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178 · Dec 2022
the mountains here

a home, a refuge plain

and simple things, the ordinary

become as sacred in our life
177 · Nov 2022
became slightly nervous looking up
at it
retreated to the studio
177 · Dec 2021
.golden rod.
his uncle grew golden rod
lived by the chapel, died a
few years ago

i thought him a quiet gentle man
176 · Feb 2023
.pat says.
winter brings
blind mountain soaked,
peat bogged, sulking
in wet cyclists, heaven colour
of gold on grey again.

he clears the leaves each day
from formal lawn
looks up
as i look at him,
a glimpse
outside .

good is in the small things.
pat says.
176 · Feb 2023
small thing  ragged who knows all of it

pieces torn away


is it a moth here in the dark?

triangles bring mystery

a new mathematics

the rooms were swept yesterday

bones hidden

teeth implied

yet the shape remains embedded
175 · Dec 2023
stood steady in wonder

watched the dark bleed

across the sky

watch birds scatter
175 · Dec 2022
the clouds waiting as you

there are many to fascinate
give them names and fluff

becomes fact
a place one can recognise
175 · Jun 2023
time is limited these days. those one admired in youth devastate us now.   can we know all things, we only went twice ?
175 · Apr 23
tapering off into dots repeated
the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic
174 · May 2022
just stand and watch the season change, note the dew and separate ideas.  

remember that you stand alone. are not alone from                                                  criticism and contradiction.
174 · Aug 1
.boxed sets.
the idea left us dancing.
use what is already there,
make do and mend
174 · Jun 2021
.string beans.
she sat on

the kitchen chair out back

in the sunshine

dressed plain except the floral


lips tight of concentration

she cut beans for dinner

runners from up the garden

i watched and remembered
173 · Jan 2022
.night birds.

in the dark

in the night
173 · Sep 2023
you like birds?

as do i

neither of us employed
&  i am vaguely idle
173 · Aug 2023
you notice small things too
and record them slightly

those touches, nuances
do you see the way they
glance, look aside…
171 · Oct 2023
.light rain.
some thing is changing here,
so slight it can hardly be

yet it has been.  a feeling,
came with the light rain .

the quietness

all things are changing
169 · Oct 2023
. local .
as he left the garden
he said they may be working nearer home now.
169 · Aug 4
.before we forget.
must we write about it before we forget,
before  people come and disagree?

they have small waists and a  national costume
168 · Jun 26
. ritual.
large rocks
fenced off yet
maybe i will
creep through
and touch
one quiet day

one stone
one finger touch
a ritual
168 · Jul 5
was dark blue with a little red added
lasted two weeks and still prominent
168 · Mar 2021
.order of service.
(or the timetable)

some places there is an order
of service
a timetable

it was cold in the night so we
all huddled in like it was a single

when it is double

we make a nest
and warm up

i have a pet fly now

whose name is almond
so I call him marc
as an endearment

yesterday google said he
will live for 0.8 years
this morning she said two weeks

i have not seen him today
perhaps he is still to sleep?

the bear will cry out at 11pm……

167 · Nov 2021
did you find a pin there, did you pick it up and stick it?   did you stay safe, wrap the shawl around and hold    it   close?        did you see my life breaking, bring me pins for mending? …
167 · Nov 2021
there is news from the village

some is good and all there is tidy.

while some comes shocking and hard

to bear


fighting the predictions
166 · Apr 2023
. 3 .
the pattern remains the same,
the sentences longer. this is not an issue, and is
accepted gratefully.

they say that the latter will bring immense relief,
to try it consciously.
166 · Jul 2021
black crow bird

sits on fence

165 · Jan 2023
red depleted.i use blue,
oh the darkness of it all,the surface tension,

primeval scream
hidden by centuries of crimson
165 · Oct 2023
courage to walk away
from objects that irritate
our eyes, to eat another way,
with snakes and camphor oil.

you know what i mean
165 · Mar 2022
yet there are paths,

walked, not just

by one or two.

or rabbits.

have young feet run here,

or solitary folk, thinking,

watching light hit water
165 · Jul 15

no bus arrived the timetable lady was contacted and she explained the bus was due at 2.30 pm that my internet were wrong and no one was bothered what it said at bus stops
165 · Jul 2022
.small birds.
you like birds?

as do i

neither of us employed
&  i am vaguely idle

furlough ended &  was
invited back part time

you see i said no

& despite protestations
seem to enjoy

for now a bus ride
and coffee

for it is raining a little


164 · Sep 2022
we miss you if you do not visit
a while

and we get all our tenses and lines
wrong and have to go back in a hurry

to amend
164 · Sep 2022
.note regarding hats.
wore a bonnet
when very small

with matching coat and gaiters

she bought them from the shop on the corner

then the earache brought a wolly thing

that should be woollen

if one can spell right

i hated it and took it off

163 · Jul 2021
.the first scene.
can you fly from the window up into the hills where the trees are sawn down now

or maybe they used the machine

he was correct you know about the work along the estuary being drainage

the cut is ready
ditch is deep
mud banked

do you become tiny
walk there in mind

find the chosen pathways
watch the birds and wild
flowers grow

below the scene plays out
the dead
with wildlife as punctuation
163 · Apr 2023
some make mistakes

i do and avoid the capitals

main thing is to weather the storms
and visit daily

i too lean slightly
161 · Feb 1

is was dark blue with a little red added

lasted two weeks and still prominent.

much has happened since
161 · Apr 2023
.when we walked.
high, mountain track,
scattered trees, country

spend the day , waterlogged
moor, black rooted, bring it home.
160 · Apr 2023
.breaking through.
tides are higher now, flooding the paths. he walked the mud, bringing the footsteps back to us
160 · Feb 2
..painting it white..
becomes larger as time moves on.
it started early, with greek poetry,
the radio, which played all day.
159 · May 2023
things come awry and we leave it so

the random nature of things

faintly corrupted
159 · May 2023
there is nothing quite like changing stuff,

you see he always came on tuesday, but then

we started writing that day, so he will come

on thursday each month.
159 · Mar 8
hesitate again
look down

regret my first sentence

maybe will say it some other time
158 · Nov 2021
or is it the air changing?

mood settles, or is it the
time of year?
158 · Nov 2021
down the centre of town
an avenue in fall

and the day came divine
157 · Oct 2022
.sea swim.
sea swim
is saturdays at ten in the morning,

sundays later at eleven.

this too remembered in the bathroom.
we use the pool, mainly.
157 · Aug 2022
we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking to a misted world
157 · Jan 2021
.these trees.
feels like autumn now, cat is in, windows misted.

a challenge to describe   these trees as suggested

the gentle good,  dawel disgyn,  little time

left, nor funds for flying.

tiny things become intimate

you may put them in cases, or hang on pins

straight or safety, it becomes political

the choice is yours

bulldog clips

you are the curator.

maybe things are red with black

157 · Mar 2
this is a little model.

it may be full of
157 · May 1
there is nothing quite like changing stuff,
you see he always came on tuesday, but then
we started writing that day, so he will come
on thursday each month.
156 · Jul 2023
who knows what lies underneath

here the land goes up and down

water drains

into rivers
156 · Apr 2022
the coffee affair with pods and seasons is recordable
into a small book, a journal of morning feelings while

i use a spoon for instant gratification . the modern
is much improved on the old ways
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