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204 · Feb 2022
before the cut were shadows


needed to be removed.
203 · Nov 2022
.fine lines.
a fine line we walk,
gently avoiding peptides,only just a theory,

yet used independently,
alongside honest work,
for mending.
203 · Feb 2022
he seemed surprised yesterday that i had completed the task

to ensure the proportions looked right for me

it is part of the job and if it is diaried must be done
200 · Mar 2023
maybe we need to check our numbers at the end, see if one or more are missing.          count them carefully, one side then the is all a pattern, that keeps us safely,        moves us

200 · Jan 2022

a slightly better sounding word
than covid

and more readily in predicted
199 · Sep 2022
.white dress.
lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it

today, a reminder of fragility.
199 · Sep 2023
. as a child .
tell us things, take us without consent. there are no records
199 · Jul 2022
the sea is quiet as we have never seen it

sun as hot as it gets

like summer

they gloried in it
198 · Aug 2022
. dimensional.
it will pool, deep and dark,

still, inviting.

deep waters to sooth pain,
198 · Nov 2022
there have been a couple
of incidents but now she

is in disguise
with different
197 · May 2022
. now .
we now descend into darkness,
drawn into night,

mistakes crossed, all can see
the errors ,the blots,that soak
the skin, the stain within.
195 · Mar 2023
. remember.
look at each gentle place,
to keep in a pocket
of love,for that rainy
day, you do not go.
194 · Sep 2023
.american beauty.
yet when
she said my friend looked pretty
that I smelled nice
I sagged a little.

later that day
i found a message
from a soldier in the usa
holding a puppy & a rose
calling me a beauty
194 · Nov 2023
i have the same,
usually, i felt like
a change today.
193 · Dec 2023
.imagining my heart.
my heart is in my chest

a particular siding

i feel it sometimes

when i am walking hard or eating chilli

so i avoid that last thing


pink i expect with tubes

mostly like in the pig’s hearts

mum used to buy from the butchers

for dinner

now i am vegetarian

i think that if i have a soul

it may be behind the heart


and maybe that is where my work

comes from

it seems odd that at times of rest and when all is quiet around

that i cannot hear it

nor the other workings

like lungs and veins and stomach


except the latter rumbles
193 · Feb 8
no one
is looking, there is no one here. we are not afraid of
the night.

we spin.
193 · Apr 2023
tell you it is a full and complicated story

that may upset.

i wrote it quickly using shape,colour,

metaphor and symbol.
193 · Nov 2021
drawing the child with found fabrics

watching the marks come good, no dots
yet they came
without warning
193 · Mar 2023
life goes on
the mark remains

it was remarked that there is no hurry
that we have the rest of the winter
192 · May 2023
quiet slow and uneventful

it left lasting impressions

a simple drawing out
192 · Jan 2023
. threads. .
much of the time is spent with this or other things which pass the day nicely. linen  hangs  heavy, needles preserved. small holes ready.

it don’t work if not connected, if not tuned in, you would think the experts would know that.  we need to signal to another.
192 · Jan 1
think i may like to travel to small places,
old and full of history. deep aged fabrics
stained with the words of time. to touch
191 · Jan 8
feels necessary to hold onto memories
and to repeat myself
191 · Sep 2023
.charity mug.
duck egg blue
the ironmongers in town
at three seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there
and bus back you see
191 · Aug 2022
covered in wool against the cold.  bales taken down river , down to the harbour down

to the cob.

on boats .
190 · Dec 2022
.go google.
went to blaenau in the rain
you may google that
so best
add ffestiniog to the name
190 · Apr 7
some doubt climate change
despite the science
she says we shall have sunny spells
189 · Aug 2023
no bus arrived the timetable lady was contacted and she explained the bus was due at 2.30 pm that my internet were wrong and no one was bothered what it said at bus stops
189 · Sep 2021
this time of morning i eat a bun maybe
or croissant which is french

drink coffee
watch the news

that seems to be mostly sport
so i idly look up  while writing

my blog

i have tried watching tennis
i like the clothes and think
of friends who enjoy it

there are no real spectators
due to the sick


sometimes i see the film reviews
with the nice presenter

i like him
I like films

i sip my coffee
189 · Dec 2023
splits into fragments, pieces

that don’t fit

it is all a puzzle
188 · Nov 2022
some thing is changing here,

so slight it can hardly be


yet it has been.  a feeling,

came with the light rain .

the quietness

all things are changing
187 · May 2021
come morning early rather than dark

fish that are insects on the pantry shelf

the necklace chosen each year

a gift


the memory of travel come fleeting while writing

at least we did that.

hair now…..
187 · Aug 2022
.the gray mare.
rules come away. a differing

place,  turning in the year.

it came gently.
186 · Feb 2021
.small white teeth.

the road up over comes quiet

sheep stand in groups watching

cattle in a neighbouring field

moved higher due to predicted flooding

it is autumn now proper

some of us most of us

tucked inside

becoming paler


small white teeth
186 · Apr 2022
.sea stones.
sat at the stones

by the water

the white one cracked open and I shall keep it as memory


how we prepare for fall
185 · Jul 2021
have you been to the wild wood?

not the one down the lane here
that is private and inaccessible


the one down the road by the estuary
is all mossy and twisty paths

which requires a lot of watching the step
and with that comes the discovery of

certain twigs of the right colour and design

during lockup we only saw ours
now come many varieties
to enjoy and at a later day


for now we learn the paths
watch the ways of the wood

while opposite

the wood

balance carefully
in orange vehicles

185 · Mar 15
will watch the film on perception tomorrow alongside
another. red & white.  they say it will change my life.

meanwhile i **** boxes.
185 · Mar 2023
no one

is looking, there is no one here. we are not afraid of

the night.

we spin.
185 · Aug 2022
. media .
when sprayed
with cosmetic fixative
glow pink
182 · Oct 2022
. the window .
the air moves

on my skin.

i turn

look past the curtain

see the face again.

181 · May 12
font and image.
to twice the normal extent
or degree.
things happen, we deal,
cards are set, dice thrown.
life moves on.
181 · May 3
stains the cup if left standing,
remember the hotel, 1964,
we used to scour them especially
round the handle, then the base.
181 · Jul 2021
black crow bird

pecks kitchen towel.

nest lining.
180 · Jan 2022
there came a faint whistle.

they looked the other way..
179 · Nov 2022
. solo flight .
having chatted to an other
about seeing  stuff that
becomes personal when


reminding him is not odd
at all

endearingly different
to the hub

and we love those
that fly solo
these days

the difference is a thing
179 · Aug 2021
is fine here too this morning
a pinkish tinge with fluffy clouds

only I guess they ain’t fluff when you get up there
and no angels with harps sitting

for they would fall through
and fly or splat down

is like stars have no points really
is all a drawn out myth


the nicest thing about lighter evenings
is that I can lie in bed and see the big
old planes fly down the estuary and if

back inland again
179 · Aug 2022
.look up.
the clouds waiting as you

there are many to fascinate
give them names and fluff

becomes fact
a place one can recognise
179 · Jun 2021
.the menu.
I read the judgement just now and while ironing the cotton handkies consider my confession.

Some time back now I was in residence at Plas Newydd in Llangollen and read the lady’s diaries with an apostrophe.

They wrote their daily menus and so my entry included some of the found ideas. Yes, folk really ate that….and fish with liver sauces….

Thankyou for your pleasant comments. I have such sweaters. My two most comfy are….

The grey shapeless mohair over 50 years old bought second hand and other Nordic thing both warm and come gender fluid.

With capitals today.
179 · Oct 2022
handbag, not fit for any purpose than

delight and design.
178 · Dec 2022
the mountains here

a home, a refuge plain

and simple things, the ordinary

become as sacred in our life
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