2015
Us and We mean Nothing now
DustBall Apr 2015
If forever meant something to you
You would still be holding my hand
If love is what you meant
Your kiss wouldn't of burned
Everything was meant truly by me
To my astonishment not by you
You cared more deeply but oh so
203 · Jan 2015
This time
DustBall Jan 2015
Kiss me
And tell me everything is going to be
Tell me
You love me
But don't lie
Actually mean it this time
I hope you mean it this time
If you don't love true
Walk away
Run if you have to
In the opposite direction in which
I do
Maybe I need you
I don't want to find out
So break all that we made
And stop lying
203 · Dec 2014
Don't try to fix me
DustBall Dec 2014
I hate being the strong one
The one everyone knows they can rely on
When I cry they're confused
I'm not the one who can do that
When I break they don't get it
I can't do that either
But I do
And I fix things before I give them to others
My smile
My laugh
Everything I say
I filter it into what they need
They need to hear it so I say it
Sometimes I forget
And I show them who I really am
I show them the person I am behind the strength
The fragile being I truly am inside
They get scared and confused
And run away from me
Or they stay and try to fix me
I don't appreciate that
I fix myself by helping you
And if you start helping me
I may just fall apart completely
200 · Dec 2014
DustBall Dec 2014
I have violence in my heart
Pumping it's way through my veins
Sneaking all around my body
I can feel it
Whispering in my ear
Tugging at my fingers
Coursing through my legs
As I run
From the person I though I knew
So so well
Who turned out to be
A stranger
That lived in me all along
My shadow
Who just now took over
Instead of licking at my heels
It caught up to me
Tackled me and yet I stand
You can't touch me
And I can live
197 · Dec 2014
I break.
DustBall Dec 2014
Why do we do this
Why am I so stupid
What can't you do that I need
I love you but I hate you more
The hate outweighs the love by much  I said that I needed you at one point
I may have been lying
Because I'm fine here
Without you and all of your crazy
But what was it really that forced us
To be friends in the first place
To create that bond I'm trying so hard to break
What is it about you that breaks me
Breaks me down into little pieces
Every syllable of Every word
And every feeling you make me feel
Maybe that's just it
I have a need to break things
So I build us up only
To break us down
Because I need that
Nothing else in this world can I break
More than everything we have
That's me
That's why
193 · Jan 2015
DustBall Jan 2015
The sun shines
Even on rainy days
You just can't see it
But what happens when
Everyday is a rainy one
When you never actually get to see
the sun
You know it's there
It's still warm
But you lost it
And you can't seem to find it
And every night gets darker
And darker
You cover your head with blankets
And tuck your feet in
Hoping the night won't get dark enough
To consume you
DustBall Mar 2018
Your stomach is 10 ft underground and you feel like throwing up
You notice your palms are clammy and a drop of sweat slowly slips down your arm
You’ve already bitten at 8 of your 10 nails that you were immensely proud of growing out
And three of your fingertips have dried blood following the curvature of your fingers
You start tapping your feet, tapping your hands in an effort to remain calm
Waiting for the answer you slowly unravel and lose the twine
186 · Jan 2015
DustBall Jan 2015
You make me think there's a chance
One for love
But then
You change your mind
I think
I hope you don't think we're a game
I don't
And I don't want to play
177 · Jan 2015
DustBall Jan 2015
Love doesn't exist with people like you
You destroy your life
You create to break it down
Burning what feels right
Why? Why? Why?
What's wrong with you
You feel like this because... Of what?
Are you broken?
It's harsh to think that this
Is me.
175 · Jan 2015
DustBall Jan 2015
Death is like losing something
You wanted to keep forever
149 · Dec 2014
DustBall Dec 2014
Blood stains clothing not skin
If it did however
Your hands would be dripping
Never ending
You make me bleed
Inside and out
From the heart
That's where you start
Then you drag your fingers
Across my beaten flesh
And lick your lips with desire
For everything you do you enjoy
No matter how horrible
Or gory
Your eyes burn with contempt
Every drop of blood you take
Is taken from me
I should've have let you take it
Right from the start
But I trusted you
With my most valuable possession
My heart
You shredded it with your teeth
And sliced it with your own heart
Though it may not beat
It is cold as ice
And sharp to the touch
That's how you broke me down
And brought me to your level
I don't know how I feel anymore
Because you posses me
149 · Jan 2015
DustBall Jan 2015
Thanks for breaking me
*i give up
147 · Jun 2019
how rude is that
DustBall Jun 2019
You made me love the rain
and then you left me
to walk in it alone.
135 · Jun 2019
the truth may shock you
DustBall Jun 2019
The world will find you and make you see it
Even when you turn your head away
Scared to see what it may hold
Scared of all the things you do not know
And yet the world turns your head and pushes your eyes open
Not allowing you the sweet surrender of ignorance

— The End —