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156 · Jul 13
.like birds.
the island blessed

sandy tracks to wander
in memory

like birds we flew
156 · Jul 2023
who knows what lies underneath

here the land goes up and down

water drains

into rivers
156 · Mar 11
..pretty thing..
is a pretty thing especially today with the backdrop being darker
156 · Apr 2022
the coffee affair with pods and seasons is recordable
into a small book, a journal of morning feelings while

i use a spoon for instant gratification . the modern
is much improved on the old ways
155 · Mar 25
the pattern remains the same,
the sentences longer. this is not an issue, and is
accepted gratefully.

they say that the latter will bring immense relief,
to try it consciously.
154 · Aug 2022
.some days.

once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all

comes well some days.
154 · Aug 2023
is a simple thing,
to think sideways,
practice makes a hindrance
when others think straight.
154 · Apr 2023
. we hesitate.
hope to revert to an earlier
idea of smudge and carbonate


you see
there is no control
only that we think we have
which is probably all imagined
153 · Dec 2021
hiding did not work
for was caught up with
in the lane
asked to explain

talked randomly about slate fences
and temporary miniatures
153 · Oct 2022
slate slides
mud slips
rain falls

seems higher this time
water expands to where i see
the edge
153 · Feb 2022
. 3 .
maybe connections are missed the link dismissed. metaphors faint as my flimsy whispers symbols do you deny me peace?

perhaps you utter the words constantly? look closely
153 · Sep 2022
. briefly .
slipped sideways.

while all remains the same, something is different.
152 · Jun 2023
..sunday early..
moving on i feel it was a flashback
to the girl who wished for quiet and
can remember  in detail
151 · Aug 2023
..not raining..
some of us most of us
tucked inside
becoming whiter
small white teeth
151 · Jan 2023
.it's a thing.
going quiet sometimes, not knowing why.

being smaller with the year almost gone.

marvelling at the looseness of the rediscovered vest

forget the leg moisturiser,

therefore fail as a modern being.
150 · Sep 2021
days left,

three voices

rise, until just one is heard

there is always something
which is often nothing

to worry about

stressing over imagined happenings
which don’t  occur

she came worried about monkey pox
so made her ordinary  tea

the next day I travelled  up
walked the streets and saw

the stories there
for a change

the voices rise
150 · Jan 26
.late january.
life goes on
the mark remains

it was remarked that there is no hurry
that we have the rest of the winter
149 · Jun 2022
.tent shelter.
wild here this morning
wind in the chimney
rain on the glass

and talking of that
little lamp blew down outside


never mind

sleep was rattled by weather
thoughts of war too hard to write

yet one day i will

i guess you know more than me

i don’t know what a tent shelter is

but I can imagine

so far few plans for a day unless it clears

148 · Aug 2023
. the difference .
slipped sideways.

while all remains the same, something is different.
148 · Aug 2023
.the box.
asked why i wanted it
i said that i did not know

he had a box in the room
to stand on
to see

we may all need one of those
148 · Mar 2023
. this .
varying kinds

and ages

it dries and cracks if not stored with care.

biscuit tins are useful
148 · Jan 2023
. lines.
think i may like to travel to small places,

old and full of history. deep aged fabrics

stained with the words of time. to touch
147 · Feb 2023
. one .
we were friends’

more than that with promises that faded into silence.

i woke this morning the same
147 · Sep 2022
..look aside..
you notice small things too
and record them slightly

those touches, nuances

do you see the way they
glance, look aside
147 · Mar 2022
feel for the beautiful moments
that pass & not recorded here
147 · Dec 2022
.small red boat.
do not wish to hide

do not wish to run

to take the boat and steer

to take the hiatus i fear
146 · Jul 22
.not raining yet.
some of us most of us
tucked inside
becoming whiter
small white teeth
145 · Apr 2
we shall have more drawings
i can see the marks & lines
pushing through
despite the weather
145 · Sep 2022
google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
145 · May 2022
little bits of paper




until useful

144 · Jul 2022
best to be gentle with those and all other things…
144 · May 23
do not know everything
only my version
a fraction of the whole
blue sky thinking
144 · Jul 2022
fear of falling,
and losing
the soft words
of my life
144 · Jun 2021
.gardeners world.
when the painting was finished

the green house door fell off

so laughing we propped it on the chair inside

a donation

he suggested white nasturtiums quieter than the hot colours

i have ordered some via cashback

to come by post like the chocolate egg yesterday

or was that a trick?

once he suggested one hundred blue bells

they are growing too

i thinks of these things while watching monty don this morning

with coffee early
144 · Feb 18
.dinner with siblings.
told him when he asked about dinner
with his sister

we laughed and the wind blew things
143 · Mar 14
said old people fold notes
i felt insulted.

she said it bothered her a lot
when she counted them.

we should keep them flat
others may agree
143 · Feb 2023
your time will come

i will wait politely here until the time
and hope predicted don’t change

no more
142 · Dec 2023
comes a differing hue
with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town
at one seventy nine
142 · Nov 2023
.chalk .
rain comes here in waves
reflecting feelings

sometimes i can smell the sea
though some miles from the shore
140 · Dec 2022
the sounds


once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all

comes well some days.
139 · Oct 2023
of this and that
of nothing in particular
that no one else  will
139 · Feb 2021
.tick eater.
some are wizards

some come predicted

while in bristol working

she asked the relationship because he liked

stuff of mine

on reflection see that she noted these things a lot


others would not have noticed

then a decision was made

by one party agreement by the other


frying potatoes  for tea

skins gone crispy

clean the cooker  top

some draw

while others draw out

tick eater
robot is both

a wood block
some stickers

you know how it goes

then batteries are a thing
with their unexpected deletions

or should we mean depletion

i imagine is nice out cycling
with another

sharing experiences
137 · Jul 2022
. no words.
look at the weathered walls

hear the song come random

with words true for us with no argument

and our insides curl

with these feelings
137 · Oct 2022
light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
137 · Oct 2022
.new work.
thankyou and say it is only temporary

balanced or tied with string

though overnight decided to use the glue gun
136 · May 2023
.the other side.
"Is art a box that you climb into?”

“Well, yes, I guess it is. I never thought of it like that”

“Are you compartmentalizing?”
hope to revert to an earlier
idea of smudge and carbonate
you see
there is no control
only that we think we have
which is probably all imagined
136 · Apr 2023
time is limited these days.

those one admired in youth

devastate us now.

can we know all things, we

only went twice ?
135 · Mar 2022
.dark the day.
a tragic happening when

history and the day collide

each taking care of their own

as we should

darker hours


the mind wanders
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