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125 · Oct 2023
you thought we were broken
yet we watch you solidly, bravely like joan
with just one comma throughout
125 · Aug 2022
see the softest looking clouds
if that is where that work came

with gentle grey
125 · Feb 2023
trawsfynydd, we forgot the buzzing,

only heard the wind, for

wind there was this time.

the sky predominant, a gap

for the light to pass
125 · May 2021
.side effects.
she asked about side effects and though
after reading the instructions felt there

were none apart from the pigeons
noted before

when suddenly came the surge of energy
born from hatred of the overgrown

box hedge

we love the little national trust hedges
clipped and sturdy

not this high hanging woody affair

tried to trim the top
ended sawing the bottom
destroying the thing

a fit of peak they say

and having done so moved on to the other
larger affair by the gate

which rhymes with hate

you see

the joy next morning
when looking out
saw them gone

later the asda man came
125 · Jul 2022
.sparkles rain.
light is wonderful

lifts the brain and  limbs


sparkles   rain  the morning

once again we have the repetition

of words

shapes fly
125 · Dec 2022
.brown paper.
one way,

and  another.

up poole hill

or down.

you kissed me.
124 · Jul 2022
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low

over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.

all is dust, as dust we have become.
124 · Dec 2023
.early yet.
early yet
I have to tell you
i went a different way
to avoid the usual
124 · Aug 2021
we are all looking after ourselves
carefully here as you suggested

family, few friends too

as I hope you are too

there is a routine come natural
with walking peering
and poking with sticks

there is drawing as you know
and they come as magic for company

the red especially

thick and covering the plainess

i give them cardigans with buttons
and sometimes dots

i looked out yesterday at the raining
on and off all day

washing in and out

then cotton bits ironed for i like the feel of it

you look after yourselves too
124 · Oct 2021
.the beetled yugen.
my beetle, dead, not buried. i keep them, yet it fell to the floor, mysteriously lost. we try to turn disasters round, here, knowing it will be found, some time. my dear sweet sexton, the burying kind.

i learn about sub soil, all things growing,

the logistics of death.

just stand and watch the season change, note the dew and separate ideas.   remember that you stand alone. are not alone from                                                  criticism and contradiction.

beetles here turn over, legs waving, we turn them back, then, it is all repeated.    empathy kicks in for all small folk who suffer,                                                    who cry in dark corners.

yet i have mislaid  the black beetle too.

it was some time ago we lost.the sexton.

that feeling, that .

arrives unexpected from darkness, some winters’ mornings,

opening the door to the sound of one black bran bird calling.

track four repeated. that

comes on waking finding peace and comfort bound in clean

arises with perfume, an uncertain memory.

it may be chemicals, peptides in the brain as love, what
ever the germ or warfare

I find no word to describe, no random feather nor dust on
my plate. pass a finger.

that feeling of trimmed nails upon the keys pounding
words and silences.

while music plays. that feeling. that.

syrup stings my tongue.
124 · Jun 2023
did i sit quietly thinking
then place a few
things together?

124 · Oct 2021
.mixed fibres.
the miracle of modern fabric,

when the door eventually opened,

i found not red runny,

nor shrunken woolly,

but just  clean washing…..

the miracles of modernity.
124 · Dec 2021
while waiting and through the *****

left saw one golden tree

autumn cameo

each little thing
123 · May 2022
. living alone.
did not tell no one,

that while out walking

thinking of you in ukraine

my feet tangled in debris and i fell flat.

my mind is broken yet my phone and glasses
remain intact

my knee bled. my hands to save me

scabbed. limped back to you.

you who bandaged

& fed me sweet things.

will continue to think of you in ukraine, to walk alone in solidarity.
123 · Feb 2023
a whisper from you came

a good idea

to stop those dreams and headaches

the moon came bright with yet another name
123 · Jul 2022
and wonder if there is any hope

will they miss me there or
merely carry on regardless
123 · Jun 2023
slower morning here today. the radio plays.

dove grey overcast sky. heavy they say.

maybe rain?
122 · Oct 2021
.wooden wheels.
moving on

things are now more ornate

in a rustic mode

me cutting thin slithers

so next i shall make wooden wheels

for something
122 · May 18
..national trust..
dark/ we painted it
all vaguely national
122 · Aug 2023
..add title..
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any other embellishment like bows

you know
121 · Sep 2023
i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others
121 · Jan 2023
..teapot 2..
don’t use a teapot

but evidently many do,

and cosy up together.

they don’t squish teabags, have leaves,

and stewing on the gas ring,

like mother, reducing it to

poison on my tongue.

i like the leaves to look at,

smell, like the small packet

we used to have, paper lined

in those days.
121 · Apr 2023
.lower field.
we watched it come down over the mountain spreading


as the cloud passed by the sun

after cooling indoors we went to see

the maker in the lower field
121 · Mar 2023

is was dark blue with a little red added

lasted two weeks and still prominent.

much has happened since
120 · Nov 2022
lady on the bus told me her sister kept lots of soap and what did I think.

I says she sounds like me.
120 · Oct 2021
.drawn in.
make some thing of the scratches and nibs,

home in on detail

and begin

to enjoy

the cuts and scrapings.
perhaps it helps them to feel safe
or is it designed by those
who wish to keep them

i wonder

120 · Aug 2021
.comic books.
maybe you had your own money
not the exact amount  handed

to my brothers
with prime instructions

and no looking at the
forbidden places

nor loitering by the cafe


bought by mother
as a gift

where were  the choices

you seemed to have

not here, not here.

120 · Sep 2023
yesterday I watched a documentary
about monkeys
119 · Feb 20
intentions to change it all
then see what is already there and
carry on quietly
knowing the change will come
whether slowly or suddenly
119 · Mar 2022
.these questions.
can you clamber
through the rocks
slipping into water
oily boots leaking?

can you stride out
over dewy moors
peat bogged
with no direction?
119 · May 9
. lighter days.
now the days grow lighter, my head is
tied back on, and all seems well.
119 · Feb 26
time is limited these days.
those one admired in youth
devastate us now.

can we know all things .we
only went twice ?
118 · Apr 2022
.dots repeated.

to say no, or even to fail softly with a sloping line

tapering off into dots repeated

the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic
118 · Jan 2021 not wish to die.
or any day. do not wish to hide

do not wish to run

to take the boat and steer

to take the hiatus i fear

it crossed so many times

each time delivering

some time sinking

while we are shouting that

we do not wish to die

my son

wrote of it before

the last crossing

having paid the price we hope to be delivered

knowing that in depth we drown

the island blessed

sandy tracks to wander

in memory

like birds we flew

now it comes commercial

no crossing
118 · Jun 2022
it comes a wider space, with mistakes and misgivings.

nothing in this world is perfect.
118 · Dec 2022
rain comes here in waves
reflecting feelings

sometimes i can smell the sea
though some miles from the shore
118 · May 2022
. and this.
into the wild wood

feet plant into earth


skin sharp with lingered  frost

dust motes sing my heart high
118 · Aug 2023
he asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts
ghosts of humans
when we are gone
118 · Aug 2022
. unaccustomed bag.
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any other embellishment like bows

you know
118 · Jan 2022
black rook, flies over white moon
118 · Aug 2023
was noted that some folk aren’t bothered and carry on without looking
the difference is a thing
118 · Aug 2021
the neighbour had put plants for sale outside and unlike last year they were all desirable so now are mine. much reorganizing and planting in the morning.

roofer arrives after nine and will take about 10 days he says. is friendly from the roof and no bother at all.
118 · Jun 2023
. fifth .
things will do for now
until it changes again

118 · Dec 2022
.summer shore.
Shoreline would be more an exploration of the concept….shorelines more related to actual examples… about that?
117 · Nov 2023
the power house rears its head again,
pouring images down
like rain.
117 · Jan 24
.regarding donuts.
Which are often spelled as doughnuts.

My confession comes next.

I thought about those donuts a lot, and wondered if it is the jam or the crispy sugar coat which is the main delight.

So guiltily thought of visiting while in Portmadog and eating one without you and then feeling the need to confess on meeting with you.

Even pushed the door yet they were closed.

The alternative was Spooners yet even there would not be the same without your company, so went to the Port and just had coffee.

Bought a pack of donuts in Tesco before catching the bus.

On return see on Social media that Spooners was closed for refurbishment anyhow.

I hope it don’t snow.

Hoping you have had a good week also, maybe with some donuts…

With all this talk of donuts, remembered Mum taking us to an ideal home exhibition at the Wiinter Gardens and she bought a metal donut implement to fry batter.


Note..If you are arrived in Blaenau early on Tuesday, the Model Bakery there used to/may have donuts, the heaviest I have ever eaten…

That got me through the first months on my own.

Looking up observe the doll has dusty hair.
117 · Jun 2022
feels necessary to hold onto memories
and to repeat myself
117 · Jun 2022
there a little cloud with teardrops

a wash of shadowed grey
117 · Apr 2021
.kitchen utensils.
you remember it perfectly
describe with accuracy

the colander metal and bent
for straining the peas and
other vegetables

potato masher

i have that too but may
have photographed the
wrong one

we shall see later

mummy’s hammer kept
in the third drawer down
even now

even now I have her fish slice
though I don’t eat fish

you know

you know
we have different memories about some things
different opinions on other matters

yet we think of her colander

both the same
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