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135 · Sep 2021
last time this way there  was blood



there was a handkerchief to staunch it

this morning it felt quite like autumn
135 · Aug 2022
when sprayed
with cosmetic fixative
glow pink
135 · Mar 2022
.dark the day.
a tragic happening when

history and the day collide

each taking care of their own

as we should

darker hours


the mind wanders
135 · Feb 27
i find
the memories are not as you may think.
i have new ones.
135 · Dec 2021
there seems to be an echoing a glitch in proceedings

so we came in the back way and exclaimed like blimey

there will probably be much of this with all this being

static like some caravans

and other mobile things
134 · Jun 2023
. clouds .
dark small cloud dropped rain.
still, the small birds sing
134 · Oct 2022
.this thing.
that all are temporary measures
temporary structures
and collage

so we can move things about

change things as we like
134 · Dec 2022
..taking a break.
the roads here are winding, the leaves are changing.

best not to bang the teapot down on serving, best
to tell the truth.
134 · Mar 2023
concentrate, all comes into focus,

these are the warmer days, days of independance.

days to charm
133 · Feb 2023
tiny things become intimate

you may put them in cases, or hang on pins

straight or safety, it becomes political

the choice is yours

bulldog clips
133 · Apr 2023
seems there may be some connection

some call it a trigger

some things leave us cold and wondering
133 · Feb 3
varying kinds
and ages

it dries and cracks if not stored with care

biscuit tins are useful
133 · Mar 2022
.note for james.
no snow here yet at all  and fairly warm just now. stood outside in the lightening dawn and noticed the birds come differing as if they know.

.the is an owl out there near the wood.

.i like this time, the new start as if nothing untoward  happens.

.later when light I remember it does.
133 · Nov 2023
decide which
petulant shadow hides

honesty abounds yet the flags
will find us.
133 · Sep 2021
normal is what you know . normal is what your family is.

and then you learn different

learn different things

that others consider normal

later you make your own normal


your own family
133 · Jan 29
maybe we need to check our numbers at the end, see if one or more are missing.          count them carefully, one side then the is all a pattern, that keeps us safely,        moves us
133 · Mar 2022
.keeping warm.
they used to be called siren suits here and were mainly designed to clothe children during the blitz I believe, and the fashion continued  after, though I never had one.

.was surfing the other moment and came across a heated garment, which sounded cosy and as for hands I have no idea.

.smiley face.
132 · Jun 2021
so you wake and hear the sound

then change your plans

arrow the tasks forward

then check the website and do not amend

accept the substitutes or refunds

move the car up

open the gate carefully so it does not break


these are little things

some of you out there are suffering

and how can I help?

the bear sighs and turns over
132 · Mar 2023
becomes part of the
a mark on the horizon

could change it for another yet it has become
a mantra

a pause like in breathing
132 · Apr 2023
.with blue.
comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue.

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine.

we can walk there and back or there

and bus back you see.

he said folk get used to anything
131 · Oct 2022
they say that manners maketh man,

yet boys in pyjamas

use them to be polite , asking for quality

131 · Aug 2023
wind blows ideas into our houses

messages bring connections

a busy day with folk talking

it was the weekend with time
to spare
131 · Jul 2023
they did not know she had many, neither did she. just collected one item at a time, cared fully for         each one of them.                                                                                                          catalogued
131 · Dec 2022
. daily .
from the windows saw,

the softest steam morning

on the mountain.

the promise of another

day in wonderland.
131 · Mar 2023
all became a thing yesterday
regarding these marks of ours

a bit of a collaboration
on twitter and we finished
on this

i hope you do not mind
130 · Mar 2022
.sea swim.
sea swim
is saturdays at ten in the morning,
sundays later at eleven.

this too remembered in the bathroom.
we use the pool, mainly.
130 · Jul 2022
.touch the surface.
maybe some do not plunge right in
just dabble on the surface

flick in puddles
like little birds
130 · May 2022
.gently gently.
gently gently make those little

make things interesting

move it about
130 · Apr 2023
the clouds hang heavy

the mass, the clouds lay heavy, rain that came, that blinded again. blinded those that could not see the love and idle artefacts, each one a statement of nothing in particular.
130 · Mar 6
..the bungalows..
were built where the chickens did live

where the old cottages were and some time back a photo occurred to remind.


seemed modern to me, then the Shirley’s came, Mr and Mrs, with two boys in short trousers.

brian and the other one

they had wallpaper with galleons on while we had distemper  that was best not to lean on

my mum looked after those boys and once took them to grans

think it was Brian who slipped on the glass roof he climbed and split his leg open

next to them were a lady who had a baby born and showed me how to breastfeed with a rubber **** and me a child under 8

i think there were three bungalows in all

them days mother did not shop at coop,  nor did her mother  either, something regarding dividends
130 · Mar 18
.lower field.
we watched it come down over the mountain spreading
as the cloud passed by the sun
after cooling indoors we went to see
the maker in the lower field
130 · Feb 2023
where is the power house,
metal books he said.

concrete palaces for those
that prey.

he grew it plant like,
fought it,
numbered it
130 · May 2023
goes where it leads me, a kind of conversation between me and the work, but drawing on what is in mind.

“A kind of diary?”
130 · Apr 2022
some was in code.

the numbers were senseless.

whatever was wrong yesterday is gone today, yet there is still that buzzing in the ears.
130 · Aug 2023
the mothth as collage.
a quiet ththing.
130 · Oct 2021
we here hope things there

are more settled than yesterday

yesterday in trying to say the right things

whilst also saying things


possibly uttered the wrong things

wishing you well while realising that it is not at all well
130 · Nov 2023
have a photo here of up the valley
where they used to stook the harvest

all the family out working the fields

in the evening it came cooler
for rest
129 · May 2021
.the excitement.
in having found a book to read

in the corner chair by the curtain


delivered free by the library in town

the excitement in finding the place ready

facing the fire

the weather steady outside

a while

the fabric rich and heavy

safe from the arctic storm
129 · May 2023
comes a wider space, with mistakes and misgivings.

nothing in this world is perfect. it is raining today.
129 · Dec 2022
.over there.
deep holes,

cut grass and wiping stones.

there is a place.
128 · Dec 2021
the anxiety failed later in the day

a more comfortable place as i
watched other peoples ways and

we saw the lights in the village
128 · Nov 2023
..poole hill..
one way,
and  another.

up poole hill
or down.

you kissed me.
127 · Jun 2023
don’t work if not connected, if not tuned in, you would think the experts would know that.  we need to signal to another.
127 · Nov 2021
.montgomery one.
thankyou for the prompt, the questions.

some times there is no answer, no words to describe.

yesterday i went alone to hold those feelings private

there was joy in the small things

chips from the shop the first for two years

ate in the sun under the particular trees

the absence of red soap and the joy of seeing the garden again, the galvanised cold frames

and wondering why only eight of her children were carved in the church recess when she bore ten

yet I tell you this

it were a lovely day with new surprises

and confirmation that I never wish to win

127 · Mar 2023
differing light

shades and all that surrounds

i drew them later
my way
127 · Jun 2023
.leaning again.
some folk don’t say much
some folk manage
quite well


being independent
127 · Oct 2022
. untitled.
is your head clear today, loose limbs, while mild air floats above.   will you go the other way, as you did yesterday?
127 · Dec 2021
we lifted the soakaway cover rusty after years

saw a slow worm sleepy while ants ran about

placed the first in the ferns and waved to the others

drain rods functioned with a little resistance

distance calculated ,wiped and put away

indoors the sink runs clear

while i am educated
126 · May 2023
breaking cups    spilling tea will abuse the hospitality

please come. i have the kettle on.    this is not the time

for hostility
126 · Mar 2021
.audience participation.
my goodness

such a thing to see while out
and about

such a high up place to be

in a field near here
along the main road
at hengwrt are three little

horses that run together
like in a circus those days

now there are no animals
mainly clever folk being smart
or funny

i miss the circus top
over by the cob

there is no panto either

which is an abbreviation for

there are the stories james

with audience participation

have you been to the circus?
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