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Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
And as I look outside and think, I realize a year has passed.
Though looking back, it seems like just yesterday, you were mine.
Just yesterday, You were with me, right by my side.
I miss you.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
Lights everywhere. Twinkling and shining.
Some shining bright like the sun,
those lights remind me of your eyes,
Some twinkling, almost like they're shy to be seen, like you.

Your eyes were a mixture of both the bright and twinkling lights,
You didn't like being seen ,
though even when you didn't want it, you'd get the attention.
Just like the stars.
At times, I like to assume that stars don't want to be seen,
that's the reason they keep twinkling, almost like illuminated eyes, blinking.
Wanting to see the world, so they open their eyes,
Then realizing that their eyes are bright and not wanting the attention,
they close their eyes.
It's an endless cycle. Repetition all the way.
Not wanting anyone to notice, but getting noticed anyways.
Written for this guy that I once knew. A.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
The two words that automatically come to
my mind when I see you: Imperfectly Perfect.
The way your eyes light up when you're excited,
the way you smile like a 5 year old when you're happy,
the way you roll your eyes and then secretly smile when I tease you,
the way you try to act annoyed with me but end up laughing,
the way you dance when you're hyper,
the way you show me the peace sign at random times,
the way you talk, some times like a tantrum throwing little 6 year old,
the way you're so stubborn,
the way you order me around.
the way you understand me so perfectly,
the way you hug me,
the way you add a "Maybe" after thanking someone,
and the way you do so many other things.

It's adorable how you're shy at the most unneeded times,
and how you're careful about the decisions you make,
and how you and I have a similar perspective,
it's like you know exactly what you want, and how you want it.

Standing over here and looking back, I feel so blessed.
Having you as my best friend is something I never thought was possible.
If only you saw yourself through my eyes,
you'd realize just how amazing you are.
Thank you for being there for me and pulling me through hard times,
I'll always be here for you, the same way you've always been there for me.
Dedicated to my amazing Best friend. You're amazing. And though this poem isn't very (can't find the right word) nice or anything(?) yeah. It's for you. :)
Sound Of Rain Oct 2013
Anger filled emotions,
Sharp words fall out.
Cutting and tearing you apart,
Silently you bleed out.
Those times when someone lets their anger get the better of them. Words hurt.
Sound Of Rain Oct 2013
In the bottom of what I assume is my heart,
There's a Deep void which is aching to be filled,
If not with love, at least with something else,
Some emotion, some kind of feeling,
Just not this numbness, just a feeling,
Just to know someone's here,
And They're here for me.

I can't see anyone by my side again,
It's like the starlight was never seen
As I've ended up Being Lonely and reckless as I've always been.
Wrote that a while back.
Don't know if that makes sense, but yeah.
te echo de menos a mi mejor amigo.
Sound Of Rain Oct 2013
I took your wrist and had a look, you told me about the unusual art you did,
The use of natural dark red paint flowing down, dripping onto your clothes,
In your eyes I saw your emotions, though they were locked up, tied with a chain and bolted away,
I saw them, and I asked you "Why can't you do a different art?"

You looked right into my eyes with a sad smile and said,
"My dear friend, it's not easy to live. Certain things just make you feel worthless,
and like a bunch of wastage, sometimes, it's better trying to feel something else instead of that,
for words hurt like nothing else does."

I added a texture of cotton on top of your art,
You looked at me silently, and in your eyes, I could see someone hurt and broken, screaming for help,
and at that very moment, I decided, I would never let you be alone,
I took you into my arms, and hugged you tight, making soothing gestures on your back as the silent hug turned into something deeper,
and the sobs racked through your body, but not once did I let go,
and at that very moment, I just knew,
You couldn't turn to anyone, that's the reason you did your unusual art.
Sound Of Rain Sep 2013
Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.
The water drops make this sound;
At day time it's not as loud as it is,
At night time; mesmerizing.

With none by your side, all alone in bed;
Listening to the sounds.
Trying to understand everything, as you slowly slip away,
Into the unknown vastness of unconsciousness called "sleep."
Sound of rain at night. Beautiful.
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