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Mar 2014 · 1.7k
David flew into my bedroom
light blue eyes flashing excitement

"Sonya ki," he gushed

"We are now the proud parents
of a newborn baby pineapple!"

For two years David fathered
and diligently nurtured the
pineapple cutting from
the Yoga ashram

Cooing, lullabying,
coaxing, fertilizing

I threw on my sandals
and dashed into the
bucolic nursery

There peeking up at us
it's amber pink body
swaddled in spiky
was our own little
darling pineapple
Mar 2014 · 557
Water under the bridge
Too many indigo tears

The Ocean
hides them beneath
her broad blue checkered apron

White capped waves skirt across
a memory
an act
long forgotten

Vomiting up
salt and brine
debris that won’t
stay down

Resurfacing, beached

old shoe
someone once
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Swami You have
driven us all mad
with Your bewitching Love
we gather in confused circles
spinning senselessly like
gopi maidens without
Sri Krishna in their arms

Over the barren dust bowl hills
of Parthi the wind
sobs and red eyed rainclouds
weep Your Holy name
even rays of the
sun scan the earth for
a chance to fall once
again upon Your
tender Lotus Feet

Beloved Lord
roll away the
from our hearts
the funereal shroud
that hides our
immortal truth
Lift the white veil
and gaze into
lovestruck eyes
eternally wedded
to You
Mar 2014 · 722
golden dart
the arrow of Your love pierces deep
wounded I fall into your arms
a willing supplicant
while You kiss away the
tears, blood and fear of death
a strange bliss engulfs us
like a fever suddenly breaking
scarlet clouds burning off
Mar 2014 · 435
Elusive Self
my heart calls
I have caught all
my teardrops in
a glass goblet
for you to swallow

Now you can gauge
the depths of my love

along the river banks
I glimpse your
azure face
and the sun's rays falling
prostrate at your spangled feet

sometimes I camouflage
myself as a golden deer
praying you'll bestow
a tender caress
one single rosebud kiss

possessed and enchanted
I stalk your inebriating
like a shadow chases the

Is there hope for me

can I survive one instant
without You
Mar 2014 · 4.7k
I Am
God loves, sustains
and protects
all of His devotees
regardless of the
name chosen
to praise Him

inside my global prayer wheel
all the names of God
are humming

I am Allah, I am Jesus
I am Krishna, I am Buddha
I am Jehova, I am Jah,
I am Durga, I am Ahura Mazda
I am Quan Yin, I am Mother Mary,
I am Lakshmi, I am Shiva, I am Brahma
I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am....
Feb 2014 · 820
The Bhakti Path
There is a sacred path
that winds through
my heart

It sings God's Name
as I dance ecstatically
along enchanted gopi banks
and over
whirling, warbling brooks

I marvel as a black and
white checkered,
red tufted woodpecker
carves God's Name on
a thankful tree trunk

Mirabai, Kabir and Rumi
wave their colorful prayer flags
verses of pure love
and devotion cling to the
very air we breathe

The Bhakti path forges
unafraid through
the bleak, brooding
forest of desires

Husky winds blow around
ghostly, skeleton branches
that claw helplessly
at the night skies
whispering valiant stories of
Rama's exile and
Krishna's triumph

Another tree it's hoary arms
resembling a cross
bleeds, remembering the sacrifices
and love of Jesus, The Lamb of God

Trekking further into the dense
unforgiving jungle
seated in Lotus pose
a Golden Buddha
immersed in
rapturous meditation
opens His eyes for an instant

The sun rises in the east
I kneel and kiss His
glorious feet

Leaving the tangled woods
suffering, godforsaken
figures of homeless people
sleeping alongside
this good samaritan road

Embodiments of God
spirits marred by defeat
and agony
stare listlessly, flies circling
oblivious to the
blistering desert heat

I stop to share a prayer,
cup of water, some fresh
baked bread from my knapsack
and a ray of hope

The path abruptly ascends
purple mountain mists
crown the summit
holy footprints of saints,
yogis, fellow pilgrims
indelibly christen
and guide my steps

Angels sweep the road
ahead tossing rose petals
and victory blossoms

Om peals
across the enlightened
Bhakti path

...and an ancient God awakens....
Feb 2014 · 2.1k
God visited our house last Sunday
a bright papaya orange butterfly
welcomed Him,
fluttering in loops like a kite
as He stepped out of His car

Embracing our dear friend Jon from
New Jersey
He entered our pagoda
indeed, not as a guest but
as an embodiment of God

The early afternoon was garlanded
in loving, intimate, animated conversation
and a delectable lunch was served to our
beloved  brother
This was topped off with nectar sweet
chocolate coconut prasadam

Everything from matters of the spirit
to soul stirring S.R.F. devotional songs
chanting sublimely
suffused our heavenly day

Even the backyard birds turned out
in large numbers
their cocky red, brown and
sky blue heads
peeking curiously through
the patio door
craned to catch a glimpse
of our divine companion

Jon, His mellow, prayerful eyes
blessing all His gaze fell upon
leaned back comfortably in
the recliner chair
like a long lost friend
returning home ~
Feb 2014 · 418
Tail of the dragon
far behind
I leave the world
familiar labyrinth of houses,
walmart,  smart tv's and people scurrying
promiscuously in all directions
burnt scroll of another chapter
cast into the blazing fires
of my heart
Feb 2014 · 586
ruby eyes
your long white swan's
neck reposes
soft upon my breast
as if listening to
my heart
and the wings of
spirit fluttering
Feb 2014 · 861
White Pyramid
We are celibate now
the sweet rivers that
once ran between our thighs
have dried up....
gutted fish lie panting on
shores littered with
caviar and vacant,
abandoned oyster shells
girding up our *****
we begin the arduous,
formidable, slippery, icy
ascent to Mount Kailash
Your soulful, blue eyes
merge with the
azure heavens above
our arms linked together
You whisper warmly
"Ready Mama?"
I take a deep mystic breath
surrendering to the vast call within
"Yes Papa..."
Feb 2014 · 439
(108 Bhakti Kisses Book Giveaway-paste link to enter)

to touch the stars
to hold
inside this
embryo fist
one glimmer of Eternity

to remember
**Who I Am
Feb 2014 · 445
Nomad No More
To the North, To the South
To the Left, To the Right
Only God Exists

His breath enters every portal
of  being
I close my eyes in dark, starless realms
He glides within
Endless Sun of dreams
illumine the path, veins, arteries
radiating from my heart

Connect us to a higher Highway
above the fruited plain
swirling red dust of our
bones, teeth, marrow
barren desert mirages

God, Beloved Self
the wandering is over
take us home forever
Jan 2014 · 842
belly dance
seductive dream
my lashes and tears entangled in yours
the heat of our bodies evaporating
in the morning mists
another round begins
and the coil of flesh
swallows itself
Jan 2014 · 362
in transit
I'm constantly checking myself
out lately
I have to put my self through
a security X-ray check
before I act or speak
what are my real intentions, true motives
and hidden agendas
sometimes a secondary screening
and full pat down is required
suspicious thoughts and
harmful desires
disarmed and replaced
with harmonious, sathwic
virtuous destination
Jan 2014 · 696
high tide tea
We sipped English breakfast tea
its happy flavor
extending beyond the bridge
connecting our eyes
as we lounged on the ship's deck
watching rainbow tie dyed skies
joyfully, buoyantly
dip their breezy bodies
and cloud capped feet
into the Ocean's
huge aquamarine puddle
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
golden womb
all my orifices
are fully dilated
in great expectation
swirling, ballooning out into infinity
like the great womb
in the heavens
that holds so
much starry darkness
receives Your Light
beyond measure
Jan 2014 · 443
with every breath
I clutch my mala beads close to my heart
Each rosary  pressed between my fingers and
Chanted by lips
an enchanting love song
Drawing You nigh
How easy it is to forget
Like yesterday or even
The day before
A foggy dream we struggle
To remember
Your Name breathes
Life into everything
and makes it
Jan 2014 · 647
I watch the
sea breathe
from the deck of the ship
indigo ribbons
skittle across the ocean's
vast billowing blue breast
the wind breathes too
in fact, everything is breathing
one mighty breath
inhaling and exhaling me, the ship and this whole
luminous creation
Jan 2014 · 867
Sanctuary Bells Ring
I blow the feathery brown corpse
of a moth gently off the window sill
misting gray rain outside adds to
the pallor of the moment
I think to myself - everything is
dying around me
and my life too ebbing with
each ancient breath
despite this revelation... I know
there is a forever part to us
I sense it in the still, deathlike
suspension of my meditation
my body an empty temple
one pointed cathedral steeples
pyramid to infinity
I kneel on the hassock within
reposing in the splendor of a Presence
undefinable, a hush of love
ushers over me
tears pour from
stained glass eyes
that unmistakable kiss
sustained caress
blessed assurance
Jan 2014 · 2.7k
bala lotus
in Your blessed heart
I slumber
a lotus seed
curled up tendrils
drowsy little foetus
nurtured and coaxed
to open and expand my
budding petals

On the lake of
black mirrors
I emerge so shy
at first
watch over me
guide me to let
only light and love
one day I pray to be
a garland at Your
Lotus Feet
Jan 2014 · 695
Aria Divine
I'm serenading God
perpetually these days
language arising from
the roseate lips of the heart
a flurry of sacred sounds
borne on a chiffon breeze
to His celestial ears
no space left
not even a breath
for anything less than
Jan 2014 · 920
Peyote Woman
Clay circles that allows
my hands to almost touch
ribbed startle of your
Soul in flight

That permits my breath
snake's tongue
to probe inside echoes
of a time you weren't so
sad and mocking

Wing tips brushing
floating face down
in keenness
of memory
I join lines running rivers
of peyote
stretch skin across a
stone sphinx
silently relive the

Please share the warm embrace of my new Poetry book:
108 Bhakti Kisses, The Ecstatic Poetry of a Modern Day Gopi
Jan 2014 · 718
Like sun's gold rays
slipping backwards into
alone, again in
cool darkness of thought
my heart
a flaming target
put out with
quiet tears and hopeless
bleats through ember
still searching

Please share the warm embrace of my new Poetry book:
108 Bhakti Kisses, The Ecstatic Poetry of a Modern Day Gopi
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Temple Alucinante
Far from the
restless boom box blare
jazz blue ****
city lights and guitars on fire

miles from the urban smell
of opulent people, pierced armpits
bulldog buildings pressed
together in a dead-heat

many asphalt moons from
quaint village cafes
Yankee Stadium, Central Park,
Queens Boulevard
and downtown mystical bookshops

I found a clear, pure halcyon stream
hewn from stars,
trickling down from Heaven
an affluent vision of strength
gushing over the softer
translucent parts of me

gentle Yogi yodeling through
my alpine heart
lets sail upstream to the roof of your
prayer washed Zen mountain
offer lotus garlands and incense
at sunrise we kneel in the
Temple Alucinante

(Please share the warm embrace of my new Poetry book:
108 Bhakti Kisses, The Ecstatic Poetry of a Modern Day Gopi
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
108 Bhakti Kisses
( I am Happy to announce the publication of my new poetry book: 108 Bhakti Kisses, The Ecstatic Poetry of a Modern Day Gopi by Sonya Ki Tomlinson available on Amazon
Happy and Holy Holidays

108 bhakti kisses
Courting Your adoring feet
108 Names of God
adorn the temple gates
where I kneel close to
Your precious Feet
108 Crystal mala beads
poised like stars passing
one by one over my fingers
tiny bridges across
an immense and luminous expanse
Infinite frontier
The Soul returning to its Source
offspring of Light
I look to the Heavens
my sustenance
thunderheads, distant mist
solitary black cameo shape
of a bird soaring swiftly
vanishes into
ballooning, billowing
blue wilderness of Your eyes
Dec 2013 · 2.9k
tea leaves
I won't remember you...
the husky sound of your voice
tall, lanky stature
Lithuanian shape of your
Baltic blue eyes sledding
across my heart

even this embrace
standing on Melbourne beach
the wind swoons
two silhouettes melting into
each other

All the lines on my hands
are erased
the ocean pours tears into
a half moon shell
my body, a blind mermaid
washed ashore
upon the smooth, faceless sand
Dec 2013 · 606
Mountain Buddha
inscrutable mountain buddha
you have buried potent seeds
of your passion
in my heart's quivering
wet petals
red robed monks
carry my spirit on
a celestial palanquin
down a strange river
singing bowls, mist
and the flute's oblong scry
silently my Soul
chants your
Nov 2013 · 749
my wings far flung
raven diamonds
evening dew
on the tip of my tongue
eternal companion
so full of divine pranks
tackles me
a pillow fight
peacock feathers everywhere
heavenly Blue boy
tickle me giddy with Love
Nov 2013 · 831
You kissed me
in empress purple
of twilight

while my body
hovered like a

between two worlds

sipping nectar
from your lips
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
This Moment Won't Last
the baby pin oak in my backyard
is strong enough to support
the wild bird feeder
blue jay watches avidly till the coast is clear
relaxing in the garden jhoola
I sip my morning tea
a lime pastel butterfly flutters close to
my cup and a tawny brown lizard
his balloon red throat puffing love-calls
scampers over my feet
sky drenches the moment in blue
and chest thumping sounds of a
Saturday baseball game
herringbones through the fantastic
fabric and handiwork
of the here and now
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
It's a mystery to note
that despite how advanced in age we are
still we earnestly strive to survive, preserve
at all costs this physical entity

My sister, Vivien and I
watched vicariously
as our 91 year old Father
tubes plugged in every orifice and cavity
sat gripping the edge of his hospital bed
gasping for air

We didn't know it then, but he was suffering
a mild heart attack
mentally, tenderly we massaged
his Spirit with prayers

I thought to myself
how difficult it is to convince yourself
that you are not this body
while warm blood and passions rush
through veins and brick by brick
from birth we carefully construct,
insulate, protect, pamper and cater to
the whims and demands of this
terra firma

I stared numbly as hospital staff
wheeled Dad away for further tests
Emergency room visits were
fast becoming a regular ritual
Intravenous bags hang
heavy black nimbus clouds
stingily dispensing one last drop of mortality

my heart a stone sinking in my chest
plummeted with a thud into a bottomless
inky pool
so many poignant, familial memories
rowing merrily across the paper thin
surface of Life's fragile dream

I could sense my mother's intangible presence
close by  
soft brown sepia eyes gazing tenderly
through the partially drawn diaphanous veils
chariots swinging low

father's condition is stable now
though they released him for the holidays
the appellation, "Comeback Charlie"
our nickname for his extraordinary
resilience and vigor
didn't have quite the same ring
something missing, that spark, stolen
reflected in hollow, vacant
jack-o-lantern eyes

I prayed as we prepared a tropical
fruit basket to cheer him up
that he would clearly see
an Angel not a thief
standing eternally by his side
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Butterfly Satsangh
Last night when I came home, I noticed a very delicious
fragrance enveloping me. The jasmine was not in bloom,
so I knew it couldn't be that stealing through window drafts,
and the incense sticks were long extinguished.

Was it Lakshmi? Her divine fragrance perfumes the three
worlds and I sensed an unusual lightness in the atmosphere.
This morning I still detected a unique aroma, though not as pronounced.

I went outside, in the backyard, to let the dog out and observed two orange speckled butterflies dancing near her doghouse. I shooed them away protectively.  As I did this, they moved over to another location, but one hovered near my hands.

It fluttered around my hands for a good minute. I was able to hear,
witness and breathe in the amazing oscillation of it's fragile wings.
Gorgeous mosaic patterns glittered between the rays of sunlight bathing
our golden communion. I could clearly see its ebony face peering curiously up at me.

Soon a third butterfly joined the party, and a trinity of sweetness pulsated close. After a while they all took off in different directions.

Later, I reflected while swinging in the garden jhoola how wonderfully connected we all are.

This Unity transcends the mental, emotional and physical barriers, preconceptions and dimensions of our ordinary awareness.  

Love has a lot to do with it, respect, peace, truth and right conduct too.
Oct 2013 · 2.1k
Forty days and Forty nights
Kachina dolls danced
pounding deer skin drums
rattling snake gourds
whistling circles of
flustered chicken feathers and totem poles
around the drooping firmament

here and there wisps of
sunken chested, shrunken breasted
castrated clouds dragging their empty
rain barrels could be seen straggling
across heat infested waves

at times I swear I could hear the wind
cussing through dry crackling branches
Pine wearing wide brimmed straw hats
squabbling with over bleached blond Palms

How we languished and thirsted for the
dulcet, pure, pellucid taste of Your crystal kisses
lavender squeaky clean smell of rain-bells
oh! to feel those torrents gushing down our
upturned faces, slicked back hair,
engulfing our flowering *****
drenching us to the bone

then this morning we heard an unfamiliar sound
fairy feet tap-dancing on rooftops
excited I ran outside
crowing the Gayatri mantra
flapping prema pink wings
waddling like a duck in slap happy puddles

Yes, Dear God
a grateful, thankful swan,
gossamer reflection
glistening fervently up at You
from diaphanous depths
inexhaustible wellspring
diamond spa of Your Love
Hari Om

Visit my author's page:
and my website:
Oct 2013 · 749
shadows cast
we roam about searching
for a glimmer of light

puppets shadow boxing
on a back alley wall

the shadow of death haunts
our every step
with a grim resolve

yet disappears as we rotate
ever so slowly
towards the blinding truth
boundless radiance
inexhaustible love

where the Great Central Sun
rises beyond
the shadow of a doubt
Enjoy my Ecstatic God Poem video
Paste the link below;=share&list;=UUeHU6lIejy943wDUf0Iq2UA

Imbibe my Ecstatic Love Poem video
Paste the link below:;=share&list;=UUeHU6lIejy943wDUf0Iq2UA

This poetry video "Lou" is about my brother Louis who is schizophrenic.
Paste the link below:;=share&list;=UUeHU6lIejy943wDUf0Iq2UA
Oct 2013 · 521
red apples
we look straight ahead
carrying baskets
on our heads
fruits of our labor
our hips sway
along the dusty brown roads
we stop to share
a taste of kindness with
fellow pilgrims in need
Oct 2013 · 442
Bliss drops
close your eyes
see me now
a bright star
falling into your arms

breathe deep
feel me now
a soft breeze
rippling over your lips

turn towards my burning gaze
and walk with me as the
wind sings ecstatically through
the green reeds along
the river banks
Oct 2013 · 513
See, Hear, Speak
the blind bride
follows the eternal vision of
Your Divine Presence and
the ecstatic flute
enchants her deaf ears
only Your Name escapes
from lips mute
and tongue tied
in sweet knots
the earth and all the blazing planets
spin senselessly, obliviously past her,
safe in Your awesome arms
in Your endless embrace

She... Is
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
Bala Krishna
peacock shimmering
night glades
our sweet Hari
His flute-song floats
stealing the butter
cream of our Love
on all fours
crawling so innocently
but when He yawns
universes spill like
glittering marbles
the entire macrocosm
inside the mouth
of babes
Sep 2013 · 605
Wild morning glories
Wild amethyst morning glories awaken by the sea
an avalanche of white waves rush to the shore
zebra shadows dance across
the phosphorescent beach
and God's heart beats inside the
transparent chest of a jelly fish

I listen to the ocean sing
cresting jeweled tides
rise and fall
our footprints and all we think we are
without a trace

Love's ineffable breath
sweeps me out to beauty
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
runaway bride
Elope with me Lord, swiftly we can sail
so far from the world's undertow
and swirling eddies

Spirit me away beloved
to that enchanted island within Your

In that secluded place my
eyes will envision only Your
resplendent form

My tongue will sing
only verses
that please Your divine ears

My hands will love and serve
only Your Lotus Feet
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
Saguna Gems
The nectar of Your name
caresses my numb heart
softens the hardened portals
unblocks the sadness, disappointment,
grief, fear, bitterness
that clogs the passageways
and poisons the spirit

The dog treasures his bone
squirrels their acorn
day adores the sun
night seduces the milk white moon

I drown in the holy honey of
Your Name

God! God! GOD!

You who will never forsake
or abandon Your devotee

You and Your name are
Aug 2013 · 3.4k
God's Consort
In the twilight zephyrs
under milky way skies
I stroll beside my peacock plumed God

Along the banks of the Yamuna river
with captivating charm
He teaches me
the Language of Love

Honeybees buzz around us
even though the coral pink
sun has melted into a
puddle of nectar at
His silken lotus Feet
and all the flowers have
folded their drowsy petals

raven heavens raise their
ebony veils and a
chorus of rhapsodic stars
chant Krishna's glorious name

I feel His raincloud blue face
close to mine
lightning from His eyes
strikes my Soul

...and We dance...

A trillion psychedelic umbrellas
whirling, dazzling Sufi circles
beneath the Golden parasol
of God's enormous

Aug 2013 · 462
Invocation of the shadow
I gaze up at the towering azure peaks
that shelter the sun
and flawless diamond skies that
cradle the moon
and wonder at the invisible
hand that painted all this

I know with absolute certainty...

There is an unseen splendor
that moves through us
at a velocity
beyond the speed of Light

A magnitude that inhabits
our very breath
and shapes our discernible forms

Red rivers of Love flow
through our arteries, veins
our eyes flaming swords ablaze with this
magnificent truth pierces the darkness


The Temple of the living God
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
That Thou Art
Today, I told a butterfly he was God
my eyes followed the magnificent cape
of his orange monarch wings
from September flower to flower

The inquisitive coral throated lizard
leaping over the garden jhoola
listened, awestruck as I announced
with deep conviction
"You're, God too, my friend"

It was time to tell Joy, screeching
at the top of her parrot lungs and
Sam my bright-eyed cairn terrier
the exciting news

I could feel the teal blue heavens,
all the creatures of our earth and
beyond breathing in
absolute pin drop silence
as I filled a glass with water
opened my mouth
and slowly poured
God into God
Aug 2013 · 957
Sean Sai
My sweet darling grandson Sean Sai
asked me to pray with him over a dead bug.
We placed our palms together and prayed for the little bug
lying on its back with four legs sticking up in the air.
His brother complained to me that Sean has been praying
for all the dead bugs and critters he comes across.
I told him that's okay he will get closer to God.
Sean looked at me with his twinkling wise eyes and said:
"Grandma if you get close to God you will have good luck!"
Isn't that so very precious ~ out of the mouth of babes so much wisdom
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
Day lilies and dragonflies
in Arkansas June
boy do I need a sombrero!
not a cloud in the sky
and I pray for a genteel breeze
to cool my brow
The crepe myrtle has
crept its way into
my heart
From dawn to dusk
She stands unscathed
shocking pink candelabrum
boisterous laughter of
school children on vacation and
belly flops in chlorine blue green pools
brings to mind a delightful dip
in a secluded, sylvan
mountain stream
where I can with palms folded
Love brimming
salute the Summer Solstice
Jun 2013 · 884
Window on Infinity
In shimmering ebb of
evening's closing tide
I kneel and kiss
Your jeweled footprint
above a trillion super stars
illumine the temple dome
and a crescent moon floats
near the crown of my head
I've forgotten my name
and the way home
long ago washed out to sea

there is no existence apart
from You

I wander the dazzling shoreline
a cobra draped around my neck

I am Shiva
the thousand petaled One
Jun 2013 · 576
Heart Kiss
Will you kiss my heart tonight Lord?
And make me bloom lushly
like the lotus moon rising over
a barren and lifeless desert

how I languish in the scattered funeral
petals of another orphaned day
seeking only Your radiance and
those luminous orbs that dance
around the sun forever

Who can love me like You—God?
robed in a long dark dream
I wait in the orange embers
of Your Presence
for the only caress that
really matters
the only kiss
that truly endures
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