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just hold your breath a little bit longer
when i clear this pollution
i promise we'll be stronger

your mind may wander but don't look away
i will find a solution
then i am here to stay

not another moment can i stand to be split
can't we be amiable?
no, i feel your hostile intent

your constant screaming makes my head ache
i would **** you now
but that's one thing i can't take

maybe an identity is out of my reach
you've stolen so much from me
attached to my soul like a leech

i brush my teeth, i'm ready for bed
hopefully tonight in my dreams
you'll stay out of my head...
a gecko in an aquarium
was my roommate...
not at all my idea of a pet,
but we shared a room, she and i...
i would warm her with soft light
at night time,
let her sleep with lights out
during the day...
fed her with worms,
young insects, water to drink...
nobody knew or noticed
what ever happened,
never seen what may have conspired
inside that lonely aquarium
where she'll be forever confined
'til the day she dies.

one sleepless night, while writing
'neath the soft glow of the lamp,
a tiny winged creature
slowly crawls, then stops
beside my left foot
resting down on the floor.
nothing to swat it with,
i shove it off my foot with one hand.
it would appear one time,
i would drive it away...
it would hide somewhere,
only to appear again later.
the movements flow,
this would go on,
until finally, i would fall asleep.

same things would happen
In the nights that would follow,
until i sort of await its presence...
it would keep still,
right at the center of the carpet,
wait for that shove or push,
so we could start our dance,
'til we both get tired...
when it would vanish,
and i, would soon
be left dreaming, deep, deep slumber...

(Thank you, Soul in torment, for your "wing-ed friend...")


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
This poem is the first part of my formerly posted "REUNITED."
I am gonna give to you, my best retail smile!
I thought of this while working at a thrift store recently.
I try to remember to smile and go the extra mile for the customer.
There are two beautiful people
no one would take their eyes off them
on a garden bench they sit, surrounded by flowering plants,
all exquisite orchids, that make the air fragrant,
behold! these lovers hold something in their hands,
sharp like silver ice picks, with a cruel pride
something fashioned from their love it is,
(what is the necessity, I can't think)
but why they wield it carelessly
at the slightest provocation,
hurting each other with every deliberate move?
bleeding from the wounds gets worse
but they get more and more engrossed -
in this blood letting game  like an enraged pair of foes,
their moments of togetherness become a war for supremacy.
I am just a butterfly,
in love with every lovely flower
guilty of flitting from one to the other
call me disloyal,
but never dream of hurting any one
in the name of love like this.
no one explained to me why
human love has taken such a turn.
Today, is an overcast, sky-filled grey, autumn day. Nevertheless, the colors are still holding out as the leaves are making their last hurrah in the parade of changing their look. Therefore, I was not bothered by the gloomy looking weather. And on my way to the health food store-- high up among the telephone poles--I spotted the sight of three parallel wires full of birds, perched side-by-side. as if connected.

I am not sure what kind of birds they were, but they lined those wires, brown and thick, like ants on a sugar stick. And they must of huddled there for warmth and security, comrades of instinct and survival. Indeed, they surely seemed fine with their electric perches, with no intent on flying off, congregating contentedly.

With too much human expansion, it seems, I surely do wonder and am at awe at the magnificence of nature, this being a small example. Birds, as fragile as they often look--they haven't a thick coat of fur to warm their feathery bodies--do not appear fit for the cold--not for a second. And many fly to the South for winter. But there they were--bird after bird after bird--just hanging out up there, as if their temporary hangout was wired and strung just for them. This surely is a common sight, and is not supposed to be a big deal , but I found it special enough to keep in mind, important enough to return home to later record in word.  It is akin to me witnessing geese flying in a V-shape pattern, or hearing the melodic calling of a bird to a potential mate, of viewing a mother bird feeding her young in the bird house that I have provided outside my door. Or it reminds me of last year, on a snowy night in the Christmas season. when I was amazed by the sound of birds outside of KFC--of a bunch of sparrows that were just chirping away, arranged in a tree like living Christmas ornaments.  I don't ever want to take this stuff for granted, for it becomes easy to do so in the maze of life we often have.

With just this small example, today. I am reminded of how wonderful and majestic this earth truly is. Nature surely is a feast for the eyes, as well as for nourishment for the body. For me, it is medicine for the soul, sanity for the mind, music to the ears, as well as a stimulating journey in awe and beauty in the wildlife, grand landscapes, fragrant flowers and abundant plant life. Who can say otherwise?
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